The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I am now in possession of (…or possessed by?) a rather singular feline (many, many thanks, India_Hand!), so no more boxes to me, if you please! Though I will certainly continue to pass boxes along as I encounter them to those still in search of a starveling.

Follow me or send me a box and you shall receive many in return, I being too lazy to follow ye myself.

Always happy to juggle felines ;-) Or, indeed boxes containing them. And would love a cat–or two or three or more…–of my very own.

To be clear, I don’t need any cats. Ever. Not after. But happy to help pass boxes along.

I am currently looking to procure two of said cat.
Perhaps more at a later date but two would do nicely at the moment.

My name in Fallen London is Nicholas Bjorge

One box of cat passed to Nicholas Bjorge.

And now the possessor of another box of cat! Who wants the next one?
edited by Ruaidri on 10/2/2012

@colinsapherson would like a cat, please. Many thanks in advance.

One box of cat passed to Colin Sapherson.

… … And now the possessor of yet another box of cat. I appear to attract packaged felines. Who wants this one?
edited by Ruaidri on 10/2/2012

[quote=Ruaidri]One box of cat passed to Colin Sapherson.

… … And now the possessor of yet another box of cat. I appear to attract packaged felines. Who wants this one?
edited by Ruaidri on 10/2/2012[/quote]

I would very much enjoy a box (back to London now).

A box of cat sent to Aximillio.

I do need ~2 cats… can anyone help me?

I would like to thank Richard Kulesza, singularityshot, and Ruaidri.for their generous donations of boxed cats. While none were the starving cat it is appreciated none the less.

I’ve never gotten a cat. Would like one, an awful lot. I have what might be a boxed cat I can exchange, too. Thanks to any chaps and ladies that help.

The name’s Joshua Temple, you can learn more about me below.

[quote=LouBlue]I’ve never gotten a cat. Would like one, an awful lot. I have what might be a boxed cat I can exchange, too. Thanks to any chaps and ladies that help.

The name’s Joshua Temple, you can learn more about me below.[/quote]

I shall try to send you boxes soon =)

[color=#00ffff]Edit at below poster: Twitter is currently not required if you use the new Identity system. Simply visit whilst logged in and add friends there. Also, feel free to send cats my way [/color]:)[color=#00ffff].[/color]
edited by Aximillio on 10/11/2012

I’d happily accept boxes/cats, and if anyone wants a box (or more if I ever get more, only one at the moment!). Username skunk12, no twitter…?Hopefully I don’t need one o.O; not a n00b to the game, n00b to the social interactions xD

On suspicion a twitter’s needed, @skunk12FL !
edited by skunk12 on 10/11/2012

Many thanks for the boxes, Axlmillo, though I’ve less than nothing to show for it. Ow! D—able iodine!

It is unfortunately impossible to know their contents before you open them =/
This seems to be one of the reasons I have to die to finish off my business with the Black Ribbon Society, lately, but I don’t mind.
It’s as good an excuse to use the SMEN death cards as any, seeing as they can reduce your wounds if you’re above 7 wounds.

Edit: On that note, I’m not in London atm, as I’m busy in Roads Beneath. I believe the postmen do not have access there.
Edit: Back to London =)
edited by Aximillio on 10/22/2012

My earnest gratitude to all those who have so generously helped with my feline concerns. Polythreme is now calling, but I will be happy to unwrap any boxes sent my way upon my return.

I am in dire need of multiple of the yowling scoundrels. I’m happy to pass along the boxes i find as well.

Could I have the pleasure of your boxes? Erik Vimes is my name, as you might’ve guessed