The London Horticultural Show is here!

I’m out of actions, but I just had a thought. Has anyone checked Ms. Chapman’s yet? I’d bet she and her patrons have something to say about this.

It looks like the text changed for both Sinning Jenny and the Admiralty options.

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Did the 4 basic actions and no mention of current goings-on, or any change from usual mechanics and text. The action unlocked by exploring the house with perseverance is unavailable to me, as I’ve already done it since my last Time the Healer.

Has anybody checked anything at Zee? I have Zeefaring 15, access to all nonfate nonSMEN sea locations, and 10 cups of darkdrop coffee that seem to have finally found a worthy meaning in their inanimate life. I bet I could do a survey of at least half the Zee.

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I talked to Mrs. Chapman and saw no mention of the event, and saw no new storylets relating to it.

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And yet, some kind of half-hearted event. So strange, why can’t you just take a sniper rifle and shoot off their heads, but have to run and call for help?

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I’m assuming we’ll get more options as the story goes on. I imagine the trick with these sort of multi stage narratives if you have to plan enough that people have something to do, without building out so much that your writers have no time to build the major beats. I think at the moment we’re focused on making the violence seem serious and I think the little adjustments to death, sailing etc, and the shutting down of powerful options like the Masters/devils do that nicely. Hopefully, we’ll push through the opening build fairly fast and then maybe we’ll get more potent options to fight back.

Any consensus on people focusing on Sinning Jenny or the Admiralty? Certainly the Admiralty seems poised to run away, where Sinning Jenny seems focused on helping in some way, so I’m personally expecting a betrayal by the Admiralty with Sinning Jenny as the only source of hope. But that could also end up being self-fulfilling, so the imp of the perverse suggests trying to put points into Admiralty.

Story-wise, this invasion is too big for someone to handle alone, you have to organize a big group.

…this comes up in a lot of exceptional stories, when our characters are so powerful that you kind of wonder “why are they following the story, when instead they could…” (give Cider to the person whose life is in danger, steal the macguffin ourselves since it can’t be harder than robbing the bazaar, punch out the villain ourselves since we’re so strong, etc.)

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Report from the Zee (highly caffeinated):
I took a round trip against the Zee’s currents. Started with Bullbone Island (home waters, went through the unskippable carousel once), followed by Hunter’s Keep (got as far as knocking on the door and checking the options unlocked by that single action). Then went clockwise to the Principles of Coral (at the beginning of the carousel), then Irem (including entering a nearby future and checking the options on its cards) , then to the Khanate (including entering Khan’s Heart and checking options outside of any intrigue). Up to this point I had kept my Corsair’s colours down. I then went to the Mangrove College (have never done the fate-related content there), and then to Polyhtreme (checked starting options on “new” Polythreme carousel and entered “old” Poltythreme checking options on all permanent storylets and three of the opportunity cards). I followed that up by zailing to Godfall (did not do any pilgrimage carousel), then to the Court of the Wakeful Eye (already had 4 Ministers in hand), then to Port Carnelian (docked, held speech, left). Returned to London and set for the Snares (Corsair respect 7). Arrived in Snares and went from there to the Iron Republic. Currently ran out of coffee and actions right before landing in the Iron Republic. Will also check Corpsecage Island and Grunting Fen once actions regenerate naturally, but I left them for last because after Bullbone I was scared that they, too, might present unskippable carousels that excluded the use of that sweet, sweet Darkdrop beverage.

Findings: Absolutely nothing new. Not on the cards at zee, not in the storylets in ports. We seem to be alone…

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Jenny’s aid efforts have passed 100%. She’s still taking volunteers for search parties if you want to. Admiralty’s at 86% at time of posting, so a bit of focussed effort should push them to action soon.

And now, it’s our turn! With a bit of helping the relief efforts the tides of the war will begin to change on the Starved Men! For London!

I don’t often post here now, but I figured on the offcnace noone said it here I would:

The plant event might not be real, but if you want a real version of it, FBG are listening and taking in feedback. Send such to their feedback email.

God I wish there were Profession based bits of text when you fought Starved Men.

I mean, my Brother In Service to the Drummer, I am a Teratomancer, the narrative should reflect that.

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I daresay that prestige could very well have gone the way of the glass house. Set expectations low to avoid disappointment.

It’s stat related similar to the actions asking for help. 5.5 EPA is something nice and maybe can be directly converted to Scrip.

So who’s ready for the inevitable plot twist that the Starved Men aren’t trying to hurt us at all, they just want to live here/flee from a greater threat on the celing/help protect us from something worse about to happen? With the constant emphasis on how they are generally only hurting people when provoked, and just care about shaping the environment, it sort of seems like a foregone conclusion to me.


Is the bold text on “Materials and Materiel” designed to make us not spend Service To London in case something shinier is offered later? Not that I don’t love ham (and if I’m reading right, at upper river rather than London prices?)…

Oooh, only now I saw we can cash that already. I think it’s just a placeholder to return from time to time. Considering what Bruno said, I’m sure these options won’t go away, but remain for quite some time.

EDIT: From Bruno:

Service to London is the overarching reward quality for the whole rest of the event. You’ll be able to get more and spend it until the very end.

So, is the idea to first bring down destruction to 0, then bring up defense to one billion, then bring down destruction again, from wherever it got to during the defense?