Snow, and gifts from Mr Sacks!

According to RandomWalker there is also a &quotFragment of The Tragedy Procedures&quot but sadly said user doesn’t have links to their accounts in their signature.
edited by Optimatum on 12/15/2015

[quote=Optimatum]According to RandomWalker there is also a &quotFragment of The Tragedy Procedures&quot but sadly said user doesn’t have links to their accounts in their signature.
edited by Optimatum on 12/15/2015[/quote]

I got it at drawing from a pilfered sack = 0

Okay, I am really jealous of that. That is amazing.

I haven’t seen a mention of it anywhere else, but I got a Mountain-sherd and Cheerful Goldfish. Sadly I didn’t record the value.

Did that result actually show Drawing = 0 on your profile or just not show a number? If it doesn’t show a number then the value is 1.
edited by Optimatum on 12/15/2015

It didn’t show a number. I thought that meant 0, not 1, but it’s entirely possible I’m wrong about that.

I believe that it not showing a number is because you have only one, whether it’s a quality or item. If the value was 0 then you wouldn’t have the quality at all so nothing would be shown, such as when viewing your profile between raiding sacks.

I received… something I already had acquired a few of in my journeys.

However, the carvings were different on the others…

I have a Live Specimen but did not get the airs number for it, sorry.

I am afraid I did not get anything on what it is, but I know one packae gives out not 1 but 2 Outlandish Artifacts. I don’t think those are unique though.

And I think Mr. Sacks stole my lodgings. I can’t access my home!

Either that or those sneaky urchins…
edited by Rae Ameras on 12/15/2015

There we go, I can get back into my house. Whew!

Now, to find those sneaky urchins…

Further the propagation of unconventional encomia, that’s my vote!

Now there’s an access code I can get behind. If you haven’t seen, I am the perfect place to send cat boxes (if you don’t mind sending them to someone who already has a Starveling Cat or 77).

Donations to the Starveling Cafe are welcomed with a hot cup of bat guano as a scratch to the face. Come for the day! And lose it.

Pass the Cat should really let you Pass the Cat, i.e., send it on to somebody else if you are sent one (as opposed to drawing the card normally). Otherwise, it can be a bit harassing.
And Cecil, you have two cat boxes from me sitting in your mailbox! I bet you’re being swamped!

– Mal

This lacre is RATHER DIFFICULT to read, three buckets down the drain to no benefit!

Has someone made a chart of values and rewards? I think I’ve gotten most of them (save the oh-so-rare-and-delicious Fragment of the Tragedy Procedures) but it would be lovely to know more surely.

Various denizens of the IRC have put together a google doc. I’ll PM you the link, since posting it publicly might be giving a bit too much info about fate options.

so im fairly new to the game, been playing for about a month or two and its definitely my first Christmas, whats the best way to use buckets of snow?

Optimatum, would you mind PMing me the link too please?

I want an incarnadine fur robe so badly, but I REALLY can’t afford to miss out on a single bucket.