The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I, too, would appreciate a starveling cat. The angrier the better. My soul is too pure for my purposes, it seems.

I’m @Tranquilled on Twitter.
edited by Tranquilled on 8/12/2012

Should anyone have a starveling cat looking for a new home, I would appreciate that greatly.

Edit: Now the (proud?) owner of a hungry feline. Hopefully it will scare away all of the sorrow-spiders that scuttled off to the shadows.
edited by Tesuji on 8/29/2012

I would like to receive a starveling cat if anyone’s willing to give one.

edited by kaine200 on 8/17/2012

I’ve gotten to the stage where I actually need a cat or several: also i can give out boxes if needs be.
Twitter’s @spacemarine9

That pesky cat. I’m in need of a starveling cat. It ran off with my soul and I’d quite like it back, so I can stain it some more. I’m @India_Hand on Twitter and will trade boxes to find the infuriating feline.

I also am in need of many cats. @flbaronelectric

I am in the game of passing cats. The Duchess may not approve but I cannot resist a mystery. Besides, a starveling cat would give my many rats and the haunted-looking dog good sport.

I am, as below, @LilyLayer4.

Cats are so useful in many ways, or so one has heard from fortresses of dwarves. Please send some care of @AznEclipse.

Recently came into possession of a gently rustling box… delicious friends in need of one or wanting to get rid of some, I’m @CorentinOs
edited by Corentin Os on 8/23/2012

[quote=Corentin Os]Recently came into possession of a gently rustling box… delicious friends in need of one or wanting to get rid of some, I’m @CorentinOs
edited by Corentin Os on 8/23/2012[/quote]

I would gladly take it off your hands. I have already added you on Twitter.

[quote=Corentin Os]Recently came into possession of a gently rustling box… delicious friends in need of one or wanting to get rid of some, I’m @CorentinOs
edited by Corentin Os on 8/23/2012[/quote]
I totes need some cats so i can at the very least get started on doing horrible things to my soul

Tranquilled and Spacemarine9, I’ve given away that particular box, but as soon as I come across some more they’ll be on their way to you!

Thanks for keeping me in mind! Though the box contained something clawed and hurty that ran off.

I have received several packages in the past week - my thanks to generous donors - but so far I have been, ahem, rather less than fortunate. Mrs Gerbrandt’s tonics have come in rather useful. There was one harmless but common parcel-cat, certainly not of a kind spoken of in rhyme. I am beginning to wonder if I shall ever receive that particular feline we all seek.

I too have so far only encountered sorrow-spiders, and one disdainful black cat which promptly disappeared. Lily and Tranquilled, I shall keep you both on the list of delicious friends to Pass the Cat to. Spacemarine9, did you have any luck?

I, as many before me, am now undergoing a search for these dastardly cats. I would gladly trade boxes back and forth with whoever so desires (or accept donations of these horrible things). They tell me my name is Derek Williams while roaming London’s streets.

Having passed a fair share of cats, perchance some kind souls return the favor? I will (do my best to) match each cat, tit-for-tat.

edited by AznEclipse on 9/2/2012

I’ve been trading boxes with a couple of friends for months now, and still, no dice. Though my flesh and mind have been thoroughly marked, I’m starting to despair of ever staining my soul. @AwayMeBoys would be happy to accept any of your unwanted packages, and will gladly return the favor if you like.

Finally, I am done with the Cat(s) (the stubborn understains are all that holds my soul together). Happy to keep sending parcels to those in need, and to return the fruits of parcels received.

Ms. Phillipa. I believe you received my … well, let’s call it trouble. I do hope it makes things simpler for you, because, ah, they are about to become much more difficult.

My sincerest apologies. Turn back now, before it is too late.