The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I am on the lookout for one of these strange creatures

I might want one, as I have a rat problem. Or be willing to play passing the cat. I haven’t seen a card for a while, the last one I opened and it scratched me and ran off.

ETA: I no longer have a rat problem and I do have a starveling cat. Still willing to pass the cat.
edited by Bluestocking on 5/21/2021

Can someone loan me a starveling cat? For a week at most, then I’ll return it (not joking). Or can pass to someone else, if you don’t need it.
edited by Aro Saren on 5/16/2021

I would like some catboxes, please, and don’t mind trading. I’ve also got 3 starveling cats, and if anyone is open to receiving Totally Harmless messages about your good buddy and mine, Hungry Dave, we can also make that happen :)

Would love a Starveling Cat, if any unfortunates have one available they don’t need (?).

I would love a starveling cat to feel peckish

Putting in my name for a Starveling of my own

I’d like a Starveling, if anyone has one

Starveling cats will be welcome at this address: Fallen London

I too would be grateful for a starveling cat if anyone can spare one.

A Starveling Cat! A Starveling Cat!
I would be pleased to have one to stare at!
edited by cswift on 8/3/2021

Yet another peckish Londoner would appreciate a Starveling Cat, if there are any available.

I wonder what one who seeks could you a Starveling cat for? Perhaps you could send belorra one. Fallen London

I was hoping for a panther kitten to accompany my Grubby Kitten, but they’re hard to come by so…perhaps a starveling cat could keep it company as well? I’m sure it can’t be that bad. Surely it’s just a cat. I’m willing to give it a chance.

Would be glad to be in a company of the Starveling Cat again.
edited by mistful on 8/21/2021

I have a “partially unwrapped cat” that I am willing to give to anyone who wants it. Please forgive my ignorance but you would have to tell me how to send it to you.

starveling cat would be greatly appreciated for initiation of seeking.
edited by LillyRay on 9/6/2021

LillyRay, Was you post addressed to me? If so, all I can give you is a “partially unwrapped cat” Let me know if you want that and, if so, how I give it to you.

No, I’m seeking specifically a starveling cat. Good luck with yours

I’m interested in getting a Starveling Cat as well.

UPD. I received one.
edited by Yestarhumeler on 9/30/2021