The Neathy Speed-Dating Service

We can actually meet her husband! In both Fallen London and Sunless Sea. Let’s just say he’s a well-connected man who knows a thing or two about indulgences.

Regarding Mrs Plenty’s marital status:

Her husband is Jervaise, Mr Wines’s right-hand man. He appears in the Bag a Legend ambition. One of the ports in Sunless Skies is Polmear & Plenty’s Inconceivable Circus, implying that Polmear may be Jervaise’s last name. One of the carnival’s outlying sky-islands is named Jervaise’s Rest, so the fellow is presumably dead and buried there. So far, Sunless Skies contains no trace of Mrs Plenty herself, so her fate is unknown.

Shows how much I know! (Of course, if I’d been able to get and play Sunless Sea I probably would have figured it out.) Thanks, Anchovies!

Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only one who have a thing for talkative Rattus Fabers. Such adorable, noisy but adorable, boorish but adorable, so often consumed but still adorable, suitable materials for some uncanny experiments but still rather exclusively ADORABLE, little furballs. And they are way safer than the L.B.s or the Rat of Glory. At least they won’t explode. Plus they are engineers, definitely my type. I’d say they would make ideal partners. Do they ever get flushed?

Aren’t Rattus Faber and L.B. synonyms? Politely, they’re Rattus Faber, informally, they’re Little B______s? (That is what L.B. is supposed to stand for, right?)
In any case, I certainly wouldn’t consider them romantically. Except, I don’t know, the Albino Rat seems nice enough, and not too unconcerned with the affairs of humans. And she’s delightfully cute.

Oh I was actually referring to the scuttering squad, comparatively the talkative sort is not that scary. Yeah it seems the Albino Rat may have more interest in romantic affairs, but just personally I would very much like to see what the talkative Rattus Faber will be like when being proposed, with half romantic consideration and half curiosity.

I’ve expressed my interest for the albino rat earlier in the thread, but I do like the little guys in general. They’re all so adorable, and I do find it’s pleasant to chat with something that has a different viewpoint than our own, quite literally in their case.

[quote=Delta67]Do they ever get flushed?[/quote]Are you… did you just…

Yeah I like their special expressions, like &quotHell of seven cats&quot (or something alike I don’t recall exactly what’s the term), and of course their songs. What makes rats special to me is not only that they have no communication barrier with Londoners. Cats can also speak, but are nothing like them: they either make their appearance around the shady Duchess or some other sinister places, or haunt you in Parabola.

[quote=Anchovies][quote=Delta67]Do they ever get flushed?[/quote]Are you… did you just…

More like:

edited by Delta67 on 10/4/2017

[quote=folklore364][quote=Lucas Chandler][quote=Aberrant Eremite] I will always remember the raven-haired ninja nun who ambushed me in a dark alleyway with a spiked rosary. She really was remarkably pretty – if you have eyes for that sort of thing. And I do.

She also nursed me back to health after my tangle with the Vake. While calling me an idiot. Is it any wonder that I developed a bit of a crush?[/quote]
There is a remarkably small amount of tsunderes in London, isn’t there? I suppose the society just isn’t cut out for them. Ah, well, at least there’s some.[/quote]
Is it still Yandere if its possible to murder someone with the knowledge that they’ll most likely be back in a few hours or days? Barring of course going through the extra effort to inflict true death.[/quote]

The killing of Yandere is mainly for reasons of ‘no one else will have you. Now you are forever mine.’. Temporary death doesn’t achieve it. Unless it is meant as a threat that ‘if you look at another girl once more I will cut you to pieces’.

But hey, I always imagine what if some characters are tsundere. Sadly connections are hard to come by, so the possibility of a secret admire is very limited.

Got a thing for candles, do you?

Turkish Girl!
I know that she is

buying herself out of arranged marriage

, but we meet her on and on (actually, more than we do with <whatever> Artist’s Model), repeatedly have such awesome time during society’s party, and there is no way to even attempt pursing her for Constant Companion? :( C’mon… Also, it would be refreshingly &quotnormal&quot, after all those snuffer wifes etc. Besides, shes quite adorable, judging by writing.
edited by CatLady on 1/16/2018