The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

A turn of a card, and now I am on the road to damnation. I’ll need some cats for company… apparently they come neatly wrapped, but that is the only thing that is neat about them. Would anyone be so kind as to send me a cat or cat like package so as to aid me in my destructive quest?
Thanks in advance (I think)

EDIT: I guess then it was only fair to send me a spider back. No hard feelings either way.
edited by singularityshot on 12/11/2012

I asked in the Seeking the Name thread - I somehow overlooked this one.

Seeking 3 cats for the Name content boundary.

Character name is: [color=#ffffff]Howard John Abrahall[/color]

[color=#ffff00]EDIT: Many thanks to singularity shot - sadly I got 2 spiders to the face, but I appreciate the effort.
And to Imeja, who scored me my 1st Starveling Cat - 3 more to go!

Keep them coming folks, much appreciated![/color]
edited by Kravan on 12/11/2012

Desperately seeking a cat… or two… or… look just call me the Fallen London branch of the Blue Cross or the CPL.
Am happy to pass on rustling packages to other cat lovers.

[quote=muninnhuginn]Desperately seeking a cat… or two… or… look just call me the Fallen London branch of the Blue Cross or the CPL.
Am happy to pass on rustling packages to other cat lovers.[/quote]

One sent - I work from home, so get to flip my cards a lot.

singularityshot has been getting the rest so far.

Apologies to imeja - for some reason I’m having issues putting you in my friends list :(

My kingdom for a straveling cat or just tea and cookies. I need to know his names! I NEED!

(looking forward to box passing and well, a nice larder eating cat - Panthera_II )

I, too, still find myself craving gifts of containeroid or feline nature. While residing in Fallen London I am known as Bob the Shenandoahologist.

I am also seeking a cat, and am willing to endure a few spiders in the process. I am known as dulgor

Okay, Bob the Shenandoahologist and muninnhuginn, you have boxes waiting for you. I’ve made a list of recent requests and am working my way through them.

Forgot to say–no need to send me boxes back.
edited by an_ocelot on 12/22/2012

I am enmeshed in the quest for the Name, and understand I require the assistance of a certain feline to proceed. Very willing to send boxes back if necessary - my character name is the same as my forum user name.

Why oh why did I dispose of my starveling cats? It was during a period of overgoat-madness when I was flinging possessions away left and right. … Not that one truly possesses a starveling cat. Now I am Seeking, and desperate: Please pass me cats? Happy to reciprocate when I can. @stickfigureman says thank you.

I also am pursuing hungry felines, in order to… feed them! Feed them! Yes, that’s the ticket.

My game handle is Domitia Silvina. I just passed on a box, and will do so again when I receive more.

“The user could not be found”

My friend Alice Stravinsky is one cat away from the total required for her quest. She’d greatly appreciate any boxes sent her way, or a cat if someone is feeling especially generous. ^^

“The user could not be found”[/quote]

Hrm. I am fairly sure I exist. Please try again? If that doesn’t work, look for d_salo.

I too require a few cats for my quest… my game name is VoodooMaster. Thanks in advance, Delicious Friends!

I find myself requiring some cats for…ah, certain reasons. Happy to send boxes to others as I come across them - I am sure the Duchess will understand.

If you ask for Caoimhe Laird, I’m sure someone will point you my way.

That worked. Next box I get is for you (I have a list I’m rotating through.)

That returns an error message both with and without a space. If the “logged in as” and the “It’s ___!” are different, try the other one? (Can we get a clear explanation of how to find the proper name to put in the “Add Friend” box, please?)

StoryNexus names work, FallenLondon names don’t.
it’s Aximillio is Fallen London name, the one on the Storynexus, orange bar is Storynexus Name.
You can change your StoryNexus name on StoryNexus : World not Found, but not your Fallen London one (where you have your profile)
So it’s kind of ironic that we still use profiles for befriending…
edited by Aximillio on 1/2/2013

Aximillio, thank you! I don’t have a different one so I was just guessing. I shall update my sig accordingly.