The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I find myself, like many others, in need of a particularly starveling variety of cat. Will also accept boxes, and/or send boxes, if so desired. @wlerin

I got 4 spare cats that I can give away, once my twitter list begins to work out…

Edit: Sent a cat to wlerin, Sjlund and harry.
edited by Aximillio on 7/25/2012

[quote=Aximillio]I got 4 spare cats that I can give away, once my twitter list begins to work out…

Edit: Sent a cat to wlerin, Sjlund and harry.
edited by Aximillio on 7/25/2012[/quote]

How did you get four cats? >_>

I am now Approaching the Brink and apparently need hungry kitties. Will gladly reciprocate as fortune permits.

edited by Sagacitas on 7/25/2012

You can get a cat from a box even if you already have one. Or two. Or three.

[quote=Aximillio]I got 4 spare cats that I can give away, once my twitter list begins to work out…

Edit: Sent a cat to wlerin, Sjlund and harry.
edited by Aximillio on 7/25/2012[/quote]

If you have spare cats left, still, I would be happy to take one off you.

I’m also in need of some particularly ferocious felines.

[quote=RiceMunk][quote=Aximillio]I got 4 spare cats that I can give away, once my twitter list begins to work out…

Edit: Sent a cat to wlerin, Sjlund and harry.
edited by Aximillio on 7/25/2012[/quote]

If you have spare cats left, still, I would be happy to take one off you.[/quote]

Sorry, sent them away, though I’ll tell if I get more =)

I could use a cat if anyone still has one to spare! My twitter is here.

I have two Perfidious Felines. One will go to Liz, above. Who wants the other one?

Thank you!

I would love to have one, It is relevant to my interests.

I can’t seem to find you, Doomlewa. If you find me, you may have my Bedraggled.

And done, sorry about the trouble.

Truly? No one? Doomlewa has failed to contact me, and I am anxious to rid myself of this spitting, mewling nuisance…

I’ll be happy to take it off you if Doomlewa won’t. My twitter account is @RiceMunk.

Ah, it seems as though my inability to reach Doom was my own fault, and none of theirs. The Cat is, by rights, off to a new home. But I shall send you boxes, if you wish them.

That’s fine, I welcome them gladly.

Hmm…anyone want someone to pass the cat with?

I’m Pint Box @ Facebook.

I’d love someone to send me a kitty by post, if it’s cluttering their end table.

If interested, I’m @goobyrastor on twitter