The Fruits of the Zee festival begins!

[quote=SamNorrey]I’m a bit baffled by the Viscountess’s collar. Why add another Glasswork clothing, when they are the easiest to get? Granted, I also just bought the slug on one char a couple weeks back (with no Tales left afterward), so I’m probably a bit saltier than I should be. But still, there’s 7 new stats, why pick the one that already has 3 different items providing it (counting frocks & suits as the same)? The Parabola-linen items are expensive, granted, but Glasswork is an endgame stat. I also understand the thematic connection, but this is the easy to get advertised item of the event.
The Viscount’s collar is honestly great with the Mithridacy bonus as that’s the first generally available source for the slot, but it seems strange to me that of two supposedly equal choices one should be good for almost everyone (except those with one choice in Light Fingers, or whoswho Fate on it), but the other is approximately ‘meh, saved me 470 echoes…’ Why not make it Monstrous Anatomy? There’s no clothing item yet with that, and it’s thematically fitting with hunting in Parabola. Or make it another slot, items are already rather creative in what slot they go into.
edited by SamNorrey on 8/18/2020[/quote]

Well, the bird skin gloves from Whistsun give MA. So do free-roving teeth, but their ambition related so they don’t really count. But I get your point, there’s an awful lot of glasswork going around. I haven’t spent a lick of fate but I’ve got a +3 modifier to glasswork, and it’s also arguably the easiest to raise the cap for. I’ll take it all as a sign there is oodles of parabola content to come, that and our new mayor, so I’m happy with its easy access.

[quote=SamNorrey]I’m a bit baffled by the Viscountess’s collar. Why add another Glasswork clothing, when they are the easiest to get? Granted, I also just bought the slug on one char a couple weeks back (with no Tales left afterward), so I’m probably a bit saltier than I should be. But still, there’s 7 new stats, why pick the one that already has 3 different items providing it (counting frocks & suits as the same)? The Parabola-linen items are expensive, granted, but Glasswork is an endgame stat. I also understand the thematic connection, but this is the easy to get advertised item of the event.
The Viscount’s collar is honestly great with the Mithridacy bonus as that’s the first generally available source for the slot, but it seems strange to me that of two supposedly equal choices one should be good for almost everyone (except those with one choice in Light Fingers, or whoswho Fate on it), but the other is approximately ‘meh, saved me 470 echoes…’ Why not make it Monstrous Anatomy? There’s no clothing item yet with that, and it’s thematically fitting with hunting in Parabola. Or make it another slot, items are already rather creative in what slot they go into.
edited by SamNorrey on 8/18/2020[/quote]
I can see why Monstrous Anatomy would be more desirable but I’m not clear on why it would be better thematically. Glasswork fits perfectly, Mithridacy also seems appropriate, but am I missing something about MA usage in Parabola?

I can see why Monstrous Anatomy would be more desirable but I’m not clear on why it would be better thematically. Glasswork fits perfectly, Mithridacy also seems appropriate, but am I missing something about MA usage in Parabola?[/quote]
It’s used in Parabolan hunting. That would fit, because cats, but I don’t think it has another use in Parabola (yet).

[quote=Rostygold]I want an option where my character goes berserk and slaps people with the Strange Catch just to get to Mrs. Plenty.


I want my character to give everyone on the Island some serious slapping until Mrs. Plenty show up.

Please, Mrs. Plenty, please show up right now. This Strange Catch is getting tenderized a tad too much.

[quote=Rostygold][quote=Rostygold]I want an option where my character goes berserk and slaps people with the Strange Catch just to get to Mrs. Plenty.


I want my character to give everyone on the Island some serious slapping until Mrs. Plenty show up.

Please, Mrs. Plenty, please show up right now. This Strange Catch is getting tenderized a tad too much.[/quote]
I know how you feel. The RNG in this event is just infuriating. Mrs. Plenty, why is a Mary Lloyd such a hard ask?
edited by Kaunisenkeli on 8/19/2020

Some anonymous person on the wiki is saying that the mask from last year is still around. This can’t be right. You can’t have the mask without having gone through Virginia’s story.
edited by Rostygold on 8/19/2020

[quote=Rostygold]Some anonymous person on the wiki is saying that the mask from last year is still around. This can’t be right. You can’t have the mask without having gone through Virginia’s story.
edited by Rostygold on 8/19/2020[/quote]
They could finish her story year ago, but not fish the mask again then.

Perhaps they did last year but failed to get the mask? Just a possibility, but more likely they’re full of BS.

Now that you mention it, I do think I saw the mask as an option in the Cove on one of my characters.

It could be another bug that’s hanging around the island.

Sounds likely.

If you can grap the mask, do it. BDR +2 Hats aren’t that easy to get. Besides that, shadowy +6 isn’t that bad.

Well, none of my characters got it as an option. I skipped out on Fallen London since February last year and only returned in this year’s February.

Your character probably needs to have participated in last year’s election in order to have the (hidden) quality that enables getting the mask.

[quote=Rostygold]Well, none of my characters got it as an option. I skipped out on Fallen London since February last year and only returned in this year’s February.

Your character probably needs to have participated in last year’s election in order to have the (hidden) quality that enables getting the mask.[/quote]
A logical assumption as I haven’t seen the mask in any of my attempts to get the RNG to behave, either.

I would think the quality is from last year’s festival rather than election, but in any case if you weren’t playing last year then you probably can’t get it.

Is anything required for the Unique items?

Just got the wines and forgotten dossier option, so I was at Cove 14 or 16.

At those values, I would have expected to see the Decanter of Drownie Effluvia as well, but it didn’t came up (and I don’t have it already).

I am especially looking for the Carving Knife, which will require some creative quirks lowering…

I was worried about the knife too but in the end I got it easily with no quirk lowering. Even if you don’t fail at all I think you can land on 5 and get it.

Dunno about the decanter though, as far as I know you should have gotten it.

[quote=falbert]Is anything required for the Unique items?

Just got the wines and forgotten dossier option, so I was at Cove 14 or 16.

At those values, I would have expected to see the Decanter of Drownie Effluvia as well, but it didn’t came up (and I don’t have it already).

I am especially looking for the Carving Knife, which will require some creative quirks lowering…[/quote]

There are 2 requirements for the uniques:

  1. the right cove quality
  2. you don’t already have them

If they still don’t show up, take a screenshot and write a mail to the support.

[quote=Tsar Koschei]I was worried about the knife too but in the end I got it easily with no quirk lowering. Even if you don’t fail at all I think you can land on 5 and get it.

Dunno about the decanter though, as far as I know you should have gotten it.[/quote]

yes, 5 works, but 4 would offer significant better chances (2/4 in stead of 1/5).

I don’t think they know where she is either - she’s in a cognito remember…

On the collars, my guess is that the Viscountess’s was specifically meant for Parabola Hunts, but with the outfit unlock became less useful (but see my previous post about how it was never useful vs. the Mithridacy boost anyway).

On Miriam and her busy schedule at the feast, last year I went an entire day without getting her on the random rolls. The feast is two weeks long and, ultimately, only requires a half-dozen successful Picking rolls? Patience. It will happen. Meditate. Enjoy the cool sea breeze. Don’t think about what lurks beneath the surface.
edited by Toran on 8/19/2020