The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

[quote=robberbaroness][quote=Waterpls]Hello. I’m going to sacrifice my alt to SMEN too. Can somebody send him or me (link below) a Starveling Cat? I will repay with 'A strange sort of prank&quots (not sure how many is enough)
edited by Waterpls on 4/24/2017[/quote]
I’ve got a Starveling Cat I don’t want- I’ll send it to you as soon as I get the opportunity card. (Unless there’s a faster way?) My character is Desdemona Rank.[/quote]
Unfortunatly this is yet another spider in the box. But thank you, i will send 'A strange sort of prank&quot as soon as i get one.

Update:: Hooraay! Got a cat from Desdemona Rank. Payment is on the way.
edited by Waterpls on 5/2/2017

No longer accepting cats
edited by Will Crammond on 5/20/2017

EDIT: I have acquired a few too many of these monstrous felines, so if anyone’s interested, I got 'em!
edited by Iona Dre’emt on 3/16/2018

Good day, ladies and gentlemen
I have a boxed cat and I’d like to trade it for another one. Please contact me in-game if you’re interested.

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Evaded my grasp! Escaped the sack!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Three for plebes! Seven for the autocrat!

I need a few more, they keep my Rattus Faber company. Please knock on my door, and donate a cat. My profile is my real name stupidly (oops) so don’t want to post it here but will answer PM’s

I have a spare Starveling Cat and would gladly send it on to someone who needs it.

And I’m always more than willing to care of these little beast! As my name states, there isn’t much these kittens can do. :D

Someone just sent me what appeared to be a boxed cat. It was, of course, armed rats intent on inflicting damage. The accompanying text reading, “What up [redacted]” probably should have been my warning to decline the box. Well, I know from whom to decline social actions from now on.

I am looking for a Starveling Cat.

I happen to have a Boxed Cat ready to be sent on its way. If anyone is interested — please let me know.

Seems someone’s decided it’d be a bit o’ fun to send a rustling box to my lodgings in the post. I’d open the thing an’ have done with it, but I ‘eard from a mate o’ mine that when ‘e tried it, out popped one o’ them bl___y spiders! So it’s being sent off, to whoever’ll take the thing.

(And, my character’s irritation aside, I’d in fact be delighted to receive any questionable cat parcels in return.)

I have three of the dratted beasts camping out in my pantry. If anyone wishes to take one of them off my hands, send me an in-game message, and I’ll send the second over with great haste.
edited by Matthew Cline on 7/16/2017

We Also Have Two of the Beasts and Seek Their Removal. Free Us From Their Demands.

My Seeking alt would be interested in sending away a Starveling Cat in exchange for someone to betray.

No cat currently :)
edited by Parelle on 7/24/2017

Anyone interested in exchanging cat boxes? I can vouch for bringing good luck to my partner. ICountFrom0 has his midnight matriarch. Anyone for long term cat box exchanges?

I’ll take ye up on that if ye like, though I haven’t had so much luck finding the things.

My opportunity deck does not like to spit out cat boxes so far.

I’ll take ye up on that if ye like, though I haven’t had so much luck finding the things.

My opportunity deck does not like to spit out cat boxes so far.[/quote]

Sure, send me a social action in game? I haven’t got a cat box since posting either.

My friend Ms. Chandler is happy to share both house and bread with a Starveling Cat. It would shame her soul, she says, to do otherwise.

(She means well, and when that woman means well, reason tends to fall by the wayside. Give her a day or two with one of the beasts, please, so that we may put this particular argument behind us.)
edited by Pipedream on 7/27/2017

EDIT: Cat found!
edited by Pipedream on 7/28/2017

…Well, I saw this lovely thread a bit late. Just made a topic of my own. Time to go get rid of that
Anyhow, looking to trade boxes with pretty much anyone. I won’t tell the Duchess if you won’t.
I also wouldn’t mind one Starveling Cat, just for posterity’s sake.

I’m at least glad posting cats is as successful in the 1890s as it is in the 2010s. And so far, the postman hasn’t been sealing the airholes. Even poked some of his own when I forgot!

(Edit: I am now in possession of one Starveling Cat. Hopefully I’m still here a week from now.)
edited by ReusedNPC on 7/29/2017
edited by ReusedNPC on 8/2/2017

Well hello there Delicious Friends, of any gender and status alike.

Not to overindulge myself in a long and untruthful explanation, I’m in need of a certain beast(s), known also as Starvelling Cat, which are going to serve a rather unpleasant role in a mildly, yet completely insane quest of mine.

Cheers to you all.