The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

This character will happily accept your starveling cats and boxes, until they are drowned in fur and claws

I a man happy to accept any boxes anyone may have, and I shall in turn pass on any relevant boxes I find

whats so great about starveling cats all that little rascal does is eat my food, and ransack my cabinet. On top of all that he isn’t even good at killing rats.

Is there anyone willing to trade boxed cats with me?

EDIT: Traded!
edited by Aori on 12/29/2016

I have a boxed cat to send away, and I would also very mich like to get sent all the voxed cats you have and do not need!

Does anyone have a Starveling Cat they don’t need? I’ll send you the next boxed cat I get.
Edit: Cat acquired! Thank you!
edited by Gideon Bright on 1/12/2017

I’d love to extend my offer to any scrumptious ladies, gentlemen, and otherwise. If any would be willing to enter a cat pact with a lowborn fellow as myself, please send a calling card.

I’d accept any boxes send my way, though at the moment I don’t have one to send back, so that might take a while!

I would love a box (or any starveling cats you wish to dispose of). I’ll happily trade boxes though for some reason I haven’t seen one in a month or so (and to think I was just giving them away previously!)

I’ll happily give you my next box or repay in kind (first city coins now or a surprise gift when I get the relevant card…I seek the name and my hungers no longer run to the mundane)
edited by MrGrim on 1/17/2017

I’d like to renew the trade in cats. I’ve a box right now and am interested in a trade agreement until March 1.

Edit: box traded!
edited by Parelle on 1/29/2017

I’ve currently a boxed cat and would be interested in trading for another boxed cat or possibly a starveling cat, if anyone has one to trade!
I would also be happy to enter any trading agreements for the forseeable future.

I would also be happy to enter any trading agreements [/quote]

Boxed cat sent. I am also interested to receive boxed cat.

Angie Forsythe would be happy both to give and receive cats.

I sent a box with a cat out then cancelled thinking I had messed up, and now it’s disappeared. I would love another box. Also, is this a good place to ask for the panther kittens if anyone has any? I’m fairly new to Fallen London/Sunless Seas so don’t know what I am doing with all of this.

can I have a starveling cat,please?

Might I possibly trouble some kind soul for a Starveling Cat (or few)?
I wish to become a Crazy Cat Lady but am new to the game, so giving poor wayward furry souls a home is one of my personal goals.
Thank you kind persons, for taking the time to read my message, and perhaps answer my calling.
edited by Ruby-Skylark on 2/8/2017

Can I have a starvelling cat, please? Can any generous soul trouble himself/herself to help me acquire a starveling cat. I will take good care of the cat.
Thank you kind persons, for taking the time to read my message, and perhaps answer my calling.

If there are any kind (or rather, unkind) souls out there who would be willing to send me one of those horrific abominations known as a Starveling Cat, I would greatly appreciate it. I will be sure to reciprocate with a boxed cat once one comes into my possession.

I have a boxed cat, if anyone wants it

edited by Lady Nyara on 2/13/2017

Well, I wouldn’t mind one at all if we’re not talking about a mutual exchange. And I see that a free gift would benefit you as well!
edited by Skinnyman on 2/13/2017