The Fruits of the Zee festival begins!

And now I’ve got crown, gloves and finished cat’s storyline, without returning to London once. That’s everything new this year, right?

For crown I inflated my catch up to 7 with multiple fishing rounds, if this helps anyone.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/18/2020

It’s really just down to chance, you need a minimum of 7 catch but that might not get you high enough, and with any number from there on up you can land either above or below the target. I’ve failed three times now, so clearly my luck has turned.

It’s really just down to chance, you need a minimum of 7 catch but that might not get you high enough, and with any number from there on up you can land either above or below the target. I’ve failed three times now, so clearly my luck has turned.[/quote]

According to the table in the wiki, 7 (chance 2/7) would be optimal but 8 (chance 2/8) is also accepable. For reference:
[table][tr][td]Level 7: [td]16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 [tr][td]Level 8: [td]18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32

I’ve got the crown on first try, but I still have to hit 2x 18-20 for Wrecking Boots and Sun-Seared Silken Gloves and 22-24 for A Cured Jillyfleur Cloak in order to collect the Zee items I haven’t got until now.

/edit: corrected my mistake, thx to Tsar Koschei.
edited by Judaspriester on 8/18/2020

Well, good luck, I guess? At least you still got about 13 days to do it.

I hate it when the Sights RNG redirects you from the Fruits Storylet to hiring a fishing boat.

Edit: Correction, I hate that Mary Lloyd does it.
edited by Deathjack999 on 8/18/2020

[quote=Judaspriester]According to the table in the wiki, 8 would be optimal but 7 can also work. For reference:
[table][tr][td]Level 7: [td]16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 [tr][td]Level 8: [td]18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32
But I doubt it’s worth going for another round just to move from 7 to 8.[/quote]Wouldn’t 7 be the better number? The two winning values are both present for either one, but with 7 the range if possible values is more narrow, so a higher chance to land on 26 or 28. Or am I missing something?

Do you have to do multiple catches in order to get 7 or 8 Strange Catch? The highest I seem to be getting is 6.

You can get it no problem with one round if you do some of the zee-story and partial map options.

[quote=Tsar Koschei][quote=Judaspriester]According to the table in the wiki, 8 would be optimal but 7 can also work. For reference:
[table][tr][td]Level 7: [td]16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 [tr][td]Level 8: [td]18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32

But I doubt it’s worth going for another round just to move from 7 to 8.[/quote]Wouldn’t 7 be the better number? The two winning values are both present for either one, but with 7 the range if possible values is more narrow, so a higher chance to land on 26 or 28. Or am I missing something?[/quote]

You’re right, I was at 28-30 in stead of 26-28. I’ll edit my initial post.

You’re not wrong, i just wasn’t aware of how harsh the penalty is. This is gonna set me back quite a bit.

[quote=Anagram]You’re not wrong, i just wasn’t aware of how harsh the penalty is. This is gonna set me back quite a bit.[/quote]Yeah, it’s definitely a pain. At least you can avail yourself of the Nadir in the meanwhile.

I’m pretty close to meeting your fate, if that damnable old hag doesn’t show up soon I’ll have to leave the island for a while. Might have to dump my catch on someone else so as to not just lose it.

Edit: and just like that, she’s finally here again.

If this roll doesn’t land I’m buggering off.

Edit2: And I have it, finally. And with that I’m done here, all items found and both wounds and nightmares halfway from 7 to 8.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 8/18/2020

Have you all considered just getting the right numbers on your first try each time? That worked for me.

Also, even if the outfit lock had stuck around, the Viscount’s Collar would be dramatically better than the Viscountess - hunts in Parabola are far more dependent on Glasswork than on the minor boost +3 Dangerous would give to the actual hunt rolls (because of the benefits of Parabolan Scouting).

This is, so far, the only intersection of Dangerous and Glasswork. However, Mithridacy pops up as an independent test all over the place and there are precious few ways to increase it, particularly ones that aren’t fate-locked.
edited by Toran on 8/18/2020

[quote=Toran]Have you all considered just getting the right numbers on your first try each time? That worked for me.[/quote]It worked for me the first four times, but number five proved a bit tricky.

It says that taking the ferry back to London will lose me my Strange Catch. What about boarding my own ship to zail back?

I suppose I could ask the chef to cook the catch to heal some wounds, but I was planning to go out to catch a Plated Seal some time anyway.

I can’t do anything else until I reduce my wounds. Maybe I’ll go upriver to buy that helmet after all…
edited by PJ on 8/18/2020

Okay forget this, I’m not going to bother with the Festival if I can’t hold onto a Catch long enough for the Sights RNG to vomit up the option to take me to Wreckers Cove.
edited by Deathjack999 on 8/18/2020

I decided to eat the Strange Catch rather than risk it at zee. 30 CP of wound reduction, so probably better than leaving and coming back anyway.

I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to take the strange catch off-island and bring it back, so you made the right call there.

If I could bring that hooded nuisance into the real world and murder her, I would right now. Not only is the 26-28 range apparently forbidden for me, but she takes way too long to appear in the festival at all. So annoying.

I’m a bit baffled by the Viscountess’s collar. Why add another Glasswork clothing, when they are the easiest to get? Granted, I also just bought the slug on one char a couple weeks back (with no Tales left afterward), so I’m probably a bit saltier than I should be. But still, there’s 7 new stats, why pick the one that already has 3 different items providing it (counting frocks & suits as the same)? The Parabola-linen items are expensive, granted, but Glasswork is an endgame stat. I also understand the thematic connection, but this is the easy to get advertised item of the event.
The Viscount’s collar is honestly great with the Mithridacy bonus as that’s the first generally available source for the slot, but it seems strange to me that of two supposedly equal choices one should be good for almost everyone (except those with one choice in Light Fingers, or whoswho Fate on it), but the other is approximately ‘meh, saved me 470 echoes…’ Why not make it Monstrous Anatomy? There’s no clothing item yet with that, and it’s thematically fitting with hunting in Parabola. Or make it another slot, items are already rather creative in what slot they go into.
edited by SamNorrey on 8/18/2020

Well, my guess that devs are somewhat disorganized as of late and don’t pay attention to such pesky details of content written not by them (staff reshuffling).