The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I have a boxed cat and I wish to trade it for another one. Is anyone interested?

  1. I have a SECOND Starveling Cat, which I do not need. I NEED NOTHING IN TRADE. PLEASE RID ME OF IT. The Starveling Cats are now charging me rent to live in my own Brass Embassy Room, and are threatening to eat one of my companions a day, starting with all my lucky weasels.
  2. Less dramatically, I have a boxed cat, and am willing to exchange it for another. In general, I am delighted to do this.

[quote=Greg M]1) I have a SECOND Starveling Cat, which I do not need. I NEED NOTHING IN TRADE. PLEASE RID ME OF IT. The Starveling Cats are now charging me rent to live in my own Brass Embassy Room, and are threatening to eat one of my companions a day, starting with all my lucky weasels.

I would love a Starveling Kitty, but am willing to defer to somebody who does not already have one.

Doctor Stripes has recently developed an unhealthy obsession and is keen to take in a Starveling cat if anyone can spare one. Will trade cat boxes but have none at present.

And just like that, a horrible cat appears. Thank you so much, I shall try and reciprocate shortly.
edited by zerogravitas365 on 9/6/2018

Lady Jamilah wishes to procure a Starveling Cat. She will trade boxes with anyone who wishes to help, or take a spare off someone’s unfortunate hands.

A Bandaged Professor has some important (and unwise) things to ask to a Starveling Cat, and politely asks whether someone could spare one to fulfill his needs.

The Ambivalent Dynamo has received a starveling cat and would like anyone-absolutely anyone to take it off his hands. If interested do be sure to send a reply.

*waves hand and goes &quotOooh oooh, me!&quot

Sure, i’ll help

What can be so bad about a Starveling Cat? I’m sure feeding it enough would make it a darling. Nothing bad can possibly come from me requesting one and trying just that, r-right? [FL name Mountrose]
Edit : Thank you to the delicious friend who sent me one ! (though I suspect it wasn’t a completely selfless act). It seems I now inhabit my Lodgings on the sufferance of the new master of the house. What am I going to do with the pile of dead rats I bought for the d__ed thing? It’s eaten everything in the pantry but those! Now I have nothing to eat but rotting rat meat and my stomach growls alarmingly. Oh well, needs must, I guess.
edited by Mountrose on 11/5/2018

My cat has declared it’s time to move on. (I have one Midnight Matriarch and two Mogs, so he’s no longer Top Cat…) Anyone want one?

Hello, I have a Partially Boxed Cat. Anyone want to trade?

I am looking to acquire a starveling cat! Here is my profile!

Looking for a Straveling Cat, send them forth to dear Rebeka. May her soul, mind, and body find rest up NORTH, and her foolishness be forgiven.

Edit: Cat = got! Thank you, psuq!
edited by Frogvarian on 1/6/2019

Does anyone have a cat they wish to be rid of? I am embarking on an abominable search. You would do well not to ask what it may be.
(Send any cats or partially unwrapped things to Cussock please.)
edited by Cussock on 1/4/2019

Hello everyone, I have been playing this game two years and have decided to finish my time playing by going NORTH.
I read that a starveling cat helps increase the pecking quality, and im looking to trade for one.
You can have anything from my profile in exchange. My ID is Ashzaroth.

[quote=Ashzaroth]Hello everyone, I have been playing this game two years and have decided to finish my time playing by going NORTH.
I read that a starveling cat helps increase the pecking quality, and im looking to trade for one.
You can have anything from my profile in exchange. My ID is Ashzaroth.[/quote]

I found one in a bag. You can have it. The wretched thing already ruined my best coat.

I, too, am looking to go NORTH, and to aid me in this journey, would like the hungriest cat that you fellows can offer me!

Believe it or not, I got the cat a second time! So here you go!

Edit: What is your in game name? I need it to send the package.
edited by Pryno Belle on 1/25/2019
edited by Pryno Belle on 1/25/2019

Believe it or not, I got the cat a second time! So here you go!

Edit: What is your in game name? I need it to send the package.
edited by Pryno Belle on 1/25/2019

edited by Pryno Belle on 1/25/2019[/quote]

Sorry for the delay! Mine is the same as on here–&quotnovakza&quot.