The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I am looking for anyone’s unwanted Starveling Cats or for box trading partners. Add me on storynexus as: Kevin Wagner

I’d like to join cat swapping game too!

What exactly is useful about the Starveling Cat? All of the options I’ve seen related to it on the wiki appear to be highly deleterious, resulting in loss of items and increase of Menaces.

If you’re mad enough to Seek the Name then they’re very useful indeed.

The starveling cat! The starveling cat!
Just one more and my soul goes splat!

I’d be delighted to trade boxes with fellow seekers. The number is deliciously close…

What’s your Story Nexus id? (“Guy Scrum” doesn’t seem to work)

[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color]
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Story Nexus ID: [/color][color=rgb(51, 153, 255)]dov[/color][color=rgb(255, 255, 255)] [/color]
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)](social actions welcome)[/color]

I want to thanks all the kind (or cruel) souls who have sent boxes my way.
After many scratches and spider bites, I’m now the proud (and wounded) owner of a very hungry kitty!


As I understand, I’ll be needing 3 of the d-m creatures to progress with the insane quest for The Name.
So I’d be very thankful if any of you might still send any unneeded boxes my way. Though I perfectly understand if you give preference to folks who are still waiting for their first cat.

I’ll keep sending out boxes to people who’ve requested them here, of course.

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51, 153, 255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)

Having just acquired my last stain I can say that you need 4, not 3. You’ll lose 3 cats, and keep the last.

Four? I thought it was three. And after all this time I’ve only got one (which, I believe, was in one of Jelloarm’s boxes)… Well, thanks to everyone who’s trading with me, and keep them coming! I seem to be quite lucky at obtaining boxes these days myself.

You technically only need one, as far as I can recall, as long as you’re willing to pay a little fate. That’s the way I did it, anyway!

I seem to have come across a cat-in-a-box, to the postman’s surprise. Would anyone care for a trade?

I am keen to swap cats in boxes whenever I can, I have yet to receive a single cat… sniff

Want to be cat-swapping partners? I still need one more Starveling Cat, I think, and I’m happy to pass along any boxes I get to you.

[quote=Felicity Chase]I have 3 cats and I’d be quite happy to give most of them away. They’re not doing anything for me, and they’re eating all my food as well.

(Do either of you have a Twitter I could find you by?)[/quote]

Hi, Do you have a Starveling cat you can give to me? I need it to continue you my quest for mr Eaten. I’ll help you in anyway I can in return.

I’m seeking that dratted name and therefore also that darned cat. I’d like a partner for cat swapping, if anybody feels inclined. Let me know.

Want to be cat-swapping partners? I still need one more Starveling Cat, I think, and I’m happy to pass along any boxes I get to you.[/quote]
Do you still need a cat? One has come into my possession, and I shall not need it for quite a while. I’d be happy to get it out of my house.

The starveling cat! the starveling cat! Ran with my soul, no fate to get it back! If anybody wants to send excess cats to me, or trade boxed cats, I’d be happy to oblige. If the feast of the exceptional rose is still on, I’ll send you something as a token of my appreciation. In the fallen city, I trade by the name of Duggan EE
edited by Alexander Entrekin on 2/24/2013

I would also love to trade cats, as the Name is drawing me onwards. StoryNexus: Sam Barham

I, too, now find myself in need of cats. There’s this… Name… See… I’ve got a box. I’m willing to trade. On the Nexus I’m known by ‘The Nemo’. My hands are shaking and my brain is on fire… I’m sure it’s nothing. Nothing contagious at least… Heh. Heh heh… Heh hehe heh!

When I try to add “Duggan EE”, the system tells me that the user can’t be found. What’s your storynexus ID?