The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I can deliver. Who shall I send it to?

I can deliver. Who shall I send it to?[/quote]
EIther to me or my alt, DerNichts. Thank you!

I can deliver. Who shall I send it to?[/quote]
EIther to me or my alt, DerNichts. Thank you![/quote]
It has been sent to NNNnobody

Who wants a Boxed Cat?

EDIT: It has found a new home
edited by MissyRed on 7/22/2019

Is there anyone who will take care of my lovely starveling cat companion?

I… will be gone from London soon. And she’s looking for nice company.

Please send me cats. Particularly a Starveling Cat, if you possess one. I require it for… well. That’s none of your concern, is it? :)
If that link doesn’t work, just send them to Cussock. I am also open to most other actions as well. Try me.

Octavia Crowe, the Hellfaring Mystic, Seeks the Name, and requests the company of a certain Cat, that together they might sate Cer͝ta҉in ͟Hu̕ngers̴.͝…

If you are still looking for one of these delightful cats, send me a calling card. I just got a second cat and he is not playing nice with the first.

I would love to have a starveling cat. However, I also take boxed cats. Please send all cats (starveling or otherwise) to Cussock. Thank you!

I have a cat I need to get rid of. She’s eating up all my Correspondence notes!

Please feel free to send her to me!

Available-and grateful!-for any Starveling Cats and other nuisances to come my way. Again,my heartfelt thanks!

Every self-respecting captain needs a ship’s cat. It can’t compete against the rats and their firepower, but it’s still a symbol of ststus, and honestly my Rubbery Feline is just not up to snuff, it leaves ooze everywhere
edited by Cpt. Eructus on 1/17/2020

[quote=Cpt. Eructus]Every self-respecting captain needs a ship’s cat. It can’t compete against the rats and their firepower, but it’s still a symbol of ststus, and honestly my Rubbery Feline is just not up to snuff, it leaves ooze everywhere

edited by Cpt. Eructus on 1/17/2020[/quote]
don’t you dare insult mr burbles ever again

Am looking for a Starveling Cat if anyone has one going spare.

I have 3 Starveling cats I will be happy to give to anyone who wants them. Anyone interested in one should contact my character’s profile Jonathan Dunn and let me know.

Annabelle Doll is seeking a Starveling Cat, because she makes poor life decisions. If you have one in search of a good(?) home, please send it my way.


I have recently come in possession of a boxed cat. If anyone would like to begin to trade, please pen me a letter. I can be found at the address: Fallen London.
The box has been traded to a lethal gentleman.

edited by Stardust2dusts on 2/24/2020

edited by Stardust2dusts on 2/25/2020

I happen to have a boxed cat and would delighted to trade with any delicious friends who do not fear the duchess’ ire. Fallen London

I would also be more than happy to provide a home to a starveling cat should anyone wish to pass along such a creature.