The Fruits of the Zee Festival 2024

Loved my old Zub, very happy to upgrade it to the Nyx class. I don’t think that the speed advantage of the clipper/ liner or money making options of the yacht are as important as the opportunity to avoid trouble by diving. But other people might have a different opinion - you might want a different stat or a different ship might be more in character.


… I never regretted getting the Obstinate cruiser - less troubled waters keep on being very practical for me.

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But you can already get troubled waters reduction from the hat, and stacking multiple menace-reducing items has diminishing returns past the first one.


  1. Wearing the TW hat means that you cannot wear a Zeefaring hat, and one extra point of ZF is more useful in the Snares or in the Salt Steppes

  2. The Cruiser has +2 TW reduction, which is sufficient to guarantee a reduction on most Piracy actions. The hat only has +1 TW reduction.


You’re not outfit-locked at zee, so I just swap out the TW hat for the Zeefaring hat in the more difficult zones anyway. And having access to the Zubmersibility options to reduce TW is roughly as valuable on average (though dependent on drawing the right cards) as a 2x TW reduction from the ship. Moreover, the permanent TW reduction from the ship is inflexible—it’s not that useful in the easier zones, and you can’t swap it out for something better on the fly.

Overall, I’d say where the TW reducing ship shines is for newer players who can’t attain an 80%+ in the snares. But in a year or two when FotZ rolls around again and they have better gear and stats, I’d recommend switching it out for Zub or Yacht.

Oh, you mentioned piracy. I guess if you’re grinding piracy a permanent 2x reduction could give you a marginal edge on your EPA, sure. (Not convinced it’s better than the Zub options for managing TW though). But I feel like most people just accumulate piracy passively while sailing to wherever they were going anyway, and an endgame player who knows what they’re doing should almost never be in danger of dying at Zee under those conditions


What we’re dealing with here is what to do with an equipment slot you can’t swap. You’re really either picking a constant menace reduction stat (As far as I know, the only “greatly reduces” one available) or the ability to use zubmersiblity to dive to avoid said menace and/or gain slightly more profit, but only on certain cards.

My take, if you’re actively doing pirate stuff, go with the cruiser. Otherwise the zub.

The reason is that you’re always going to gain TW when you’re acting as a pirate, no matter the zone, even on success. The thing with the cruiser is that you don’t have to actively spend actions on options to reduce or avoid troubled waters like you would with any other ship. With the reduction from the cruiser, you can focus those actions on options that help with tracking down your piracy prey instead and just rely on getting to a safe port destination to take care of TW for you.

With the newest changes to zailing, I’ve been going in circles against the current (Khanate to London and back), hunting ships, looking for the colossus or any maps to buried treasure, and the cruiser has definitely kept me alive. Trouble waters would still get into 7 even though I’m succeeding on every challenge, but I could ignore it and just keep going. The only time I’d even spend actions on anything that would reduce TW is when it was the only good option available.


that. and even though my equipment is not too bad, I somehow still ended up dying far too often.
and I’m lazy, so not switching hats constantly is a quality of life feature ;)

Damn, this thing is FAST

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The Nyx is amazing, it’s already made Zailing so much more enjoyable!

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…w.what thing? What is fast?

The Nyx! It’s like a speedboat. Underwater!


Oh! Sounds awesome, dude. I’m glad you enjoy it.

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But the Nyx zub isn’t any faster than the old zub that I thought you said you had before?

The only fast ships (+75) are the old clipper, the new liner, and the clandery heart which you could only get as a kickstarter reward. The only slow ship (+45) is the old steamer. Everything else is the same (+55)


I love my Nyx zub, which I got from last year’s FotZ. Previously I was using a fast Clipper.

Zub + Monster Hunter profession + Troubled Waters reducing equipment = safety on the zee.


FYI all, FotZ is a great time to reduce your Nightmares and Wounds menaces.

If you are an oddball who wants to hit Nightmares 7 and then unlock that one profile header, this is also a good chance to do so.

I love my recently unlocked Steppes header. It will be displayed until something more asthetically pleasing comes along.


Another virtual Captain Nemo here - I upgraded from regular zub to Nyx class last year. Loved the original, and wouldn’t consider trading the Nyx for the cruiser under any circumstances.

As Sebastian the Crab sings,

“Under the zee,
Under the zee,
Darling it’z better,
Down where it’z wetter,
Take it from me!” :wink:


I’m seriously tempted to get a Nyx after all these rave reviews. But I’m just too attached to my Obstinate-class floating pile of guns. And to Corsairing.


ay, same! the nyx sounds fun, sure, but the Obstinate is more my style, especially since i do alot of corsairing. love to imagine the fear on the face of the crew of my target as my massive pile of metal and death comes to send 'em to the fathom king.


I really, really shouldn’t ask, but… what profile header?

Aww, just got the message it’s over. (I had already piled up so much stuff and tossed coral back into the waves so that I got ONE MoDS from the very very end, lol. I have a scary giant pile of them…) This was my very fave event so far. Just loved everything about it.

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