The Fruits of the Zee Festival 2024

So, I’ve done everything I wanted in this event besides mayyyybe getting a new destiny…it feels almost sad that I now almost no reason to return next year but, well, I probably still will.

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Are you guys staying at Mutton Island to take part in the ‘festivities’? Or going back to London or somewhere else to do other things?

I got me a Destiny, MY NYX ZUB, lots of shinies, tons of great evocative writing, zee lore, a lamp-cat…i loved this! My favourite big event so far out of the whopping…three or so i have completed, lol. Loved the atmosphere. Of course i also love the original Wicker Man so i enjoyed Mutton Island already. The writing for the dive is beautiful. 10/10 no /lumps/ notes.


I think I’ll swing back a few times just for the scenery, but I’m not going to be spending as much time next week as I did last week. It does seem there’s just generally not as much to do in Week 2, especially if it’s not your first rodeo.

I might check out a Destiny. It’s fun that we can easily peek at the text for other Destinies now without costing Fate. It’s going back through Irem is a bit of a bother, my chosen Destiny is one that takes some maneuvering. On the other hand now that Riddles are sellable I can excuse the time sink more easily.

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…gods, that’s also a near perfect match of my first year in FotZ. Reading about it makes me feel quite nostalgic. And Oh, I’m so very glad you got to enjoy it, mate! I hope you enjoy the rest of the events you’ve yet to experience just as much!

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It was so much fun! And so totally my jam. I think I’ll really enjoy Hallowmas and Xmas too.


My final check in Stacks changed from 87 to 89%! And my max shadowy changed from 322 to 323. Woo! Hoo…? What a great reward…

I hope someone can help me to understand what I should do with the dozen or so extra corals that I have. I have one of each item that you trade the corals for and have no interest in getting the alternate items with the same stats but different appearance. Is there anything else to do with the excess coral pieces?

There is an option somewhere to drown them and get a bit of resources.

Something wrong happened when I turned in my spinebound oddity: I got a Celestial Cinnabar Compass! It’s not tradeable for anything else, nor does it have the right stats. Has this happened to anyone else?

Here’s the profile link

Addendum: Never mind; I was confused.

Are you sure its this and not this?


Glad I got 3 of the new Coral, and they all traded successfully! And it’s always nice to chat with Her Majesty Below. ;) And with His Majesty when he comes up. Good fun!

To those who have not upgraded their ship, I can say this: as a Nyx-Class Zub owner for the last year, I have been extremely happy with it, and HIGHLY recommend it!

I hope the Scar under the Skin stuff is available at next year’s festivals. I somehow missed doing it at the Feast this year, so mine is still at 1, and I couldn’t do anything with it at Whitsun or FotZ. Hopefully I can get back on track next Feast!


What worked for me was swapping so that I doubled up on the ones I wanted, and then you can exchange one of them for minor items on the last storylet, called something like a quiet place by the shore. You need 2 of whatever it is to give one away.


Ahh, I will have to look for that storylet. It sounds like you cannot exchange your last piece of each coral type even if you have already exchanged a piece of that type coral for the usual nice reward item.

I just found that storylet and I was confused. You do not turn in pieces of coral. You turn in the items you can receive in exchange for the coral. Hence, there is a two-step process. First, you have to convert all your coral pieces to items and then you turn in the excess items.

Yuck. I just converted my excess coral into items and tried to “sell” the items. I learned that you cannot sell an item unless you have two of that item so now I have all three types of each item. I am not a completionist so I do not desire to have multiple items that provide the same stats. Oh well, I suppose there was no other way of getting rid of my excess coral pieces.

You can trade the items so that you get duplicates, then you can use the storylet.


I loved my little Zub but I’ve bern waiting SO LONG for the Gothy Nyx sub. Zailing Speed +55!!

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hello all! i’m new to the forums (and fairly so to the actual game; just hit PoSI yesterday) so i’m not sure if this is the right place to ask: what is the best FotZ ship to get? i have only just started zailing so other than transferring from Sunless Sea i have little knowledge about the different benefits provided. for instance, apparently a zub doesn’t unlock new locations?

Somewhat time sensitive as Poor Edward is hunting me down tomorrow morning. Fairly sure I have enough Thalassic Favour left for any option.

The Zub does unlock new options, that are generally very advantageous.