The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I’d be very grateful for a leftover Starveling Cat, as managing my UP for Seeking has become quite hard without one. If I can make up for it somehow, let me know.

I finally got one after grinding endless Bundles of Oddities :) Thank you nevertheless

In light of Hallowmas (and the impossible odds of obtaining a MM), I’m looking to trade a Boxed Cat with another member of the Neath.

If you’re interested, please send me a private message!

Would anyone like to trade a starveling cat back and forth for peckish?

I’m interested in a Starveling cat, and in trading boxes. I still don’t have any box, but as soon as I have them I can trade.

If you have a such a cat, my alt would be happy to pass it back and forth, as she too would benefit from being more peckish.

[quote=Musume]I’m interested in a Starveling cat, and in trading boxes. I still don’t have any box, but as soon as I have them I can trade.[/quote]

I too am interested in a Starveling Cat and would be happy to send you any boxes that come my way if you would be inclined to do the same.
edited by Kitty Salter II on 11/8/2017

I am looking for a starveling cat and willing to pass any boxed cats that I come across to anyone that asks. If there is anyone that has a spare, please let me know and thank you for your consideration.

Foolhardy and Reckless requires a starveling cat

I would much appreciate a Starveling Cat! It may seem a nuisance to some, but I believe it will feel at home with my Midnight Matriarch and my Grubby Kitten. I’m a cat person, can’t you tell? My username is QuantumSky

Dear friends,
I have found a box. I am unsure as to its contents, but I am fairly certain it is hissing at me. I do not like hissing. I do not like that box. I would prefer another box.
Would anyone care to exchange theirs with mine?

Edit: One box came, another went. Good business! I found another one, though. Would anyone like to have it in exchange for a similar one?
edited by Lazarus on 1/5/2018

I am always willing to pass boxes back and forth and am interested in getting a starveling cat, but really any cat will please me

I’m in search of a Starveling Cat, for foolish ends. Trading boxes is fine, too.

A very hungry individual seeks a starveling cat. Has knitted a cat sized Sacksmas sweater and everything.

Edit: Cat received. Contemplating sweater decision on a slow boat.
edited by Burlbee on 12/22/2017

looking for starvelling cat or two if anyone wishes to re-home theirs
edited by Frenjamin Banklin on 1/18/2018

I’m interested in a starving cat for my seeker.
It’s in the name you see…

my alt account would gladly accept a beast
I will Reply in whatever i can with my main

[quote=Flynneldariel]my alt account would gladly accept a beast
I will Reply in whatever i can with my main[/quote]
You should now have a rattling hissing box waiting on your doorstep should you still want it.

If anyone has a spare cat, I would be more than happy to give it a new home

Edit: I’ve found one
edited by Dhaulagiri on 2/15/2018

I’m looking for a cat to help me Seek, if anyone has a cat that needs temporary employment.

EDIT: Many thanks for this…erm, darling animal!

In case my letter to you went awry, here are the short answers to your SMEN questions: 1) Going North does indeed cost you your ship. If you turn back, you can always go through the process of getting a new one once you return to London. 2) You can return to regular life in London after you turn back at the Gate–just be sure not to accept the Obscurity quality in order to get St. Erzulie’s Candle, or you’ll be permanently locked out of a lot of basic content, such as professions and Notability. (When you go to get this candle, the person giving it will offer you another way, free of consequence. There really is no catch.)
edited by earthbourn on 2/27/2018
edited by earthbourn on 2/27/2018