The Neathy Speed-Dating Service

Well, I’m getting married shortly once my partner has finished furnishing the dining table, but a part of my heart will always belong to the Barbed Wit. There’s nothing like defenestration to set one’s heart aflutter.

They’re MINE!!!

(so is the rest of him. Just so we’re clear) :P
edited by Kukapetal on 9/20/2017

Such wanton lust for a respectable man! Feh! Next you’ll try to seduce the Bishops, or go after a married woman or man.[/quote]

So what you’re saying is that I should limit any wanton lust to his Sister?

Can I go with everyone? is that a option? I can hold a few salons, I have enough propoties.

If not, I like Lady Byron’s idea. Or alternativly the Barbed Wit and the other one whose name I forgot for now.

The Last Constable. She is precisely my type of character — strong-willed, unyielding, tragic.

Wilhelm is still single in the futile hopes of making this young woman his spouse. Perhaps, one day it will happen. If he can’t have her, however, then he would rather stay alone.

Needless to say, I’m very much looking forward to the continuation of &quotFamily and Law&quot.

I wish there was more content for the Pirate-Poet in Fallen London. My main is quite in awe of her, and Phiri being in awe of anyone is a feat nearly as impossible as my alt Jacqueline not flirting with someone.

This one is happily married, though there used to be stirrings long ago for the Last Constable. Still desire to eventually restore her from exile/hiding. This one might has lost much drive for romance or fleshly pursuits from too much exposure to the correspondence. Burned the brain a bit.

A delicious little topic, to be sure. London is chock full of beautiful and sensual characters. Some of my favourite imagined dalliances:

  • Darling February, whom I’ve been meeting regularly in the Cave of the Nadir ever since I’ve sold her the location. And is she something - like fondling a sensuous, razor-sharp katana!
  • The Captivating Princess. Hard as she may be, she truly is a gem, a quintessential femme fatale. For those so inclined, imagine the horrifyingly forbidden pleasure of a dalliance within the chambers of Red Honey.
  • Her sister, the Generous Princess - for those who proved equally generous during the course of the Gift. The level of connection between the two of you must surely make every contact exquisite!
  • The sisters from Hunter’s Keep, whom I always find some time to visit when I’m off zailing. I particularly care for Cynthia, but all three serve as wonderously mysterious and tragically amorous characters. Though sometimes they seem more like a single character viewed through three distinct prisms…
  • The Kashmiri Princess. Twice over, in fact.
  • The Silk-Clad Expert. I got to say, even as a real-life arachnophobe, this lady offered perhaps the most effectively written seduction in the game for me. I would love to get to know what became of her eventually, or for her to have a bit more lasting presence in the game.

And of course, I second the appreciation for the Last Constable and the Secular Missionary, both of whom are great characters.

Lastly, undying love belongs to my eminently beautiful and surprisingly open-minded spouse, Celebrated Artist’s Model. How supportive she is! How tolerant of all the above mentioned escapades! How nicely she herself gets along with my plethora of companions (especially the ruggedly charismatic Enigmatic Augur)…
edited by Aardvark on 9/20/2017

[li]My character’s heart belongs to the Once Dashing Smuggler. She has found many others attractive and doubtless will find many others…but the Once Dashing Smuggler will always hold her heart. starts sobbing

My lady will go along with anyone as long as it benefits her in the end. Even though she is married to the/a Jewel Thief, that definitely doesn’t stop her either. Gender doesn’t matter but she rather they be as human as possible. Extra parts and slime or stench are quite a turn off for someone who claims to be sophisticated.[li]
edited by heavensdark on 9/20/2017

The Revolutionary Firebrand god FB let us marry the boy.
I also wouldn’t mind being able to romance the Sigil-Ridden Navigator in Sunless Sea…

I wish there was more content for the Pirate-Poet in Fallen London. My main is quite in awe of her, and Phiri being in awe of anyone is a feat nearly as impossible as my alt Jacqueline not flirting with someone.

So after hearing all this about the Pirate Poet I did a little research to find out who they were…

Pirate Poet! Pirate Poet! Pirate Poet! (gets progressively louder, banging implements on furniture, causing a scene) PIRATE POET! PIRATE POET! PIRATE POET!

Okay, she’s not so much a crush as kind of an idol. She makes me want to get an elaborate tattoo and read radical verse.[/quote]
…To cut a long story short, I’m going to just start chanting &quotPIRATE POET&quot as well.



Mr Veils.

I’d enjoy having a ticking time bomb with me.

Jenny is of course lovely and charming.

But I will always remember the raven-haired ninja nun who ambushed me in a dark alleyway with a spiked rosary. She really was remarkably pretty – if you have eyes for that sort of thing. And I do.

She also nursed me back to health after my tangle with the Vake. While calling me an idiot. Is it any wonder that I developed a bit of a crush?

[quote=Aberrant Eremite] I will always remember the raven-haired ninja nun who ambushed me in a dark alleyway with a spiked rosary. She really was remarkably pretty – if you have eyes for that sort of thing. And I do.

She also nursed me back to health after my tangle with the Vake. While calling me an idiot. Is it any wonder that I developed a bit of a crush?[/quote]
There is a remarkably small amount of tsunderes in London, isn’t there? I suppose the society just isn’t cut out for them. Ah, well, at least there’s some.

I’m a bit curious where all this love for the pirate poet comes from. Other than the text you get when you initially acquire her, all she does is sit there quietly in my Companions section. Is there a storylet featuring her somewhere that I’ve missed or do you all just REALLY love her artwork?

Which is fine if that’s the case, I’ve definitely developed a few in-game crushes based on the lovely artwork of the characters, I’m just a bit curious if there’s something else I’m missing about her.

She’s a full character in Sunless Sea.

[quote=Lucas Chandler][quote=Aberrant Eremite] I will always remember the raven-haired ninja nun who ambushed me in a dark alleyway with a spiked rosary. She really was remarkably pretty – if you have eyes for that sort of thing. And I do.

She also nursed me back to health after my tangle with the Vake. While calling me an idiot. Is it any wonder that I developed a bit of a crush?[/quote]
There is a remarkably small amount of tsunderes in London, isn’t there? I suppose the society just isn’t cut out for them. Ah, well, at least there’s some.[/quote]
Is it still Yandere if its possible to murder someone with the knowledge that they’ll most likely be back in a few hours or days? Barring of course going through the extra effort to inflict true death.

Depending on how your relationship with them began and developed, the Sardonic Music-Hall Singer and the Revolutionary Firebrand may qualify.