The Catafalquerie nerfed

That explains why I found myself in a rented sleep-pod off of Ladybones Road, stinking of long-chain monomers, and trying to find a buyer for three and a half tonnes of hot punch cards. Wearing mirrored pince-nez.

Don’t the Glassmen already have mirrorshades?

I was able to get two Tears of the Bazaar in my second to last expedition to the Nadir. I was really hoping this would be the key to an Over-Goat. Three hundred plus Echos a week was the plan… oh well. The worst part is now I feel like an ass for selling my Fourth City Airags with such regularity. Again, oh well.

The Nadir still holds relevance… &quotWoods in winter&quot still makes a trip worthwhile to me. Still unsure why it sometimes increases &quotDramatic Tension&quot though.

Just been in to the new style Cave - some interesting new content. But I should say that you can only get one recipe for Zzoup, even if you get the card twice.

Oh, I’m liking the new nadir! So far …

I must note that, even though the image appears on the card, owning a set of Far Khanate Lacquered Armor does not open any new options on the End of Battles.

Does anyone know how to get Tears in the cave of the nadir? Is lacre needed, and if so, how much? From following this thread I can’t tell if the catafalquierie card is gone or just more rare.

As a Glassman, I have a set of Cosmogone Spectables. When I saw the stats increase, I almost fainted. Plus it adds +1 bizarre which helps a bit with notability, since I didn’t previously have any hats with DBR.

The card still exists, but getting Tears unlocks at Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre 7 (and you will lose 7 points of the quality).

I am so happy i bought the Semiotic Monocle for 350 echoes! Now I have 8 lacre, can go in the nadir, then return to raise my lacre (by 3 cp! with the monocle, then go back to the nadir. Masters blood may be in reach! I can’t seem to gather any more lacre (the monocle caps it at 6, but let me reach 8 since I used it around 5). Anyway, two trips to the nadir can be annoying, but 2 tears are worth it, assuming the card comes up.

Are we sure that the Monocle action caps at 6 Taste of Lacre? This would mean that if you were starting from exactly 0 Taste of Lacre, it would be impossible to use the Monocle to get the 7 Taste required for the Catafalquerie, as two pails would put you at 6 and a third would do nothing.
edited by DemonicFerret on 1/2/2014

The option stops increasing Taste of Lacre once it gets beyond 6; however, if you’re at 5 Taste of Lacre, it’ll still add 3 points, putting you at 8. In the case above, taking Tears from the Nadir would put them at Taste 1 and using two buckets would get them to Taste 7, making them eligible for another Tear from the Nadir.
edited by Spacemarine9 on 1/2/2014

Interesting, I hadn’t noticed that receiving the Tears gave you Taste 1 - so it’s really only a 6 point drop that requires Taste 7?

Airshipmedic mentioned they had 8 Taste, it is definitely a seven point drop (believe me, I know! I got hit by it before it even had a warning)

Oh, I see my mistake - I thought pails stopped working AT Taste 6, not BEYOND Taste 6. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

If i had some kind of weird beast from…the feast of exceptional rose? I could go above 6. Does anyone know if lacre and/or pails of snow “expire.”? I went to the Nadir and sadly no catafalquerie card. However, I did get an enigma, some dreams, an upgrade to my shoes, and an upgrade to my frock. Fyi, i am still a legendary charisma even though my frock has been upgraded and the nadir bumped me down to 198 persuasive. I know someone else mentioned the frock they modified with irrigo prevented them from becoming a legendary charisma, so I think it must be the order in which I did things.

lacre doesn’t expire airshipmedic, or at least it hasn’t in years past. I’ve still got a pail from last year that I’ve been holding on to and it works just fine.

Must be quite a magical little pail of snow if it doesn’t melt through the summer months. Maybe my character has an exceptional freezer?

Well, it isn’t really snow, so why should it adhere to the properties of thermodynamics and melt?

Summer in the Neath isn’t any warmer than any other month, according to the sidebar. It just feels warmer.