The 'good evening' thread: introduce yourself here

A good day to all, I’ve recently decided to venture into the Neath after hearing of some of the delightful scandal it has to offer, oh, and it does not disappoint! I have strong interests towards hats and am also looking for… subjects. I’m really a very new member of Fallen London, but it’s already been a fantastic experience!

Good evening, friends (delicious and otherwise). Cedric Appleby, at your service. I am simply one of those people who can’t resist springing for every single bit of Fate-locked content they encounter (Echo Bazaar counts for half of my PayPal activity) and spend far too much time thinking about writing fanfiction without ever actually doing so.

Good evening! I’m Linnet, I’ve been playing EBZ for a little over a year and a half, and RPing EBZ for…a little over a year and a half. What an excellent world for playing in!

In real life, I’m a historian-by-training, writer and gamer.

I’m M_L_G. I like EBZ, I don’t really role-play it at all though, I just play all the storylets to read snippets of lore. But hey, if you need to know the best place to farm any particular goods or just echoes, I can probably hook you up.

Hello all! I’m Eleanor, and I got sucked into EBZ about a year and a half ago and have been RPing with a lovely crew within the EBZ-verse for about a year now.

In my life outside the computer, I’m a costume technician, semi-decent artist, and amusingly decent musician. I live for tabletop gaming, and have fallen in love with most everything cthulhu-related.

I also love owls, squid, and most kinds of creepy fish.

Dani! I’m Canadian, an erstwhile grad student, a historian of science, an aspiring editor, a tea and coffee drinker both, a cat and dog person both, a Libra. I RP in the EBZverse with my favourite crew (as a Mute Naturalist, primarily) and I think slime molds are totally amazing.

Owls! I love owls and I’ve repeatedly said I think there should be more owls in this game. The Bazaar seems to think the Bifurcated Owl is quite enough, though.

I’m Melena and I’ve been playing EBZ since the start of the year. Been RPing around the same time with a lovely group I ran across one day on Twitter and it’s been a blast since. I work mostly as a student but do the odd job here and there.

I love Victorian era, steampunk, mystery, horror and all things kitties even if I have skin conditions because of them. My favorite author is Neil Gaiman and I aspire to be writer oneday. For now, RPing like whoa on Twitter, LJ and AIM is my substitute.

Good evening. I’m Alex. I’m a reader of books, an amateur actor of plays, an occasional performer of stand up comedy and a writer down of things purely for my own amusement.

Nice to see you.

Evening, friends. I’ve been walking the streets of Fallen London for around a year now, despite not having quite caught up to the main storyline. They know me as breathtaking. Sagacious. Deranged. I do hope we can all get along.

My lady has a bifurcated owl, and I dropped everything possible to go grind that thing out as soon as humanly possible. <3.

Greetings individuals, I am Matthias. I found EB a while back through a friend and it had me hooked from the start. I play it for its excellent story telling.

Outside of the game, I am a writer of fiction, though facts have a tendency to hop into it. I plan to be a published novelist some day and have a great interest in any type of punkpunk genre. Beyond that, I try to live my life in a God pleasing manner and try to learn from every failure.
edited by Matthias Hudson on 12/19/2011

Hello there. I am Kwogger, and I hail from the foreign colony of Canukia. I’m a mobile developer by day, and currently, my nights are spent working at the Labyrinth of Tigers to afford my own Respectable Landau. I would be more than happy to spar with new challengers in the Tournament of Lilies.

Greetings. I’m Madeleine. Maddyanne1 on Twitter and Parthenia in Fallen London. I am a voracious reader, a writer of performable texts, and an occasional artist.

Good Hello to you! I am Alex. I read books, act (but not properly), write things down for my own amusement, and sometimes do stand up comedy (moderately properly.

Echo Bazaar fulfils a need for grotesque Victoriana. Hooray. I only wish the League of Gentlemen would set a show in the Neath.

Greetings! I have been known to go by ‘Chaoseed’, but you can (and may) call me ‘John’. I’m interested in all sorts of games, as well as game design; when I encounter a new game, I either tear it open, suck the interesting ideas from its marrow and toss the carcass aside…OR, if it’s a really good game, I devour every last delectable morsel of content that I can. Echo Bazaar falls into the latter category, to which my Owl can attest. I’m also interested in programming, writing and interesting stories of all kinds (I just recently finished Vol. I of Romance of the Three Kingdoms; riveting stuff).

Hi, I am an Echo Bazaar and Night Circus player. I’m glad to be here, I really enjoy these games and I’m excited to meet more people who feel the same. I go by the name Kaanyia in both games.

A pleasant day to you all. I’m Andrey , a late bloomer to the bazaar fashion but eager to learn as many secrets as my insanity can hold. Cheers!

My name is Harriet, mostly Tehexile or The Exile online. I love video games, reading, writing and dreaming. My favourite games apart from Echo Bazaar are all Sega Saturn games - Dark Savior, NiGHTs, Dragon Force, Shining Force 3. I have recently finished reading The Night Circus. I live in Sheffield, UK but with a bit of luck I’ll return to my own planet soon.

In the Neath I am a mysterious lady known only as ‘The Exile’ (although my appalling handwriting, a skill taught to me by an inebriated Infernal bureaucrat, makes it look like ‘tehexile’). Due to my habit of sleeping all day and lounging around all night writing honey-inspired and largely indecipherable poetry about how much I miss my home, I am not a particularly high level Echo Bazaar character yet.

Hello all.

My EBZ character is Lalia… an irresistable, breathtaking, terrifying and lethal lady who loves texts and devils. I’ve been enchanted with this game for well over a year and I’m salivating about getting back into the University.

In RL, I’m a novelist and bellydancer who is pursuing an MA in Psychology while working at a yoga studio as a writer. I’m a somewhat-lapsed goth who loves cats (my darling hubby and I have three) and cooking.

I’d love to know more Echo Bazaar players! If you’d like to catch up on twitter, my Echo Bazaar stuff is @moxie_rocks, and my writing stuff is @NikkiMPill.

