The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Has anyone ever gotten a cat who was not at that time Dancing With Damnation (i.e. Seeking the Name 7)? I traded many boxes before reaching that stage, and neither I nor my (also non-Dancing) partner at the time got anything but spiders and the occasional velvety-black; we took to calling them bug-in-a-box’es. But, I have had two successes while on that step, after many fewer unwrappings. Another delicious friend to whom I’ve sent dozens of boxes, who no longer specifically needs them, is having no luck at all either. I’m wondering if this pattern matches anyone else’s experience.
edited by Sagacitas on 11/1/2012

That’s not my experience at all: I found many feline friends before even embarking upon the quest for the Name, and a few more after reaching its final step.

Personally, I did not find a starveling cat until I was seeking the name, but I have friends who have.

Several friends and I have been religiously passing boxes back and forth for the last few months, and our results so far are:

[ul][li]Total boxes: 139[/li][li]Spiders: 79[/li][li]Normal cats: 52[/li][li]Starveling cats: 8[/li][li]Shortest run between starveling cats: 3 boxes
[/li][li]Longest run between starveling cats: 65 boxes[/li][/ul]This does not include the many many boxes we opened before we started keeping track, which didn’t produce a single cat of the starveling variety.

I have a suspicion that POSI might have a better chance of getting a starveling cat than non-POSI, but there’s not enough data to really tell.

I have been box trading as best I can, though I have yet to find the final starving cat I require.
Many cats and many spiders have passed through my hands, though the search for this final starving cat has been my longest dry spell.

My name in Fallen London is Nicholas Bjorge.

For any extra box sendings or the peculiar Stravelling cats (one will do for now. The place is a mess as it is…well more of a zoo since the tiger got here). So please just give them to an urchin and he’ll get them to @Panthera_II.

I’ve got a box or two. Scour the bazaar for Erik Vimes and he’ll trade you his for yours

I am also looking for cats if anybody has spare boxes (@ZevG1 on Twitter). And I’ll send mine back to you.

I’m game. Lets trade!

Zeviz: Posted, chap! Reciprocity appreciated, what?

I am looking for some starveling cats. If I could be added to some list so that those with extra might part with them, I would greatly appreciate it.
Of course I can send along boxes as well.
I am @Tricket3 on twitter.

I’d love to receive some spare cats and boxes, and will make sure to pass along any boxes I happen to come across to the needing.

Er, realized including my profile might be a good idea:
edited by Very dangerous tomato farmer on 11/19/2012

I would be happy to play pass the cat with anyone here, and will of course pass any boxes that come my way to those that have posted.
Edit: My character’s name is Krawald.
edited by Loon on 11/19/2012

I’ll gratefully accept any boxes/cats sent my way. Not quite to the point in which I’ll need them, but I know that it is in my interest to pick some up preemptively (assuming I can have more than 1 at a time). Thanks!

You can keep as many as you wish at a time, but when you have any unopened boxed of any kind you won’t get the opportunity card, I believe.

You can keep as many as you wish at a time, but when you have any unopened boxed of any kind you won’t get the opportunity card, I believe.[/quote]

Ah, that is excellent to hear. I believe you are correct about the unopened boxes, as a friend of mine accepted a box a while back and did not get the opportunity to acquire more before passing it on to me.
edited by Delmar Tramontane on 11/20/2012

You can keep as many as you wish at a time, but when you have any unopened boxed of any kind you won’t get the opportunity card, I believe.[/quote]

Ah, that is excellent to hear. I believe you are correct about the unopened boxes, as a friend of mine accepted a box a while back and did not get the opportunity to acquire more before passing it on to me.
edited by Delmar Tramontane on 11/20/2012[/quote]

Actually, it is (or at least, has been) possible to acquire more than one box at once. The Opportunity seems rarer that way, but I have at one point had two Partially-Unwrapped and a Nearly Unwrapped at the same time.

You can keep as many as you wish at a time, but when you have any unopened boxed of any kind you won’t get the opportunity card, I believe.[/quote]

Ah, that is excellent to hear. I believe you are correct about the unopened boxes, as a friend of mine accepted a box a while back and did not get the opportunity to acquire more before passing it on to me.
edited by Delmar Tramontane on 11/20/2012[/quote]

Actually, it is (or at least, has been) possible to acquire more than one box at once. The Opportunity seems rarer that way, but I have at one point had two Partially-Unwrapped and a Nearly Unwrapped at the same time.[/quote]

Hmm…I could attempt this after getting the cats I need to see if it is still possible. Might be a while before then, but I’ll remember to test it out.

Actually, it is (or at least, has been) possible to acquire more than one box at once. The Opportunity seems rarer that way, but I have at one point had two Partially-Unwrapped and a Nearly Unwrapped at the same time.[/quote]

You can still accept half-opened cats, but to my knowledge you can’t receive the card when you have either box. I have no proof of this, though.

It is possible to receive the card even if you have a box already. I have had multiple boxes in my inventory and have still drawn the opportunity card.

Really =O Then I don’t have to get rid of them anymore =)
Edit: That is, when I have no actions left.
edited by Aximillio on 11/22/2012
edited by Aximillio on 12/12/2012