The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Eeeee yay I finally got a Starveling Cat! I think…do I need more for a later part of the storyline, or just the one?

Three or four total I think.

Many thanks to Jelloarm for my very own Starvling Cat! Also, curse you Jelloarm for burdening me with this loathsome thing! It has shreadded every scrap of cloth in my drawing room and now it won’t come out from behind the bookshelf. I’m not even sure how the hell it got back there. In any case, I am no longer in need of boxes, but I will definitely continue to send them out to those of you who, for whatever reason, still want one of the bloody rats.

Delayed edit: No need to send any more boxes. Thanks to all!

Hi all,

I’ll be very grateful for any box(s) sent my way.
I’d also be happy to send unopened boxes if anyone needs one.

edited by dov on 12/9/2013

[quote=dov]Hi all,

I’ll be very grateful for any box(s) sent my way.
I’d also be happy to send unopened boxes if anyone needs one.


Is there any way of contacting you (SN name, Twitter, FB?)

Is there any way of contacting you (SN name, Twitter, FB?)[/quote]

Story Nexus id: dov

Any other info needed? Have never used social actions in FL before, I’m afraid…
(My Twitter/FB are not connect to SN)

  • dov

Is there any way of contacting you (SN name, Twitter, FB?)[/quote]

Story Nexus id: dov

Any other info needed? Have never used social actions in FL before, I’m afraid…
(My Twitter/FB are not connect to SN)

  • dov[/quote]

StoryNexus ID is the best, I’d say, since it means I can add you w/o going through any 3rd parties =)

If any of you kind (or despicable souls) care to part with a precious hungry kitty for some misdeeds, please throw her my way. - it is for the cause.

I’ve received a box, courtesy of Bob the Shenandoahologist.
Unfortunately, it contained nothing but a spider…

Story Nexus ID: [color=#3399ff]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)
edited by dov on 2/3/2013
edited by dov on 2/3/2013

Well, I don’t have a kitty to send (still hoping to receive one myself), but I got here a box I can send your way.
Unfortunately, I seem to be unable to send it, as when I try to add you (“Lavi~Shroud”) to my friends list, I get an error of “The user could not be found”

Any suggestions?

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51, 153, 255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)

dov: I just sent another box your way. Hopefully it won’t be a spider this time.

Well, I don’t have a kitty to send (still hoping to receive one myself), but I got here a box I can send your way.
Unfortunately, I seem to be unable to send it, as when I try to add you (“Lavi~Shroud”) to my friends list, I get an error of “The user could not be found”

He probably has a different SN name than FL name =/
@Lavi: What’s the name that appears on the orange Story Nexus bar for you?

Many thanks for the box.
Unfortunately, I got bit by another spider… :-(

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51, 153, 255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)

Many thanks for the box.
Unfortunately, I got bit by another spider… :-([/quote]
Well, I believe the 2 people who I’ve been sending boxes off to have at least one cat each now, so I shall send the next few boxes I get your direction.

As I now have my very own little darling starveling, I am no longer in need of boxes. I will continue to send them on, however.

I’ve receive a couple of boxes (many thanks to Aximillio and to Krawald!).
One indeed had a cat (though a regular one and not a starveling) and the other contained another spider.

Many thanks for the boxes and please keep them coming.

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51, 153, 255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)

The chances of getting a starveling cat are somewhere in the neighborhood of 5% per box, and with chances that low, you’re going to see a lot of variability. While searching for my own cats, I literally went 100+ boxes without seeing a starveling cat, followed by obtaining 2 in the same day. (The RNG giveth and the RNG taketh away.)

Since you’re looking for at least three cats to continue your quest, what you need to do is find someone in a similar situation who’s willing to share boxes back and forth with you over an extended period of time until you both have the cats you need. (Or, alternatively, someone you have a pre-existing relationship with or can reward through other means who doesn’t need any cats of their own, which makes things easier though such arrangements are tougher to find.)

The odds of any one box giving you what you need are slim, so having someone send you a single box is unlikely to end your search. Given you’re likely to have 19 failures for each success, posting each time you didn’t see a starveling cat is likely to get a bit repetitive.

I knew the chances are low but didn’t know they were that low.

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51, 153, 255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)

Well, I’ve gotten two so far, and I guess I still need one more (or two more? Not sure). If you want, Dov, you and I could be cat-swapping partners like Tesuji suggested.

I knew the chances are low but didn’t know they were that low.

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51,153,255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)[/quote]

[quote=100indecisions]Well, I’ve gotten two so far, and I guess I still need one more (or two more? Not sure). If you want, Dov, you and I could be cat-swapping partners like Tesuji suggested.

Sure thing. Just sent a box your way.

Story Nexus ID: [color=rgb(51,153,255)]dov[/color]
(social actions welcome)