The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

Due to unfortunate circumstance, it appears an acquaintance of mine has sent me two Starveling Cats. If someone is insane enough to take the d-----ed things from my hands, I’d be happy to oblige.

Edit: both cats have been sent away to Soforst and Preacher Tzara. Thank you once again!
edited by Misfortune on 3/2/2020

[quote=Misfortune]Due to unfortunate circumstance, it appears an acquaintance of mine has sent me two Starveling Cats. If someone is insane enough to take the d-----ed things from my hands, I’d be happy to oblige.[/quote]
I would be grateful for it,if you may,dear sire.

[quote=Preacher Tzara][quote=Misfortune]Due to unfortunate circumstance, it appears an acquaintance of mine has sent me two Starveling Cats. If someone is insane enough to take the d-----ed things from my hands, I’d be happy to oblige.[/quote]
I would be grateful for it,if you may,dear sire.[/quote]

The cat has been sent along your way, though someone else sent a message earlier for the other one.

[quote=Misfortune][quote=Preacher Tzara][quote=Misfortune]Due to unfortunate circumstance, it appears an acquaintance of mine has sent me two Starveling Cats. If someone is insane enough to take the d-----ed things from my hands, I’d be happy to oblige.[/quote]
I would be grateful for it,if you may,dear sire.[/quote]

The cat has been sent along your way, though someone else sent a message earlier for the other one.[/quote]

My many thanks,dear sire. Should I somehow come to posses another one, I shall let you all know.

my alt has ran out of need for this dratted thing is anyone wants one don’t hesitate to call

Greetings I have come for a starveling cat, I’ll take it from anyone.

Much obliged.

Edit: I have also recently acquired a boxed cat, if you want that just send me a message
edited by There is a hunger on 3/9/2020

I have recently started down the seeking road, like the fool I am. If anyone has a wretched beast they no longer wish to take care of, send it in the direction of my Seeking account. I would be more than happy to take it off your hands.
edited by OneWhoSeeksTheName on 3/10/2020

I believe I may have one available. On its way…

I’d love a Starveling Cat please, I’ve sent you a request.

I am in possession of a Boxed Cat to be passed along.

Looking to make a terrible mistake and travel north, and would love a cat

Hi, I’ve been playing this game for way too long (my first character went NORTH… I miss some their items) & you know, I have never had a Starveling. I’m not actually sure what having one does, but I want one.

So… if you wanna toss me a cat, I’m open.

SMEN-Alt is in need of a Starveling Cat, and assures you that they will give it a good home!

Huh, I thought this thread was for trading boxed cats, but I guess it’s for all Cat-related business.

d0sboots2 has 77 Starveling Cats (or at least, that’s how many she started out with). Don’t ask what madness possessed her to acquire so many.

Invite her to coffee with a note asking for a cat if you want one. I’ll try to keep this post up-to-date with the current count.

Cats remaining: 24
last update 2023-09-14

I’ve got a starveling cat as well, and it keeps eating all my food! Could someone take it off my hands?

Feel free to send it to me.

I have a Starvelling cat. Anyone who would like to adopt? I don’t want any troubles from this cat.

I would love to adopt a starvling cat, i feel it would fit in well in my home
edited by Whirlpool on 7/27/2020

I would very much like to adopt a starling cat!


I would love to adopt a Starveling Cat
