The echo worth of all items one owns

14,291 Echoes. Apparently I could get my second overgoat right now if I sold my first one. This sounds like an excellent idea.

Yikes, can that be?? I guess I should stop putting off a second overgoat.

Thank you for the script! I’ve always been curious.


Well, that’s actually pretty close to what I estimated.

5221 echoes and 72 pence. I guess is not that bad, considering I have spent the last weeks gathering resources for a zubmarine

Thank you! It worked. Although I have just shy of 7,000 Echoes, which is a lot less than I had hoped!


I haven’t dabbled in JS for ages; would there be a way to cut off items above a certain cost threshold, in case (for instance) I wanted to exclude things like my Dreadful Surmise?

I have about E5800, plus another E1300 in the bank. I need to get grinding.
ETA: Of course, as others have noted, a lot of those items are things I’d best not sell because they’re more useful to me than the echoes they’re worth. Stat/BDR equipment, trade goods, rostygold for buying connections and whispered secrets for buying expedition supplies, or Favours to turn into MW.

[quote=Playersideblog]I haven’t dabbled in JS for ages; would there be a way to cut off items above a certain cost threshold, in case (for instance) I wanted to exclude things like my Dreadful Surmise?[/quote]This worked for me. Sorry for the crap formatting, but I added a ternary expression in the price scraper that only returns prices less than 300.
ETA: Because I could, I wrote a new and improved version. Regrettably, I couldn’t do it all on one line because jQuery doesn’t have a native reduce function. I did include the exclude-ridiculously-expensive-items check, though.

[quote]$.fn.reduce = [].reduce;
$(&, item) {
var price = parseFloat( $(item).find(&quotspan.price.currency-echo&quot).text()|| 0);
price = (price > 300) ? 0: price;
var quantity = parseInt($(item).find(&quotdiv.item-quantity&quot).text() || 0);
var title = $(item).find(&quot.item-details h6&quot).text();
var worth = price * quantity;

//console.log(title + &quot=>&quot + worth);
return accumulator + worth;
}, 0);[/quote]
edited by Raymond R Price on 3/22/2014

11,375. It was more before I bought that Ray-Drenched cinder about a few hundred expedition supplies, mind. (I was really curious what the Fate option for the cinder was, but am not in a position at the moment where spending £6 on virtual things instead of actual edible things is a viable life choice. Virtual money is easier to come by.)

Improved it again. Now it also tallies the echoes you have in the bank.
$.fn.reduce = [].reduce;
$(“”).reduce(function(accumulator, item) {
var price = parseFloat( $(item).find(“span.price.currency-echo”).text()|| 0);
price = (price > 300) ? 0: price;
var quantity = parseInt($(item).find(“div.item-quantity”).text() || 0);
var title = $(item).find(".item-details h6").text();
var worth = price * quantity;

//console.log(title + “=>” + worth);
return accumulator + worth;
}, 0)

  • parseFloat($(".you_lhs span.currency-echo").text());

Cool! Thanks. I now know that only a third of my wealth comes from items worth over 300 echoes. I actually thought it was going to be higher than that. Maybe that overgoat isn’t that far off after all…

Oh, turns out I am slightly rich.
21663 echoes.
Thank you very much for the script!

Just shy of 8000 Echoes for me, but I also recently came into an Ubergoat, which has no sell-value, so it was about 10,000 Echoes more a few weeks ago. Thank you for the code!

About 16,000 echoes for me. More than I expected, but a lot of that is stuff I don’t want to sell, I stuff I want to keep in stock in case I need a lot of it for a new piece of content. Still, with my 7500 echoes in the bank, I hope I can buy an overgoat when I reach dangerous 200.

Ooh - 11091 if only the sub 300 ones are counted.

Interesting. Even when excluding the 300+ Echo items (thanks for that!) I still have 8871.32, hmm. So a bit more of grinding, and it might just be within my grasp.

I apparently own 9168.44 echo’s worth of items. Not too bad, though of course I am unwilling to sell most of the more valuable stuff…

So, my main has 7925.60 worth of stuff, including cash, items over 300 and items that sell for other items.
My alt gains the prize for poorest character posted in this thread, with 306.06 echos (again including everything.)

I also just remembered that if I desperately wanted an Overgoat, I could start cashing in my connections. Hmmmmm.

I’ve added a quick hack to Raymond’s work that includes a list of items you don’t want to sell, regardless of price. I’ve already included all the high-end bazaar gear and a few other things that are unique or difficult to acquire that I figured would be popular to exclude, but you can throw anything else you’re attached to into the array. I’ve surely forgotten some things, or you might want to remove something you’re grinding to turn into a collectible or PoSI item. When I ran it, for example, I excluded enigmas, cellars, and airag since they’re earmarked for an Impossible Theorem and M_____'s B___d, which left me with just over 8k in saleable items.

$.fn.reduce = [].reduce;

//Array of items you don’t want to sell
var nosale = [“Semiotic Monocle”, “Gloam-Foam”, “Snuffer’s Face”, “Sneak-Thief’s Mask”, “Devilish Fedora”, “Fecund Amber Tiara”, “Smock of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Eight Pockets”, “Moderately Co-operative Clothes Colony”, “Academic Gown”, “Ratskin Suit”, “Far Khanate Lacquered Armour”, “Exquisite Ivory Gown”, “Sumptuous Dandy’s Outfit”, “Insatiable Glove”, “Lenguals”, “Spiderchitin Gauntlets”, “Twelve-carat Diamond Ring”, “Ratwork Watch”, “Poison-tipped Umbrella”, “Infernal Sharpshooter’s Rifle”, “Irresistible Drum”, “Forgotten Spidersilk Slippers”, “Kingscale Boots”, “Vakeskin Boots”, “Masterwork Dancing Slippers”, “Overgoat”, “Haunted-looking Dog”, “Salt Weasel”, “Bifurcated Owl”, “Rattus Faber Bandit-Chief”, “Rubbery Associate”, “Rubbery Conspirator”, “Silent Soul”];

$(“”).reduce(function(accumulator, item) {

var title = $(item).find(".item-details h6").text();
var price = parseFloat( $(item).find(“span.price.currency-echo”).text()|| 0);

price = (price > 300) ? 0: price;
price = (nosale.indexOf(title.trim()) == -1) ? price: 0;

var quantity = parseInt($(item).find(“div.item-quantity”).text() || 0);
var worth = price * quantity;

//console.log(title + “=>” + worth);
return accumulator + worth;
}, 0)

  • parseFloat($(".you_lhs span.currency-echo").text());

[quote=Playersideblog]I also just remembered that if I desperately wanted an Overgoat, I could start cashing in my connections. Hmmmmm.[/quote]Indeed. By my estimation, I have on the order of E250 in connections if I cashed them in. Things like this make me wish this game had a scrapable API, so I could get the echo value of both connections and inventories at the same time.
ETA: Of course, considering the expense in time and bandwidth to create and make available such an API, I completely understand why Failbetter hasn’t done so.

Much appreciated. After excluding items I’m not willing to sell, I have a mere E5975 towards an overgoat. :([li][/li][li][/li]
edited by Raymond R Price on 3/26/2014