The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I’ve sent one of the beasts on your way. Good luck.

It would seem that my previous box-trading partner has gone back to the surface (or perhaps a long boating trip?), and so I am in search of somebody with whom I can share boxes of indistinct content.

Would anyone have a Starveling cat to give away? Good home promised!

I’ve recently made a terrible decision and would like to make an even worse one. I wanted to see how my straveling cat would handle an L.B. infestation, and the results were terror and loss for everyone involved. I am now down one cat and would be absolutely delighted if anyone could send me a spare.

EDIT: (Mis)fortune has favored me. A straveling cat burst out of my bundle of oddities, so I am no longer in need.
edited by Cassandra Flint on 7/7/2016

Does anyone have a spare Starveling Cat? I can’t promise a good home at all, but… Would it appreciate it, if I could?

I have a boxed cat! Does anyone have a boxed cat?
I’d like a boxed cat! Would anyone like a boxed cat?

[quote=Sinnouk]I have a boxed cat! Does anyone have a boxed cat?
I’d like a boxed cat! Would anyone like a boxed cat?[/quote]
I’d like a boxed cat

I have one pass the cat Boxed Cat, If anyone would like it, just add me as an acquaintance and send a calling card so I know.
Prof. Xcea, the dark artist and master of forbidden trade

If anyone would be willing to send Nate ( a Starveling Cat (or 6, whichever), the poor Seeker would greatly appreciate it. My main Diosthenes will gladly reward you for enabling his idiot associate with coffee and other goodies if you request some.

Hello fellow Londoners, Elden Andel ( is currently seeking and would be more than glad to trade favors for either Starveling cats, or boxed cats.
edited by Eldenandel on 7/12/2016

That’s six Starveling cats asked for in the last week, if my count’s correct, and none on offer.

I wonder if we’ll have to work out a timeshare arrangement or something of the sort. The beasts are bound to be popular with Seeking back.

2 cats sent to Nate. (If someone can confirm there is no use for them after staining your soul, I can send a third)
edited by suinicide on 7/13/2016

There is still use for them if you’re interested in using Marsh-Mired UP options, which continue to function until you’re at SMEN 28, as per the good Spacemarine9. I was a candle

(can I please have the cat when you reach that high?)
edited by Teaspoon on 7/13/2016

Nate’s at work increasing his Stains to 7 as fast as he can manage! Thanks very much, Suinicide. I’ll gladly send the wretched creatures off to the next poor soul in need of them once he’s done.

Teaspoon has dibs on the cat when I don’t feel like putting up with it anymore.
edited by suinicide on 7/13/2016


Don’t feel rushed. I’m very pleased though.

Teaspoon, could you provide a link to your account? Thank you.
edited by suinicide on 7/13/2016

Oh, right!

Here we are:

update: Thanks very much! I shall treasure it always.

And see how good it is at staining things.
edited by Teaspoon on 7/13/2016

I have regrettably discovered that the cats do not, ah, always agree with the Staining process. I shall attempt to procure more from any boxes I find in an attempt to settle my Seeking debt.

I’m open to trading cat boxes in general, but I really want a Starveling Cat for some unaccountable peckishness.