The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

Urgent help requested! I’ve been bamboozled by a close acquaintance- what I thought was a heartwarming gift of a Starveling Stole turned out to be more active and rambuctious than expected! Please do help me take this… thing off my hands, my cats are beginning to conspire with it Please reply with haste!

But yes, a Starveling Cat to anyone who wants it.

Edit: Taken by a certain Mr. Bogdan.
edited by ExplosiveCrate on 2/14/2017

[quote=ExplosiveCrate]Urgent help requested! I’ve been bamboozled by a close acquaintance- what I thought was a heartwarming gift of a Starveling Stole turned out to be more active and rambuctious than expected! Please do help me take this… thing off my hands, my cats are beginning to conspire with it Please reply with haste!

But yes, a Starveling Cat to anyone who wants it.[/quote]
I WOULD LOVE to get a Starveling Cat, please. Send ingame at the profile. Thanks.

[quote=ExplosiveCrate]Urgent help requested! I’ve been bamboozled by a close acquaintance- what I thought was a heartwarming gift of a Starveling Stole turned out to be more active and rambuctious than expected! Please do help me take this… thing off my hands, my cats are beginning to conspire with it Please reply with haste!

But yes, a Starveling Cat to anyone who wants it.[/quote]

Please, kind sirs! I am in need of a Starveling Cat, and I am willing to partake in any number of social actions for such a rambunctious feline. Of course, I shall also pass my next box, as is custom.

Hello! I’m rather new here, but I somehow ended up with a box with a cat in it. Would somebody like to trade with me?

Edit: I have passed my cat along. Still happy to trade social actions with any interested parties.
edited by aberforth on 2/17/2017

I’m interested in acquiring a Starveling Cat! Will happily trade or conduct social interactions as requested.

My Seeking alt would be glad to receive a Starveling Cat.

My Alt would love to receive a Starveling Cat for Seeking. I’ll try to repay in any way possible. Please send to:

Mannfred von Darken

My side account has three Starvelings I’d be willing to trade fo a cat bax to my main, feel free to message me.

Ellia has just hit SMEN 18 and needs Starveling Cats to progress. If you’re sending one, let me know in the accompanying message what sort of social action I can offer in return for them, and thank you!

Boxed cat available. Apply at address below.

I have a boxed cat and would like to do a swap. Send me your box and I’ll send you one back.

EDIT: And gone.
edited by Celestialtien on 2/28/2017

My alt has a boxed cat, would be interested in a Starveling.
edited by Pourquoi on 3/1/2017

[quote=Pourquoi]My alt has a boxed cat, would be interested in a Starveling.
edited by Pourquoi on 3/1/2017[/quote]

Cat sent!

Cat sent!

I have a Starvling Cat which I’d very much like to be rid of. If someone needs one for Seeking purposes, don’t hesitate to ask.

The Starveling Cat has been given away.
edited by Anne Auclair on 5/23/2017

I’m not Seeking, but I do intend to make a nice collection of special cats!
Feel free to throw it my way or not if you consider it worth of a Seeker owner! :)

Looking to swap a boxed cat again! Send me a request and I’ll send you one back.

I would like to get rid of a Starveling Cat; I’d be delighted to give it over to anyone interested.

Let me know and I’ll gladly ship it over to you!

[quote=DYforthecats]I would like to get rid of a Starveling Cat; I’d be delighted to give it over to anyone interested.

Let me know and I’ll gladly ship it over to you![/quote]
As I said before, I just want cats for collection porpoise! If still available, I wouldn’t mind it!