The Fruits of the Zee Festival 2024

False-Summer bathes London in a syrupy heat, and Londoners, tired of the inclement good weather, set zail to melancholy Mutton Island to take the air. But the zees are quiescent, and the King-in-Coral holds court…

The Fruits of the Zee Festival

Fruits of the Zee is our free, annual festival of the bounty of the zee. The festival begins today, the 5th of September, and ends on September the 19th.

Supplicate the zee with sacrifices to turn Mutton Island’s fortunes around. Dive beneath the waters of Shepherd’s Wash and explore the wrecks that linger beneath that forlorn isle. Descend as deep as you dare, and unearth what treasures courage allows. Bargain with the King-in-Coral for ownership of the bounties you wrest from the zee.

Encounter the island’s visitors, trade your winnings, restore the festival to its former glory, and perhaps even meet the Green-Gilled Shipwright and see the works of his craft.

You don’t need to own a ship to participate: anyone can catch a ferry from Wolfstack Docks to Mutton Island to join the festivities. When you arrive at Mutton Island, playing the storylet ‘Mutton Island, Unadorned’ will unlock the festival’s activities.


In the first week of the Festival, you’ll be able to dive the wrecks off Mutton Island for treasures. To begin, you’ll need to raise your Five-Fold Devotion by Supplicating the Shore-line.

Once you begin diving, you’ll be able to push your luck as far as you dare, before emerging with a treasure. These treasures can be traded in the second week of the Festival. You can check the value of your treasures by reading ‘A Fruits of the Zee Primer’, available throughout the Festival.

The first week will conclude with, as is becoming tradition, a ceremonial drowning.


In the second week of the festival, you’ll be able to trade your treasures for Thalassic Favour at the Fruits Market. You can then exchange Thalassic Favour for new items, items from previous Fruits of the Zee festivals, and economy items.

Items from previous years, as well as this year, are also available for Fate from the Fruits Market. You may also trade several of the new items with visiting characters in exchange for cosmetic variants with identical statistics.

Finally, if you own a ship, you can also trade high amounts of Thalassic Favour for new ships from the Green-Gilled Shipwright. These ships are also available at sporadic times during the year, but are cheapest during the Fruits of the Zee. Your ship’s value will be factored into the purchase – you may only have one ship at a time.

As always, those who have the Cladery Heart will need to stash it in London, but may trade in their other ship.

What’s Different in 2024?

We’ve added a couple of new things to the festival this year, and made a few changes to the new activities introduced last year.

The Roving Colossus

Encounter the Roving Colossus – a giant of stone, wading through the Unterzee!

The Roving Colossus is a vignette that adds three cards to your zailing deck that can be drawn in every zee locale. Help the Colossus about its quiet duties while you zail, and learn a little about the mysterious duties it is conducting in all corners of the Unterzee. These cards progress a small, repeatable side-story alongside your normal zailing progress, and can be turned on and off at will while zailing.

The Roving Colossus costs 10 Fate.

New Developments!

  • Uncover a new type of coral while Wreck-Diving – Spinebound Oddities! These can later be traded for one of three brand new Adornments.
  • If you possess your own ship, you’ll be able to unlock zailing headers for use on your Profile Page – five for free, and two for Fate.
  • Spend Thalassic Favour on a wider range of more expensive items, including Samples of Lacreous Affection and Oneiric Pearls.

Changes and Tweaks

  • All branches in ‘Supplication on the Shore’ now give out more ‘Fivefold Devotion’.
  • A maximum of 10 Skulls in Coral can now be sourced from dives, after which Skulls in Coral are replaced by a new dive treasure of equivalent value.
  • A maximum of 10 Skulls in Coral can be traded into the Fruits Market.

Lastly, Destinies

Those without a Destiny, or wishing to change their Destiny, may travel to Irem during the Fruits of the Zee Festival and do so via ‘The Riddlefishers: Matters of Destiny’.

Those without a Destiny may also acquire one from the Drowning Feast, once the Fruits of the Zee Festival is back in full swing during the second week.


