The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

[quote=Skinnyman][quote=DYforthecats]I would like to get rid of a Starveling Cat; I’d be delighted to give it over to anyone interested.

Let me know and I’ll gladly ship it over to you![/quote]
As I said before, I just want cats for collection porpoise! If still available, I wouldn’t mind it![/quote]
The cat’s been sent your way!

I’m in urgent need of a starvelling cat. Can be repaid with any social action, just let me know in the message

Need a name.

I have a starveling cat for whoever needs one.

Caling card sent.

edited by Jsh-hk on 3/6/2017

All out of cats for now.
edited by Keelster on 3/14/2017
edited by Keelster on 3/21/2017

I have two Starveling Cats to rehome, let me know if you’d like one or both.

Edit: Cats are happily adopted now. :)
edited by splendentcarmine (Alodia Eschec) on 3/24/2017

I’m always interested in these little rascals!
They do make such a lovely companion! :d

They’re all yours!
edited by splendentcarmine (Alodia Eschec) on 3/24/2017

[quote=splendentcarmine (Alodia Eschec)]They’re all yours!
edited by splendentcarmine (Alodia Eschec) on 3/24/2017[/quote]
Much appreciated and this is yours!

Hello all! I am in possession of both a boxed cat, and a starveling cat. I’d like to swap both of these for boxed cats, if anyone is in the market at the moment! (Attempting to snag a Midnight Matriarch, so expect to see me post as soon as I have more cats.)

I am Mythlore in the game.

EDIT: The boxed cat has been swapped, but the starveling cat is still available for trade! I’ll post again when I have another boxed cat.
edited by Mythlore on 3/31/2017

I just got another boxed cat! So I once again have a boxed cat and starveling cat available to swap for more boxed cats ^^

My profile is:

EDIT: I am now catless! Thanks everyone ^^
edited by Mythlore on 4/6/2017
edited by Mythlore on 4/7/2017

Lorelai I would be thrilled to have my very own Starveling Cat -alas I have no boxes at current, but could I chalk it to an IOU?
Profile is

Edit: One Starveling Cat has been lovelingly received and has taken up a place of honour atop my wardrobe!
[i]edited by reaperOscuroCore on 4/6/2017

[/i]Re-edit: No cats have reached me by the post, so Lorelai none have been sent your way. Do not think I am remiss, I beg thee![/li][li]
edited by reaperOscuroCore on 5/10/2017

Tre-edit: Finally! Debt repaid, thank thee kindly Lorelai!
edited by reaperOscuroCore on 7/7/2017

Hello all, I am in the position of a box possibly containing a cat. I am looking to trade for another boxed cat. If interested, send me a message.

Profile is

I’ve been playing the Fisher-Kings’ games for a few days now, with no sign of that rascal cat. If anyone has a spare little monster to send my way for Seeking purposes, I’d be much obliged.

Ket sent to earthbourn.

You may yet stop this folly, before it is too late. Suicidal fool.

Many thanks! The course is set, though I may yet come to regret it…

I’m going to sacrifice my alt to SMEN. Thus, if anyone is willing to send a Starveling Cat my way, I would me most grateful. Could send any social action as a sign of gratitude (if you mention it in the message), or help with Menaces.

Edit: received a Cat and a poem from Lady Sapho L Byron. Thank you!
edited by Aronia on 4/18/2017

Hello. I’m going to sacrifice my alt to SMEN too. Can somebody send him or me (link below) a Starveling Cat? I will repay with 'A strange sort of prank&quots (not sure how many is enough)
edited by Waterpls on 4/24/2017

[quote=Waterpls]Hello. I’m going to sacrifice my alt to SMEN too. Can somebody send him or me (link below) a Starveling Cat? I will repay with 'A strange sort of prank&quots (not sure how many is enough)
edited by Waterpls on 4/24/2017[/quote]

I’ve got a Starveling Cat I don’t want- I’ll send it to you as soon as I get the opportunity card. (Unless there’s a faster way?) My character is Desdemona Rank.