Summary of loose ends and unresolved stories

More factions have been converted to Favours/Renown and also Beatrice’s tea shop seems to be un-retired (although still impossible). Hence a new update!

Also removed the alleged ability to gain Silas outside of Christmas (I added back when I was a semi-newbie but having played the game a lot and read a lot of other resources I’ve seen nothing to suggest that was ever the case) and “Scheme: Sell to Criminals” (as suggested earlier in the thread, this is all but certain to be the old name for Scheme: Graduation")


  • Closest to for the Widow, the Shroud or the Glass
    edited by genesis on 6/5/2017[/quote]

Actually, there’s a fair few other connections you can’t be Closest To. These are, in no specific order; Rubbery Men, The Masters, The Duchess, and Benthic & Summerset universities which are interestingly smushed into a single Closest To on all options that list them.

While these factions are listed as being sufficient for various CtD related options, there’s no way to actually acquire them anywhere. I figure they’re either placeholder, or exist within the game in preparation for a possible CtD/Mark of Credit Page/Numismatrix expansion.

hey, how about the Honey-Addled Detective?

Re: the leathery hearts…

…wasn’t there something in The Clay Man’s Arm?

Actually, there’s a fair few other connections you can’t be Closest To. These are, in no specific order; Rubbery Men, The Masters, The Duchess, and Benthic & Summerset[/quote]

These are in fact already listed under B. The factions under G are those that have a connected quality but do not have an associated value of Closest To.

Already listed under B where it lists the cases &quotOther Wax-Work&quot etc

There was. That’s where you get the hearts, which you then cash in at the University. So all we know is that some Clay Men have Wolfstack-branded human hearts inside and that revolutionaries want them for some reason. But otherwise the story seems incomplete.

I’ll also take the opportunity to remove Feducci from the list since we are certain to get a lot more information on him very soon indeed!

There was. That’s where you get the hearts, which you then cash in at the University. So all we know is that some Clay Men have Wolfstack-branded human hearts inside and that revolutionaries want them for some reason. But otherwise the story seems incomplete.

I’ll also take the opportunity to remove Feducci from the list since we are certain to get a lot more information on him very soon indeed![/quote]
Agh, am I misremembering things? As I remember, I only got mine from Commission: defend the Clay Men against Jack-of-Smiles, and in the Exceptional Story

I only saw hearts in a pile of organs, implying to me that the Clay Scholar may have been behind the hearts in the Clay Jack-of-Smileses as I read it? But I didn’t actually get a Wolfstack-branded one from that, so the link isn’t definitely proven, that’s a point.

Still doesn’t properly explain why revolutionaries want these to me, though, yeah…

Oh I see. I both misunderstood what you were referring to and misremembered.

When you were saying “Clay Man’s Arm” it sounded like a pub name so I assumed you were talking about Medusa’s Head and linked it to the commission you were referring to. My mistake.

I’d need to re-read the Clay Man’s Arm content but I didn’t think at the time that this was the link. Could be, I suppose. But I’d like a more explicit confirmation.

Clay Men are regularly created in Polythreme and shipped to London as part of a deal with the Masters. Perhaps the &quotWolfstack&quot label on a Clay Man’s heart is placed there to remind that Clay Man of the purpose for which they were made.

The arrangement between the Masters and the King with a Hundred Hearts may well include a provision for &quotdamaged goods&quot, in which Clay Men lost to accidents or injuries are replaced by additionl laborers in the next shipment. The hearts may be a sort of &quotproof of purchase&quot, without which the Masters can’t get replacements from Polythreme. The revolutionaries would then be collecting Wolfstack-branded clay hearts to keep them away from the Masters and reduce the population of indentured Clay Men in London.
edited by Anchovies on 6/22/2017

The ability to change PoSI specialisation is now available!

Also, Flyte recently confirmed that, while University, Duchess, Widow and Masters may possibly receive Renown/Favour updates next year, FBG does not view Glass/Shroud as connected qualities. I included this info in the update as well.

ETA: There was a mysterious option involving the Ambitious Barrister and an unknown quality &quotLondon’s Marrow&quot in Spite. This has now disappeared but Absintheuse indicated that it might be related to the PoSI specialisation update. I’ll add it to the list as well.

ETA2: The new PoSI progression options are back so I’ll take them off the list.
edited by genesis on 7/25/2017

So it does seem that Paramount Presence is confirmed, albeit through unkosher means. Another list item bites the dust! FBG is doing well, lately!

Let’s hope they do something with the Seeking cards from Mahogany Hall. I see that this card was recorded on wiki a little more than a year ago and can confirm that this one is marked as impossible at the moment.
I do hope there will be a level 12 card! :)

EDIT: I want to really end one of the four major stories at last, but can’t leave without knowing I explored everything!
edited by Skinnyman on 7/27/2017

The Renown rework for the “standard” factions is now complete.

A meaty update now that Light Fingers, Last Constable and return to the Court have been implemented.

I also removed “Honour with a statue” from the list - it’s just a flavour marker, I don’t see why that need any further pay off atm.

And the Bat with an Attitude now has a use, as promised. So it can come off too

Dilmun Club content and the fifth coil of the labyrinth have been implemented.

Completed is a strong word.

No? I haven’t played myself yet. Is it simply disappointingly short or is there actual indication that more is forthcoming? On, in practical terms, should I add anything to the OP?

It sets you up to launch an elder continent expedition. But the actual option to do that isn’t there.

Ah that’s interesting to know. Have you emailed support perchance? It could be they forgot to unlock all the content as sometimes happens (but of course they won’t necessarily know about it unless someone flags it)

I have not. The text talks about the dilmun club just starting to set up camp, so it sounds to me like this is another stopping point. (Or maybe they’re waiting for Hallowmas to end before releasing something larger)