The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I would also like a Starveling Cat. I’m open to trading boxes as well.

I would love a starveling cat sent my way!

Item: Many people want a Starveling Cat.

Item: I have one that I only intend to use on Sundays for the next several months (because that’s when my Marsh-Mired expires). This will change when I start Staining, but I’m in no hurry for that.

On the understanding that I have the cat back by Saturday at, ooh, eight pm Greenwich Mean Time, I am willing to lend it out for the rest of the week if anyone sorely needs the use of one.

First come, first served, post in this thread if you’re interested. (Gifts/coins appreciated but not required.)

Edit: The beast is no longer my problem, it has been sent.
A bit of advice and an offer:
If you are staining your soul and run out of cats, fret not, The Soul and The Number has a way to lure the Cat back to you, I originally posted here requesting a cat, but now instead I am here to offer one to the first person to PM me a request and/or send me a message in game. Best of luck to everyone pursuing this madness.
edited by Guy Dudeman on 7/24/2016

Willing to juggle starvelings
edited by Lord Vaustus on 7/30/2016

I am also in search of a Starveling Kitty, that we may, together, rule the roofs of the Fallen City. XD (Yes, that was deliberate.)

I have one available, if you want it.

Cat dispatched to Heather Darrow. You asked for it…
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 8/2/2016

I would be greatly appreciative. :D

I’d like a boxed cat! I want to try my
luck in finding something other than a Starveling Cat. Send it to Vincent Asmund, please.

Thanks in advance!

I need another starveling, and am willing to do a long term juggle. I need that UP

While I have received my cat, I foolishly clicked it without properly registering who gave it to me! If the owner could contact me so I can juggle it back, that would be great.

The cat was mine and I won’t need her back for several days yet.

However, I haven’t any actions to juggle (or need of UP at present), so you may have to find someone else to juggle with…

I’ve been looking around for a good beast to keep me company during my research, and having found nothing so far, have come to this thread to ask if perhaps some kind soul would be generous enough to provide one for me.

I can repay in First City coins (can currently send 90), Surprise Packages (whenever the card comes up), Free Evenings (all of mine are free), and perhaps other things too.

Thanks for the passed cat, Lord Vaustus. It did nothing but claw me horribly, but I appreciate the gesture.

(No rush on sending back my Staveling Cat; any time up through Saturday night would be fine by me.)
edited by Teaspoon on 8/10/2016
edited by Teaspoon on 8/10/2016

I managed to have the accursed luck to find my home overtaken by a Starveling Cat. Does anyone want this wretched thing?

One underfed feline available upon request. Please apply in writing to the undersigned.

I would love it ummm new here but in game name is MastrMonstr

To whom it may concern:
Kindly be advised that Precious has now found a new home.

I too am interested in a cat - happy to trade boxes also!

May I please borrow a cat from someone?

The party who I lent mine to has died, or gone to Zee, or something, and my Time the Healer is rapidly approaching.