Sixth Coil Clues

I’m sorry about that. I will edit the Google doc so that other people don’t have the same thing happen (I did not know that being estored was a requirement or I would have edited it before).

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“Unfortunately the clue option is among the “Restored To Court” set.”

Yes! This was not clear. At least not to me. Usually i wait for more clues to make sure what to do, but since this event is so time limited…

Is most of the conversation going on in Discord?

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I think that is the case. The Estival channel is pretty busy.

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Aww it’s ok! I didn’t mean to sound super pissy, sorry! I was just frustrated. I need to rein in my FOMO, lol.

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Yeah, i can’t do discord or other chat programs because i have damaged wrists. Oh well. I do appreciate the people here who are dropping knowledge in the forums too!


A lot of the discourse on discord is “support this team”, “no, support this team”, and sometimes if gets off topic for over an hour. One helpful thing is that people complained that if you had boatman’s opponent at 40 it was very hard to increase boatman’s lessons so FBG added a new option to help.


I have other problems that also make discord very ill-advised for me. Solidarity.

I will curb my desire to start that side-tracking here, then.

(but support the tigers so we can see them hoist on their own petards, or whatever other weapons they use for sabotage in these times)

((what is fallen london if not an exercise in failing to curb desires?))


I am SO torn over helping the Tigers but i don’t want to get et!

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Hey, maybe they’ll spare you if you help them! Probably not, but it’s worth a try!


What is happening with all that Coilheart Renown getting piled up in there, anyway? Is that…powering something?


Clearly when I’m 50% of the way through an Impossible Theorum is the perfect time for there to be a unique time-limited research project, grumble grumble…


I think it’s just your personal glory???

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Should have saved these long projects for the lull in between the major events on the calendar. :sweat_smile:

So I’m in the Khanate and have made it to The Pulling of a Thread. What the heck do I have to do to get the clue? It’s all very confusing, and I’ve never gone this deep into intrigue in this place before. I keep getting seemingly random things come up, over and over, but nothing that has anything to do with Estival.

Feel’s like I’ve been here too long already, and I’m missing stuff happening back home.

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Khanate intrigues follow a not-so-obvious carousel. It’s almost impossible to figure out without constant note-taking or wiki-checking. If you’ve never dived into it before, it’s no wonder you’re confused.

Every intrigue changes which faction is currently on the rise. You need one that puts Tortoise to the forefront. On this handy graph, those are numbered 2, 6 and 8. Via the arrows, you can figure out your quickest way to get there. Once you’ve got the Tortoise clan in the lead, the clue option becomes visible.

Edit: Actually, there’s even a graph for the Loyalty shifts!

And yeah, you’re a long way behind by now Estival-wise.

Here’s the full guide for Khaganian intrigue. Many many thanks to whoever put it together (and provided those graphs). I would probably not have had the patience to figure it all out myself.


Thanks for your help. Got there eventually, though I think maybe it was due to blind luck more than anything else. But I’ve had my fill of the stupid place now. I’ll be quite happy to never set foot there again. :)


Worse, I never maxed my network in the Khanate, so I doubt I’ll get this certainly useless clue.

I stopped at Strength of Khaganian Network level 4 and went back to London just in time for the closing of the Tournament of Sciences. Now I’m considering whether to go back and hit level 20 and grab those two hints.

As I’ve mentioned in an earlier post, unless you are a (big) Fate spender and have unlocked/progressed all the late-game stuff, you can’t get the top tier vanity quality for turning in Huffam’s clues. The second tier vanity quality, however, is achievable for most other players.

During my brief adventure in Khan’s Heart, I also realized a good Cover Identity is important. I picked Merchant on a whim so I couldn’t do any of the Criminal intrigues. But I maxed out my Player of Chess to enable a 100% success for its challenges. More failures = more wasted actions.

New set of clues!

First Clue

The dumb waiter in Balmoral.

Second Clue

The chessboard; complete a run and there’s an option to forfeit for information.

I’m checking the Principality of Corals now, I did not see one in Wilcott’s End or The Foreign Office, or in Mahogany Hall or The Empress’s Court.

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There’s a clue to be found in the Great Game faction card, note that this needs to be deciphered in your Cabinet Noir in Balmoral.

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