Station VIII

Well, I’m not sure what this is worth, but they’ll get you a card for &quotFind a quiet corner to eat your Vibrantly Peppery Fish Broth&quot

My guess is that the full uses of dishes aren’t implemented yet.

I’m loving the content, partially because it suddenly makes a lot of cards and items that were previously of limited use, at best, potentially very intriguing and the spread of items makes it less grindy than other content.

Well, I’m not sure what this is worth, but they’ll get you a card for &quotFind a quiet corner to eat your Vibrantly Peppery Fish Broth&quot[/quote]
This is very likely the missing piece. I entered the wiki information for some of the high-end recipes, but did not flip cards while doing so, and I’ve never drawn the card. According to the wiki, the draw conditions include some of the interesting dishes, especially the parabolan tepanades & derivates.

[edit] BOOM there it is. I’ll have this on the wiki in two minutes.
edited by PSGarak on 10/24/2020

This is just like the old college days. “Here, try a tab of this.” “What is it? What does it do?” “Just take the tab, man,”
edited by Snort on 10/24/2020

And the scrip return, at least on the soup, seems to scale up with meals served. If this holds true forever, we’ll live like kings! Or Empresses.

I’m going to be honest, I’m mainly only making dishes out of the deep and profound belief that whenever Fallen London gives you some kind of guage that can be filled with some sort of grind, eventually that guage will become supremely vital to some ultra deluxe in-game loot that cannot be acquired in any other way. It’s the same reason I’m hellbent on grinding scrip in between stations despite my personal distaste for putting so much effort into faking skeletons for Mrs. &quotI will literally never sell you a genuine Rubbery Pie, even if I know you know I know we’ve both seen each other eating them at Mutton Island, and the powers that be prevent you from feeding your workers anything but these glorified bags of garbage I will occasionally deign drop on your scrip pile&quot Plenty, inevitably when the new station drops I feel profoundly grateful I can afford to build everything at once.

I say mainly out of the regret that if I’d only not been so desperate for echoes in the past, I would’ve had a perfectly serviceable Dreadful Surmise to complete my Unthinkable Hope grind and instead I have to wait and hope that the same Fate purchase is availble for Hallowmas.

And the scaling seems to stop at 6. So much for my plans for world domination.

I am refusing to waste my resources into extracts of unknown value. Especially Dreadful Surmise, which is impossible(?) to get again without spending real money.

Anyone found a use for dirigible mast? Maybe Efficient Commissioner has something to say? I’m out of rags currently and stuck in a different mess.

Also, new academic items. I guess, college may be relevant in your lab, and tablet in Evenlode, above or below, but I may be wrong.

No reliable source for cherries either?
edited by Aro Saren on 10/26/2020

Only for those who sided with the snuffer and screwed over the Rattus Faber. Pricey though.
edited by Rostygold on 10/26/2020

Huh? You can get cherries in Helicon House as one of the final options.

Those are solace fruits, they share the same picture.

You can sell Tonic in University for 5 cherries and some other goodies


edited by Waterpls on 10/26/2020

I considered this claim and checked my own inventory, finding that I had two of the dreadful things and not remembering whence they came, whereupon I checked the wiki to jog my memory, which was, as it turns out, only half-jogged, because I did recall that one came from a meeting with a certain princess but the other I still, to my chagrin, cannot recall its source, but, while investigating, I did discover that this item is now obtainable by a route that passes through one’s Cabinet Noir, a place of most foul deeds that nevertheless I have already built to my utmost capability.

…Well hell. I didn’t realize I had any Dark-Dewed Cherries and thought they had just come up with a clever new use for solace fruits. Now I’m a little annoyed I took that option. Ha! Good thing there’s a new source.

I considered this claim and checked my own inventory, finding that I had two of the dreadful things and not remembering whence they came, whereupon I checked the wiki to jog my memory, which was, as it turns out, only half-jogged, because I did recall that one came from a meeting with a certain princess but the other I still, to my chagrin, cannot recall its source, but, while investigating, I did discover that this item is now obtainable by a route that passes through one’s Cabinet Noir, a place of most foul deeds that nevertheless I have already built to my utmost capability.[/quote]
They came both from the same source. One of the doors of the last advent calendar raised Aqcuainted: The Captivating Princess by one point, so as not to exclude people from getting any Surmises this way the limit for meeting her was raised by one level, allowing two more meetings.


[color=#ffffff]While I entirely sympathise, here’s the fruits of my lack of self control if you’re interested. Also for some reason using imgur’s copy link function has done something odd to my text.[/color]

Edit: Wow, something’s REALLY gone wrong with my text given the edit function won’t even let me SEE anything I wrote; it’s all white space. Anyway other than cutting out the extra space all I really wanted to add was the sneaking suspicion that given the game spelled out for me this secret college is extremely high value, I have a guy feeling it’ll come in handy for future content related to University, Laboratory and Red Science-related shenanigans. Shenanigans I also suspect will be very helpful for any future window at transhumanism I don’t want to miss after narrowly giving up the closest thing to becoming a Master (pickling and eating Third City Veils) in my own Ambition.

edited by Hattington on 10/27/2020
edited by Hattington on 10/27/2020


[color=#ffffff]While I entirely sympathise, here’s the fruits of my lack of self control if you’re interested. Also for some reason using imgur’s copy link function has done something odd to my text.[/color]

Edit: Wow, something’s REALLY gone wrong with my text given the edit function won’t even let me SEE anything I wrote; it’s all white space. Anyway other than cutting out the extra space all I really wanted to add was the sneaking suspicion that given the game spelled out for me this secret college is extremely high value, I have a guy feeling it’ll come in handy for future content related to University, Laboratory and Red Science-related shenanigans. Shenanigans I also suspect will be very helpful for any future window at transhumanism I don’t want to miss after narrowly giving up the closest thing to becoming a Master (pickling and eating Third City Veils) in my own Ambition.

edited by Hattington on 10/27/2020
edited by Hattington on 10/27/2020[/quote]

The resulting item is pretty valuable. The Wiki shows that it can be sold for 1562.50 Echoes or 25 Searing Enigmas. Don’t know if there’s anything else you can do with it yet.

Now I can make a statue with Masters attending me or of me alone. Decisions, decisions…

I’ve started upgrading the kitchen here, but to what end? I see that you can cash in your dishes for pearls and a few scrip, eventually raise your quirks, a bit of menace reduction. Is there anything else? I’m not feeling sure that it’s worth the resources I’d be putting into it.

Edit: I see that this is discussed a bit above, but still a question in my mind. Maybe I’ll hold off until/unless other uses are evident.
edited by Ulysses Kingfisher on 10/28/2020