The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

I’d love a cat, when it comes to that!

My alt, Catherine Raymond, is nearly ready to go NORTH. She has a Starveling Cat, and sees no need whatsoever to take it with her. That means there is one Starveling to go to a lucky (?) someone.

My alt is currently at Zee gratifying her curiosity about something (NOT the North Expedition quite yet) but when she returns she’s prepared to give away the cat. Preference will be given to a Seeker (since she is one and Seekers have a unique use for Starvelings). Thanks.
EDIT: Still no takers! My alt is eager to depart, so I’ll happily give this Starveling to whoever wants her. Just let me know.

EDIT: I have sent off my Starveling to Aldinth; assuming he accepts it, that will be that. Thanks, folks!
EDIT 2: Aldinth accepted my Starveling, and my alt has gone NORTH and is gone forever. Thanks.

edited by cathyr19355 on 8/16/2017
edited by cathyr19355 on 8/16/2017
edited by cathyr19355 on 8/19/2017

My alt is once again in need of Starvelling, as many as you can send to her! The more the merrier!
EDIT: I am in no need of these lovely creatures anymore, thank you to everyone who helped!
edited by BlabberingMat on 8/20/2017

My dwelling has come under assault by rats, and I would be greatly appreciative were I to receive feline assistance in resolving the matter.

EDIT: Assistance has been received. My thanks.
edited by Leiandros on 9/4/2017

My alt, Fahrenheit Shadow, wishes to seek, and would like Starveling Cats to help. (How many Starveling Cats do you need for seeking anyway?)
edited by June Ellie on 8/30/2017

104 is in need of a starveling companion for purposes of seeking (Mostly for increasing UP.). It’d be appreciated.


Thanks a lot!

Castameer, a Seeker of the Name, is seeking a Starveling Cat by the name of Whiskers. It just ran away, and ze is quite bereft.

Fahrenheit Shadow is still seeking a Starveling Cat, if anyone is willing to help.

Cat acquired!
edited by paradoxiKay on 9/16/2017

The Straveling Cat! The Straveling Cat! Please, gimmie that!

I myself am not looking for any more animals (I have a veritable menagerie In my house already and I suspect the neighbors would be complaining if not for the massive amount of blackmail material I have on them), how ever an acquaintance of mine was muttering something about them yesterday. If you do have one spare his address is

I’m up for passing cats and receiving cats.

Fahrenheit Shadow STILL needs a Starveling Cat

The good Deacon would love a Starveling Cat. His household is sorely lacking in cats. This would be a great start.

Bryan James is in need of a Starveling Cat. He would be very grateful to have one as an aid to his seeking.

UPDATE: Thank You Very Much Kerim for the Starveling Cat! :)
edited by Bryan_James16 on 9/26/2017

I made an alt, for the express purpose of Seeking. Said alt could greatly benefit from some company. Company that is skeletal, yet furry. Please aim your unwanted, animated parcels at Daniel Streetcat.

I’ll accept the box cat, and will pass it to you, if you wish. They can be so grumpy if you free them without passing them on.

The Lady of Lemons wishes to be drowned in black cats, so that she may drown herself in dark waters. If you’d like, my main Ixc can send you Surprise packages in return.