The Neathy Speed-Dating Service

Is it still Yandere if its possible to murder someone with the knowledge that they’ll most likely be back in a few hours or days? Barring of course going through the extra effort to inflict true death.[/quote]
From what I understand it extends to any major countermeasures, not just murder, anyhow.

In fact, I think the Neathy environment might actually be somewhat conducive to the creation of yanderes. The Bazaar probably adores them.
edited by ReusedNPC on 9/21/2017

[quote=Kukapetal]I’m a bit curious where all this love for the pirate poet comes from. Other than the text you get when you initially acquire her, all she does is sit there quietly in my Companions section. Is there a storylet featuring her somewhere that I’ve missed or do you all just REALLY love her artwork?

Which is fine if that’s the case, I’ve definitely developed a few in-game crushes based on the lovely artwork of the characters, I’m just a bit curious if there’s something else I’m missing about her.[/quote]

The initial text was enough to thoroughly seduce me. &quotThe Pirate Poet wrote herself free&quot is such a lovely sentence, and her backstory and personality are fascinating. She is a former slave who fought for her freedom, and then she went on to write a trilogy of poems about that struggle on her own skin. She is brains and brawn, and I would really like to get to know her better (it may end up being the factor that pushes me to finally get Sunless Sea.) Plus, I have a lot of empathy for Clay People, and a soft spot for those among them who desire to be free. So there’s a lot about her that appeals to me. (I told a friend who doesn’t play Fallen London about her, and she replied &quotyeah, that’s totally your type.:)&quot)

Is it ever explained how she came to be? She seems to be the only Claywoman in the game. Or is it left as a mystery?

Do PCs count? There’s a few in this thread who made (and keep making) my characters’ lives a lot more interesting, that’s for sure.~

But as far as NPCs go, I’m…actually very curious about Poor Edward? The fact that he comes across as horribly creepy and increasingly menacing, without sounding like a try-hard…it makes me wonder what’s up with him. Who knows, maybe underneath all that, there’s…something less horrifying? Or maybe not. Maybe it’s just layers upon layers of creep. Either way, I’m interested.

And then there’s the Genial Magician. He’s hot. And versatile.

Not exactly, but the Merciless Modiste does at one point offer to resculpt her, and it apparently wouldn’t be the first time, so I’m guessing she just sculpted herself a fitting form.

Also, Sunless Sea reveals that her piracy and poetry are both explicitly liberationist - she fights and writes not for plunder, or fame, or for art’s sake, but to free all oppressed people from tyranny.

Basically she’s a nine-foot trans anarchist pirate and I adore her.

Not exactly, but the Merciless Modiste does at one point offer to resculpt her, and it apparently wouldn’t be the first time, so I’m guessing she just sculpted herself a fitting form.

Also, Sunless Sea reveals that her piracy and poetry are both explicitly liberationist - she fights and writes not for plunder, or fame, or for art’s sake, but to free all oppressed people from tyranny.

Basically she’s a nine-foot trans anarchist pirate and I adore her.[/quote]
Yeahhhh, I know where I’m spending my Masquing next Feast. The Liberationism worries me, honestly, but I CAN OVERLOOK THAT!

I should specify - I mean liberationism, not Liberationism. As in freeing people from tyrants, rather than putting out the Sun.

Oh no.

She keeps getting more perfect.

Please, Failbetter, please let me romance and eventually marry her.

The Albino Rat. She deserves someone in her life.

Some people like a bit of rat.

[quote=Lucas Chandler]
…To cut a long story short, I’m going to just start chanting &quotPIRATE POET&quot as well.


She’s the muscular, activist butch of my dreams. Having her as a companion is wonderful, but as a constant companion…well, that’s all I want for Sackmas.
edited by earthbourn on 9/22/2017

After Sunless Sea the words ‘constant companion’ still gives me shivers. And in the context of a love life… that is the stuff of nightmares XD
edited by Akernis on 9/23/2017

[quote=earthbourn][quote=Lucas Chandler]
…To cut a long story short, I’m going to just start chanting &quotPIRATE POET&quot as well.


She’s the muscular, activist butch of my dreams. Having her as a companion is wonderful, but as a constant companion…well, that’s all I want for Sackmas.
edited by earthbourn on 9/22/2017[/quote]

Joining in the pile of people in love with the pirate poet, fb staff if you’re reading this, well, i think you can guess what we want for valentines day :)

I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Lady Black yet. She’s regal, artistic, compassionate, and like… a huge sea monster. Quadruple threat.

Personally though, I’m a big fan of the Fathomking. A brilliant, charismatic human who falls in love with a Lorn Fluke? Who willingly becomes a monster and luxuriates in his newfound biological complexity? Who feels kinship with sea monsters and rules his domain with wisdom, cunning, and caprice? Yes please! ^_~ Plus the way they describe his voice and breath in Sunless Sea is A++.

I do like Lady black if we’re including sunless sea people, additionally the pirate poet. Not romanticly interested, but the heart metal Acolyte is a curious figure. There is an extremely good chance i’d end up spending my life in scrimshaw, going insane as one of those archivists.

It’ll have to be something weird, I’ve been around humans all my life and I’ve grown quite bored of them.

My ship, I’ll have to stay in polytheme at first until I figure out how to make the vitality more sticky. I’ll talk to dark and savage first they can tell me whatever they do with the gloves, the king with a hundred hearts could probably work something out. Then we had have adventures sailing around the Neath with a hold full with blemmigans.

The uttershroom, why settle for one blemmigan when you can date all of them. I’d love to get to understand a truly aliens intelligence.

The principles or coral. Maybe discovering new board games will get it interesting in living again. If not I’ll have to see it off.

Temtum, its a giant crab with a city of its back, who wouldn’t love that. I don’t know if its sapient but I’ll try to find out. Plus the tomb colonies won’t be far enough away for the amount of scandal I’ll build up in the persuit of ever more strange romances.

I’m just think of the massive crab legs of Temtum. It’d take alot of special equipment to cook it properly.

I would love to date Mr. Pages, as I find him very endearing, or Mr. Hearts because… ahem . If you think that is madness, I will let you know that I romanced the Once-Dashing Smuggler to find out what is underneath a Tomb-Colonist’s bandages. FOR SCIENCE. But currently, I am madly in love with the Last Constable.

Death by romance.

Death by glamour.

These are the things I refuse to stammer.

sluggishly moonwalks away

[quote=Lamia Lawless][quote=Fluffy Monotreme]
Such wanton lust for a respectable man! Feh! Next you’ll try to seduce the Bishops, or go after a married woman or man.[/quote]

Like Mrs. Plenty?

I’m fairly sure she and her husband are in an open relationship.[/quote]

I’d always assumed that Mrs. Plenty was a widow. Either a genuine widow or a happy divorcee. At any event, it’s hard to imagine the man who could stand up to Mrs. Plenty, morally or in terms of …appetites.