The Roving Colossus

Oh, now this is something quite interesting! :heartfl:

EDIT: I’ll just wait a little for the crowds to settle (slow server response)…


In the midst of grinding for scrips.

Let’s hope some of the reward items in this event can be sold for scrips.

So a new Adornment and five free Zailing headers. Hope there’s some Pirate reference in one of them.

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So much for the Skull grind from last year. Not that this comes as a surprise.

I wonder how many new items there are this time around.

Edit: seems that there’s at least one at the first level of Depth, for, and I quote “an Adornment that raises your Shadowy and Inerrant”. It’s on the “An Obscured Glitter” Card, for the record.

I’ll keep diving since I have 10 devotion, and have a look at what else is there.

Edit 2: The Card seems to appear at pretty much any Depth.

Edit 3: having decided to learn how to read, it seems like it’s the only new item obtainable through diving. I’ll get three of the prerequisite, and wait to see if it’s worth diving more or not, ie if there’s anything new that can be bought.

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I’m looking forward to upgrading my ship this year!


For those that don’t track the wiki, the Lacreous Affection became sellable earlier this week. They were previously mementos only received at the end of Aestival. The same happened to a few other items as well.


Oh, that’s cool! Wish it didn’t cost fate but oh well.

Both of those sound great!

I might get myself an oneiric pearl if I’m left with enough TF after buying all I want. Yk, just in case.

Overall, I’m excited for this! Fruits of the zee was my first festival in the game and I would love to revisit it, and of course new items are always good, even if just for flavour. I got some of my most useful items in FotZ last year, so hopefully this year will also have something good.


Heh. Although I should just continue to grind for cash, the fact I’m stalled at the “need Oneiric Pearls” step of Twilit Smuggler and the only reliable source is a Liberation of the Night option, this is a very helpful change. Now to grind far too much Thalassic Favour…

EDIT: Does anyone know if there’s any advancement on the Pentamerous Bride this year or can we skip that step?


Throw a spoiler tag there, please! The quality gets reset to 0 and the first meeting yields the same text. No clue if the reward will be the same, but it’s worth getting as high as possible. Especially that it costs less AP to reach highest depth with 100% checks. The reward requires the have it discovered and nothing else.


This means that you only have to take care of 1 item, with 3 skins/variations, if you collected everything last year.


We already have Shadowy +7 adornment. And two Inerrant +1 adornments. What is the point of additing it as a reward, especailly as the only new reward for festival? Looks like “oldtimers need not apply” sign.


I think it’s misleading to say that it’s “worth” doing. You forfeit any other reward for that dive, and the game doesn’t keep track of how many times you’ve made the visit—other than the changing text, which we now know resets each year anyway.

Even if you’re a completionist (which I am), I’d say making the visit once to get the Accomplishment, then seeing all the text one year, is plenty.


Having shadowy and inerrant on the same item is nice, since it will help with the combined check to escape the Stacks. This means a tiny upgrade to the EPA of the stacks, since failing that check adds an extra action. I agree that it’s not the most exciting equipment addition in the world though, but they can’t all be trailblazers.


I was under the impression the reward was for making multiple visits, not just by discovering it. My bad!

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I got to the bottom twice so far but the [details=“Summary”]
Pentamerous Bride
[/details] was not there? Am I missing something?

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It’s not a card, it’s a storylet.

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I see. Need more coffee apparently. Thanks!

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well that’s bloody disapointing: one of my favorite things about every festival is getting to see the shiny new items on offer that year and picking one or more, and it was definitely my favorite part of the previous FotZ: it added to the feeling of a big, crowded exchange market that i got out of it, and i was quite looking forward to seeing what awsome new concepts for items failbutter came up with this time. i’m sorry if this comes off as unreasonable-i will of course enjoy the event regardless-but i can’t help but see it as a bit of a let down.

… unless I misunderstood, and there are new offerings this year? I am uncertain. Please enlighten me.

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There’s just the one, the Shadowy+innerent adornment, in its 3 cosmetic variations.

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then yeah, that’s pretty disappointing ngl. hopefully they’ll be more next year.

I wouldn’t hold my breath, it’d been a few years of no new items before the rework last year.