The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I’ve got a box should anyone be interested~

I just spent two days playing with the fisher kings in the hopes of finding a Starveling Cat, and finally succeeded… only to realize I already had one. (I thought it left for good after I got my final stain!)

So, free Starveling Cat for anyone who needs it.

edit: the cat has a new home.
edited by a Nice Friend on 3/10/2018

Would love a cat to help me Seek as well, I hear they share some very interesting information about the cats of the Flit.

Edit: Thank you for the speedy assistance. There is a lot to do and so little time. So little time.
edited by AydenTheKinch on 3/16/2018

I need many a starveling cat for seeking im so sick of the got dang fisher kings any extras y’all have pls throw them at aten

I would likewise like to take a spare Starveling cat if someone has a spare. Been getting no luck with the Fisher Kings for a couple days.

Edit: Thank you kindly to Suinicide
edited by Sheev on 3/19/2018

Sent to both of you!

I’ve reached the end and turned back. I have no more use for my cat, so if anyone is interested, let me know.

I want to ditch the Starveling Cat I have gotten just now ASAP if possible, send me an in-game mail if you want it, first come, first serve cheers!

I have it no longer, sorry!
edited by Honeyaddict on 4/3/2018

I’ve had a boxed cat for quite some time, if anyone wants one sent their way.

Starveling Cat Received. Northe continues on her path of suffering and misery.
edited by Strawbreevee on 5/2/2018

Sent my boxed cat over to you. I hope it didn’t tear your face off after opening.

I’m looking for a starveling cat. If someone could send one to Keelster I would be greatly thankful.

I am most interested in the company of a starveling. Should anyone be able to asist, I would be most grateful.

EDIT: Started trading with LukeSky
edited by Skinnyman on 5/18/2018

[quote=Skinnyman]Looking for a partner to restart the box exchanging process.

I would happily begin an exchange of cats with such an experienced character on the thread. I happen to already have a box as of typing this and will send it over now.

EDIT: Skinnyman has politely accepted my request.
edited by lukeskylicker on 5/18/2018

Alice has need of a starveling cat.
edited by Faey on 6/27/2018

I wouldn’t mind a long-term cat exchange. Midnight Matriarch? I’m feeling lucky.

Edit: Still in the market for an exchange partner, I was sent one box but was unable to open it, I suppose my would-be benefactor was in parts unknown. I also have a box of my own that I could send forward.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 6/29/2018

Dima Lazarev would greatly appreciate a Starveling Cat. I need at least two more to have my soul thoroughly stained.

UPD: Thanks everyone, I got all the cats I needed.
edited by ropewalker on 6/29/2018

As a new aspiring seeker who has heard rumours of horror and woe but so far mainly just sampled some suspiciously rare meat and exotic freshly caught seafood I would very much appreciate a starveling cat donation.

EDIT: A kind soul has donated me a friendly new pet, you have my gratitude.
edited by ImOscarDotCom on 7/4/2018

Sent one your way, my good sir.