The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

If anyone has another cat they would like to spare the cat lady Kourkoumpina is looking to get one of those wonderful creatures.

More than happy to return the favor.

Access to one Starveling Cat would be much appreciated. Please address to Eli V Tso.

I am quite interested in a cat, if anyone is willing to send me one. Happy to help with a social action or two in response.

I should note that my starveling cat was the most terrible influence upon my kitten. Still, surely it’s only a matter of giving the poor dear enough love and reassurance.

Why not? I like flirting with danger. One starveling cat please! Address it to TopHatJ!

Looking for boxes and cats contained within them, with reciprocity of a feline nature.
edited by FireOfUnknownOrigin on 9/21/2016

I would very much be interested in homing a Starveling Cat to better control my Hunger… Address to Hailey Daniels please.

EDIT: The lovely Lady Sapho Byron has sent me a cat. Much obliged.
edited by elvor on 9/26/2016

Still looking for a pet cat to get rid of all the ratus!

if anyone has a spare starveling cat, the spacecatte is in dire need of this hungry fellow cat!

Edith has been searching for a starveling cat for a year now (!) with no success. If anyone has a spare, she’d be ever grateful. Profile is here:

EDIT: Many thanks to the kind soul who sent a starveling cat to Edith. I stupidly clicked on &quotaccept&quot before my brain registered which kind soul sent it, however, and the &quotrecent messages&quot doesn’t give your name. So, THANK YOU, delicious friend!!! If you’ll refresh my memory with your username, I’ll be sure and send you a treat next time I get the Gift card.

EDIT #2: Ah hah! Lord Henry Tigerdrawers-Pip was the responsible party. Many thanks, Lord Henry.

Edited by Myrto on 10/5/201

edited by Myrto on 10/6/2016

I too would appreciate a starveling cat to haunt my home, should anyone have a spare. I promise to take good care of it, no matter how poorly it treats me in return.

Hello delicious friends,

I have again drawn that Pass the Cat card (the first times I discarded it because I didn’t want to be cursed).
Would anyone be still interested in a boxed cat?
I surely will not open that box, thank you.

Please contact me if interested.

Take care and have fun, delicious friends with a deviant hobby!

P.S.: You Starveling Cat worshippers creep me out. But I can help anyone whenever I get one of these boxes, from now on. ^^
edited by Lestaroth on 10/11/2016

I am currently staining my soul, so I need as many cats as possible. If you have any spare ones, I’d be very grateful.

Edit: I should probably specify, send them to Littler The, not Little The.
edited by Little The on 10/12/2016

Greetings lovelies~ I am Lake, and I am here to help. I would love the opportunity to make exchanges as needed, and am not too worried if you get one or two ahead of me by the end. Always looking for friends, and love to help regardless. Cat boxes are a keen interest of mine, though I would not turn down one of those poetic shabby ones that polite company tends to shy from, if anyone were looking to find a home for one! Much love, and see you in the City!

Too cryptic for me, I have a spare scratchy feline if anyone wants one.

EDIT: Boxed cats received: 1
Boxed cats or the like owing to senders: 1
Boxed cats to be sent out: 0
Boxed cats sent out but not yet accepted: 1 (please pick up so I know to keep sending)
edited by aneather on 10/19/2016

edited by aneather on 11/24/2016

I’d like a starvelling kitty if anyone wants to get rid of theirs!

I am wishing to receive a starveling cat but will pass the box onto anyone who asks

I have a box to trade

I am looking for a Starveling Cat.

After growing quite tired of urchins and their games, I find myself still without a dratted cat. If someone is looking to be rid of one, I’d gladly take one.
Or don’t; it’s probably better for me not to have one…
Edit: I now have one, thanks Rainbowcakeball!
edited by Pumpkinhead on 11/4/2016
edited by Pumpkinhead on 11/4/2016