The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

anyone looking to trade boxes with me?

Sent a card to you :)

Hi !

I’ve got a &quot Cat in a box&quot left over. So, if anybody wants it, tell me.

Oh, and if anyone wants to get rid of a Starveling Cat, feel free to throw it at me ;D

I will accept any and all boxes anyone wants to give away ;)

Hi, looking for a Starveling Cat! please send to Sinkia~

Edit: Cat received, thanks Leon!!
edited by thisisnotjasper on 11/8/2016

I have just acquired one and am very willing to give it away.

[quote=Leon McCarran]@thisisnotjasper
I have just acquired one and am very willing to give it away.[/quote]

I’d gladly help find it a new…err…let’s say home.

If someone wants to get rid of his starveling inconvenience I would be glad to ease the burden on you.

I would also like to offer a home to a starving little kitty.

edit: That is, Noah Rache would.
edited by John Moose on 11/17/2016

My &quotadoring public&quot has &quotgifted&quot me with a Starveling Cat - for the third time. Message me in game if you dare host this feline menace.

EDIT: Cat is gone
edited by Irene on 11/30/2016

Could I have a cat? Really nasty one preferred.

I have to admit that I would like to see what possibilities the Starveling Cat may or may not open up to my stories. So if anyone has one that they feel they can reliably spare (or at least reliably transport without being murdered) I would gladly take it off your hands.

I would be willing to send all cat boxes that I get to someone, in exchange for them sending me the boxes they get.

[color=#00ffcc]I am completely willing to pass along and accept cat boxes in order to discover what lies inside. Send me a calling card or a message stating whether you’d like a cat & if you’d like to pass the box, just send it to me, no message needed.[/color]

Just an FYI, colored text is usually reserved for mods.

I also have a spare starveling cat, should a poor soul need it.

I have a distinct interest in acquiring a Starveling Cat. (But just one, for now. I’ll edit this post once one’s found.) In the meantime, I can try to pay back boxes with a boxed cat of my own or menace reduction actions, and will gladly pay back a Cat itself with a Surprise Package or a barrage of menace reduction actions. (Perhaps twenty wound-tendings to be accepted as needed, or something)

Edit: Wow, that was fast! Since I can apparently have multiple cats, I’ll keep this up for a bit.
edited by Vozw on 12/11/2016

Cat sent!

(I would like suspicion decreases if thats all right, a surprise package if not)

Certainly! Send me up to twenty (though I probably shouldn’t accept more than seven at a time)!
(Thirty is fine too)

I have one boxed cat available at this moment if there is anyone interested

I am accepting all starveling cats on my road to damnation. I’ll be sure to make it up to you, if you do indeed send me one of these abominations.