Sixth Coil Clues

Ah. Yes. That’s the kitchens / surface one. Thanks.

Just a reminder.

  1. Get the Great Game faction card, receive a Koloman document from them.
  2. Go to Balmoral (railway station), enter your Cabinet Noir, decipher the document until Deciphering reaches 15. The ‘Intercepted Document’ value of the Koloman document is 40.

If you don’t have Railway, or haven’t advanced till Balmoral station, then this clue is beyond you.

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“The Flit does not know what’s hit it.”

Ai yi yi

Wait, i missed the end of Imagination? Was there a ceremony? A prize?


Yes, but you should still be able to see the Imagination ending in Veilgarden.


Yes, the Bohemians won, and the reward of a Cellar of Wine.


And if you haven’t started The Twilit Smuggler you need 3 Criminal Favours to start it.
Now Looking at the Wiki there are a lot of other requirements Renown Criminals 40; Base Shadowy 215. Then you need to start smuggling 62.5 items to get the Twilit Smuggler quality.

I think when I first came across this storyline I decided it wasn’t something my character wouldn’t get involved in so I never started it. Therefore that is another clue I am not going to get.

Edited for details.


So I have 22 of 28 possible clues. I have maxed out the descriptor (needs 21 clues). I can’t get the 3 Fate/ES locked ones; don’t want the Twilit Smuggler one, The last 2 I can get require zailing to Port Carnelian and The Court of the Wakeful Eye.

Should I bother, what do you think?

I’m pretty ticked at Port Carnelian just now. You can get the clue right off the bat after you land…EXCEPT they immediately make you Governor upon landing, so in order to dash off with the clue, you have to sneak off and lose half your Imperial Legitimacy.

Now, I had an IL of 95, and was happy with it. Thanks to the idiot bureaucrats at Port Carnelian, and their outrageous habit of press-ganging EVERY visitor to their shores into a term as governor, my IL has dropped to 47. Honestly, don’t trading vessels or supply ships ever call? Yachts full of rich tourists? The occasional intrepid explorer using this as the last bastion of civilization before pressing on into the Fungal Jungle?

Seriously, if Failbetter are going to have us sail out here for reasons OTHER than the Governorship carousel, they should add an option for you to land WITHOUT starting the dashed thing!

However, if you don’t care about IL, you can grab the Port Carnelian clues within a couple of turns of getting there. The Court clue is just as easy to get. And the sailing time to and from is much better than to and from the Khanate in the last set, so the overseas clues are easy and (reasonably) quick to get.

Like you, I have not been interested in the Twilit Smuggler chain, it always seemed like “mini Mr. Eaten” to me, a masochistic, pointless exercise in self-destructiveness. However, I got the clue just by visiting the dumbwaiter with the Renown, Shadowy and Favours which Calm mentioned, but didn’t have to actually smuggle anything, just establish communication with the lady upstairs.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info, it would be nice to see all the options but there are other things to do.

My IL is 100. I have a ton of tribute to turn in at The Court, so when I go there I want to stay for long enough to turn in it. So I think I will miss those.

I just have to get one more criminal favour and I can get the clue from the Dumbwaiter, so it depends on card flipping.

Oh no, I’m sorry for the frustration, but this image is REALLY funny.


Just a note: you need the three criminal favours, but then you can just have a conversation to get the clue. No need to present any of the smuggling items. It was what I did.

I don’t think you should.

About Port Carnelian: I think that location desperately needs a revamp. I haven’t bothered to go there for a while and this visit has really driven home what a silly bit of game design it’s become by now that the only way we can visit that place is by becoming its Governor. I mean, are we supposed to believe that no Londoner ever goes there to just visit the place? Merchants, Zailors etc? I can understand if our endgame PCs are far too powerful to turn up there without causing a ruckus, but we regularly visit Khan’s Heart by using a cover identity - why not make this possible for Port Carnelian as well?


Done. Not going to zail. Port Carnelian sounds like a hassle and it just isn’t worth zailing to pick up one more clue. At least I don’t think we are going to get anything per clue.

I have maxed out the quality and been all over the Neath, done things I haven’t played for a while and I think that is at least part of the fun of the hunt for clues.

Time to do other things:)


… and shouldn’t this whole thing be at least somehow, sometimes about fun?


I’ve definitely had fun. It has reminded me of areas of the game that have been neglected due to my recent grind. Too many things to do … so few actions:)


Unless they add something to the Estival rewards, I’m fine throwing away actions to get the Clues I can get.

It helps I could readily access all but the Fate-locked ones, and that I don’t care about my Legitimacy.


If you have turned in 21 clues since the start of the event, you have received the top vanity quality. The additional ones are for those who haven’t unlocked or progressed much content to help them reach 21.


How do I check how many I’ve turned in? I fear I haven’t focused enough on clues since the first round of them when there was nothing better to do.


Look up the quality “An Investigative Journalist” in your myself page, under Accomplishments. It doesn’t give me an exact number but the text correlates to certain brackets of how many clues you’ve turned in to Huffam.