The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I seek out the Cat!
It comes in a box!
How delighted I’d be
To unwrap a fox!

I’m hunting for a Starveling Cat to spend some time with… on twitter @Jelloarm.

I could use a cat. I’m willing to send them as well.

EDIT: got my cat, thanks! I’ll still keep an eye on this thread and send the boxes out as I get them.
edited by Mark Gallacher on 1/15/2013

I’d be happy to both send and receive boxes in my quest to obtain a cat.

Sent you one, enjoy.

I’ve had a certain fondness for this ravening beastie from the beginning, but now that I’ve gotten further in a certain ill-advised quest, it appears I actually need one (or more). Any cats or boxes sent my way would be greatly appreciated, and I’m happy to reciprocate. I could use a few more contacts in the Neath anyway.

When you’re not imprisoned, exiled or something worse, I’ll send you one.

I’m at sea at the moment–I’ll let you know when I get back. Thanks!

Edit: The Starveling Cat hissed, pranced, and brought home ‘friends’ until my premises, myself, and my soul became quite stained! I am no longer seeking additional dreadful spitting felines.
Thank you an_ocelot!
Maerion (same name at profile, attempts to turn it in a link apparently have been Eaten while posting)
edited by Maerion on 1/19/2013
edited by Maerion on 2/17/2013

Just got back into town.

Just got back into town.

Need any more?

Yeah, I’m afraid that one was a spider.

I sent one your way friend! While you were gone I sent a few to Jelloarm as well. Hope it helps! I will send more your way, and if anyone has a box to spare I wouldn’t mind one myself.

Many thanks! So far I’m just getting spiders, though, so I’d love it if anyone could keep sending boxes my way.

Just passed one your direction!

Just passed one your direction![/quote]

Thanks! Cat this time, but not a Starveling. >_<

…well, at least a cat is a step in the right direction?

I just pulled another Pass the Cat card, so I sent it off your way.

As soon as I posted here, I received a Starveling Cat in a box - thank you very much! So now I am no longer in need of boxes. :)
edited by addlepated on 1/26/2013
edited by addlepated on 1/29/2013

I need someone to play with my plant. Ahem.

You can add me to your list. cathyr19355 in both FL and on Twitter.