The Hellworm Club

The moral of the story is that I’m not lazy enough, and that if I used copy-and-paste more often then it would be better for everyone involved.


My Jörmungandr has been saddled! Here’s rhe echo of our first ride together:


Finally got my very own hellworm today, and from the look of these recent nerfs, it’s not a moment too soon!
I’m choosing to interpret ‘Hellworm’ as more of a ‘Hellmillipede’, so I’ve named her Milly.
Fallen London


I got Buster a few weeks ago but definitely didn’t remember to echo it, so I guess put me down as today. Family photo on my mantelpiece: Fallen London

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Finally saddled my hellworm!
Oh, and I guess I should log my cheese.

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This last bird week has really sped me along, and I got my (not so) little wormy buddy today! His name is Ping Pong, and I will love him, and hug him, and name him… Oh, right.

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I am the proud master of a fuzzy new hellworm, so at your convenience please add me to the club. The hellworm is visible on my profile.


I´d like to introduce Heinzdieter into this round. He´s around for quite a while now, as you might see, and I am looking forward to serve some of his delicious milk to the next Whitsuns De Gustibus!

Link to my profile: El Mar (got hellworm milk?)

In totally unrelated news: anyone got an idea what to do with a batch of five cantigaster venoms?

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Out of curiousity, and to make myself feel inadequate, is there a count of how many people have hellworms so far?

The first post has a list of everyone so far, although there might be a few missing. I have an unofficial list I keep, and there’s 64 people so far. 21 of those have moved on to Saddled Hellworms, 3 have Boots, 1 has Polish, and there’s 1 person with both Regular and Saddled Hellworms.


That took a lot longer than I expected it to. Please allow me to introduce Incitatus, as shown on my mantlepiece here: Ludovico Santiago

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So to confirm, Heinzdieter has been your companion since before May of this year, you’ve already talked to the Sketchy Cheesemonger and you’re awaiting cheese in 2023?

Also do you have any idea when you and Heinzdieter became an item, more precisely than “before Whitsun?” I checked your journal, I don’t see any items dating all the way back to Christmas.

Just so you know, for your list, you forgot to add kronosaurus (in game name: Houkeraid II) who posted above on Jun 9th.

There’s also three or so people who posted on Discord about having Hellworms. Unfortunately, their usernames aren’t always the same as their in-game names, so not sure how you’d want to handle that. Just trying to help!

Edit: This was supposed to be a reply to psgarak. I still can’t get the hang of how the new forum’s reply system works.

Thanks for the catch! I should do a full clean-up at some point when I have some spare time. There are a few ashamedly-unnamed worms that I need to follow up on as well. Perhaps since we’ve recently passed the one-year mark.

The interface seems to be markedly different between desktop and mobile, but on desktop there are (at least?) two Reply functions. There’s a thread-level one near the button, which is blue, next to flag & bookmark. And a post-level one next to the Heart and Link icons. Using the latter will visually indicate the person, and link back to the specific post.

That’s what I used, but it didn’t indicate a reply to you. Weird. The only way I can get this to show that is by highlighting text from your post and clicking on the “quote” option that pops up. Ah well.

Any ideas on how many have combo of at least cider + heptagoat + hellworm?

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“At least”??? I’m feeling REALLY behind now.

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No pressure. You probably have more important things in your life than grinding absurd amounts of resources in videogame.

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Here’s the current list:

Great Pigmeat
Peter James
R Ruskin

Edit: There are now 14 (that I know of). If anyone else has all three, feel free to let me know.


I’ve got all three of those too