The Rat Market

Thank you for this clarification. I am nowhere close to try the race in this year. But It’s cool goal, I will work on it.

Well, the melting rate has been slightly increased; Patch Notes - #343 by lukefbg.

Edicts of the First City week! This probably means nothing to you, but if you are an absolute monst- em, diamond owner like myself, you can trade these with Mr Fires to grind Connected: The Masters


I am a hoarder, but I could only afford one Edict this weekend. I already have a couple of those.

Only available to those with a certain ending to a certain Ambition, I believe.

More Tears of the Bazaar coming up next weekend, just in time to get some last minute Noman supplies!

Unfortunately, the rats want Storm Threnodies, which are also needed for Nomen…

But they will also buy Ivory Organza. I guess I’ll have to murder a bunch of people at Heart’s game this week…

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Great! I have enough for 30 bundles of Organza. It will significatly shorten my preparations for next year race. Currently i am merely at 67 / 140 Tears.


And I ended up with 131 Tears. Shame it’s too late for this year. And Threnodies will take around 1.5 months of concentrated grind for me.


If you guys are farming for Tears for the annual Christmas event, isn’t it easier and more efficient to upconvert Airags with the opportunity card? Need to start preparing months in advance.

The weekend Rat Market’s offerings are a hit and miss.

Among other things I am running the loop Master Blood → Crimson Books → Love Stories → Paint at Balmoral for Airag → Tears. Airags are not exactly easy to grind without losing in EpA. I believe this is the best way because I still draw all my cards in Upper river for Saddled Worm.

It costs 7 Airags which cost 437.5 vs the 312.5 of the price you pay at the Rat Market.


I thought they adjusted that cost downward. Even if they didn’t, Airag is still the best (only?) way outside of the Rat Market.

You can milk it from your worm too. Besides it, the expensive upconversion is the only reliable source.

It’s not ideal, but diamonds are up this weekend! But this also means there’s a higher chance to have them back in two weeks when we’ll be able to sell NWs.


Hold your gifts, wait for the scrams to cash in the blings!
We have NW - Diamond weekend!


Perfect timing, I also had Incunabula to offload!

… Assuming I have enough actions remaining after the Night Whispers tide washes over.

Edit: That reminds me: is it better to hoard Plunder to go Atlases > Crackling Devices > Diamonds in case of CD/Diamonds weekend, or to use Plunder to go straight for Diamonds?

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Crackling Device is a better way because you sell them for 85E value instead of the 62.5E you pay for.
The same goes for Ivory, and probably other stuff, but if you’re about to get a worm/saddle, it’s best to cash in sooner instead of waiting for Rat market to properly align.

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Guess I’ve been going at this wrong, because despite lacking a Worm (not to mention a saddle) I’m still waiting for the stars to align (which they are doing now so yay for that). Oh well.

I hope you can help guide me from my ignorance. I have 380 night-whispers saved over a long period of time. I would like to convert these to hinterland scrip. Am I correct that to do this, I do the following:

  1. Enter the rat-market starting on Feb. 10 and sell all the NWs for rat-coins or whatever they are called. Does this take an action per NW?
  2. Still in the rat-market, purchase as many of the highest end diamonds that I can. Are these fabulous diamonds? Does this cost an action per diamond?
  3. Go to the Hurlers and sell the diamonds for hinterland scrip. Does this take an action per diamond sold?

Sorry for what are probably obvious questions but I am new at doing this and want to make sure I understand things. If it is going to take a lot of actions and time away from London, I have to balance that against the time I need to spend in the Feast of the Rose to get the two new non-fate companions. Thanks for any help or advice you can offer.

  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes.

Keeping in mind 3) can be done at any time.