The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

Hello! I’m looking for a starveling cat on my main (because i really love the cat and its lore) and more importantly on my seeking alt to help my search!

here is the link to my main: Fallen London

(Obtained a cat!) and the link to my seeking alt: Fallen London

edited by curiousCalembour on 10/23/2021

I would also like a box if anyone has one! On both of my accounts, Valoras
and Winnry
The first is my SMEN account and I’m trying to get the starveling cat.
edited by Valoras on 11/5/2021
edited by Valoras on 11/5/2021

I would like to play pass the cat, if anyone is interested. If anyone has a boxed cat they want to pass on, I would gladly take it. I am also willing to pass on any boxed cats I receive. My name in Fallen London is AdelaideAnanya.

820 is seeking a Starveling Cat for definitely-not-unwise reasons, and I assure any potential senders that neither it nor the cat will come to any harm.

Edit: Got one!
edited by 820 on 1/3/2022

I would like to be in the company of a Starveling Cat, so that we may hunger and seek together…

Link to account: Fallen London

I seek the Starveling Cat, if any should be willing to part with one.

Edit: I have obtained the cat through other means

Link: Fallen London
edited by Makus on 12/29/2021
edited by Makus on 1/31/2022

I seek the Starveling Cat to help me in my search for madness.

Link: Fallen London

I seek mangy Starveling Cats in the pursuit of insanity and self destruction!

I seek a cat to seek a name.

I seek the Name and would like to have a furry companion to aid me in my search.

I’ve got a boxed cat. Anyone want to spin the wheel on it?

I am very happy to engage in any trading of cats which people may wish to

Would like a starveling cat for seeking,

For very foolish reasons, most likely to end bad, I require a Starveling Cat. Maybe someone could be so nice to send it?

Hello! I too am seeking and would love to recieve a cat, since I have been rather unlucky so far.

Looking for a Starveling Cat so that I may quicken my journey North.
Please send here: Fallen London

Seeking a Starveling Cat because I enjoy making poor decisions. Thank you! Fallen London

I too am on the path. For whatever good that may do me.

Please send here: Fallen London

And I will endeavor to return the favor.

seeking a Starveling Cat on both of my accounts pls, one for actually seeking and one because I love the cat irl <3 please help a friend out

Hi there, I am seeking a Starveling Cat to complete my lion please!