The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Frithiof Engzell, I thank you for the boxes you have sent me. They both contained black cats, who have been kind enough to share their secrets before leaving in a mysterious manner. I would like to return the favor, but I have difficulties adding you to my friends list. In what form do you input a name with two words?

It is with joy that I receive the news about my boxes being put to good news. Regarding your failed attempts to befriend me in return, I advise you to try and add “Bob the Shenandoahologist”, spaces included, as that appears to be the name by which I should be referred to under circumstances like these.

Lads and ladies, thanks to all who’ve sent me care packages in the mail. I hate to make repeated calls for assistance like this, but I must beg for help in feline acquisition again, as all previous (kind-hearted) donations fell victim to fate’s fickleness… I didn’t get a cat. And while before I was asking for the sake of curiosity, now I’m staring at a card, all day every day, which I need a mange-ridden cat for. I’m quite out-of-sorts these days. The desire for a companionable kitty has become an all-driving need. Please help and let me know if I can do anything in my power for you, it shall be done.

Thank you all for your compassion and help; I have surpassed my final need for my slavering friend. You can stop sending me boxes and deliver those to ones in need, I am at home with the horrible evil I call Fluffy the Faceshredder. Once again, a deep thank you to the rumermonger’s network of box-traders who helped me find my enigmatic pet.

Fluffy the Faceshredder… what a cute name! :)

Kay, since I finally decided to end my hunt for a certain name, I’ve ended up with some excess cats. Anybody wishes to have them?
If there’s competition, people who write nice Starveling Dog poems will have precedence =Þ
(I expect I won’t send them out before sometime on Sunday, CET)

Btw, feel free to continue sending me boxes, I can always get rid of a cat =)
edited by Aximillio on 11/30/2012

Put me on the list for a Box of Cat. cathyr19355 in Fallen London and on Twitter.

[quote=Aximillio]Kay, since I finally decided to end my hunt for a certain name, I’ve ended up with some excess cats. Anybody wishes to have them?
If there’s competition, people who write nice Starveling Dog poems will have precedence =Þ
(I expect I won’t send them out before sometime on Sunday, CET)

Btw, feel free to continue sending me boxes, I can always get rid of a cat =)
edited by Aximillio on 11/30/2012[/quote]

That starveling dog
of your merely looks haunted.
Haiku, give me cats.

(My name is Bob the Shenandoahologist)
edited by Very dangerous tomato farmer on 12/1/2012
edited by Very dangerous tomato farmer on 12/1/2012

[quote=Aximillio]Kay, since I finally decided to end my hunt for a certain name, I’ve ended up with some excess cats. Anybody wishes to have them?
If there’s competition, people who write nice Starveling Dog poems will have precedence =Þ
(I expect I won’t send them out before sometime on Sunday, CET)

Btw, feel free to continue sending me boxes, I can always get rid of a cat =)
edited by Aximillio on 11/30/2012[/quote]

I would like to be counted as an option to recieve as well
As for the Poem:
The Starveling dog Draws near.
Once he gave me no fear.
But just like that,
He met a strange cat
and now he drives me to beer.

[quote=Aximillio]Kay, since I finally decided to end my hunt for a certain name, I’ve ended up with some excess cats. Anybody wishes to have them?
If there’s competition, people who write nice Starveling Dog poems will have precedence =Þ
(I expect I won’t send them out before sometime on Sunday, CET)

Btw, feel free to continue sending me boxes, I can always get rid of a cat =)
edited by Aximillio on 11/30/2012[/quote]

The starveling dog!
The starveling dog!
Feared as the vake,
And it smells like a frog!

A snarl and a tail
A hunger to destroy all
It hunts, starveling

Why oh why
Do the dog’s eyes glow?
Do his fangs crunch and snap?
Do his lips smack so?

Can you run away?
Find a place to go?
Woof snarl scream snap

Awesome poetry everyone!
Luckily I don’t have to judge who made the nicest ones, since I had 3 cats to rid my dog of.
Sent cat to Matt and Bob. When I manage to add you, Eric, you shall have the last but when I try to add ‘Eric Vimes’ I get a notification that '[color=#0066cc]The user could not be found[/color][color=rgb(174, 203, 222)]’.[/color]
[color=rgb(174, 203, 222)]Edit: Eric, if you have a Twitter account, you can follow ‘Aximillio’ there. Otherwise we’ll have to find a different way.[/color]
edited by Aximillio on 12/2/2012

Many Thanks my Friend!

[quote=Aximillio]Awesome poetry everyone!
Luckily I don’t have to judge who made the nicest ones, since I had 3 cats to rid my dog of.
Sent cat to Matt and Bob. When I manage to add you, Eric, you shall have the last but when I try to add ‘Eric Vimes’ I get a notification that '[color=#0066cc]The user could not be found[/color][color=rgb(174, 203, 222)]’.[/color]
[color=rgb(174, 203, 222)]Edit: Eric, if you have a Twitter account, you can follow ‘Aximillio’ there. Otherwise we’ll have to find a different way.[/color]
edited by Aximillio on 12/2/2012[/quote]

Mistake people keep making, it’s Erik with a “K”

[quote=Erik Vimes]
Mistake people keep making, it’s Erik with a “K”[/quote]
Your cat is on its way =)

I don’t suppose you have any hungry felines left, Aximillio? If so, hopefully these poetic offerings will suffice:

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
buries your slippers
in Bugsby’s bog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
barks whenever it smells fog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
steals food off your plate
and eats like a hog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
chewed up your clock
and ate every cog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
thieves break in
and it sleeps like a log!

If you’d like to exchange boxes of irritable felidae, I can be found @silenttrillium

[quote=silenttrillium]I don’t suppose you have any hungry felines left, Aximillio? If so, hopefully these poetic offerings will suffice:

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
buries your slippers
in Bugsby’s bog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
barks whenever it smells fog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
steals food off your plate
and eats like a hog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
chewed up your clock
and ate every cog!

The starveling dog, the starveling dog!
thieves break in
and it sleeps like a log!

If you’d like to exchange boxes of irritable felidae, I can be found @silenttrillium


Sorry, I have sent out mine, but I’ll try to remember you if I get another =)

I have a starveling cat free to a good home. (Or, well, a bad home for that matter; I’m not sure any home this feline inhabits can truly be considered “good” for that long.)

The only catch is that we must first have a most-enlightening conversation about seeking a particular name.

Already seeking the name? Not a problem. Find a friend who you can talk into accepting my invitation in your place. The betrayal will be delicious.

Greetings all,

I find myself possessed of the opportunity to… alter… the weight of my soul, but am lacking the aid of a certain feline. Any help you gentle folk could pass me would be greatly appreciated, and if there’s any way I might return the favor, please let me know.

The name is Seras Chigwell, by the by.

[color=#112233]If anyone could find it in their heart(s) to send any stray packages they don’t care for my way, or even a cat itself, it would be beyond appreciated.[/color]
Edit: The cats have come and gone, their aid obtained. None more are necessary.
edited by Saharan on 1/8/2013

I find myself in need of one or more cats for… an undertaking I’m sure to regret. I do possess a gently rustling box which I can send to someone willing to aid me.

My profile name matches the one I use here.