Sixth Coil Clues

Have you seen the Eagle’s device at the Tournament of Sciences yet? The clues don’t unlock till you play that storylet.


And you have to talk to Mr Huffam too. Might be optional, but it’s always nice to see extra dialogue text.


I went east once from the east-west fork and I immediately found it, no need for spelunking, just click and exit the place.


I sailed through the Snares and arrived at Khan’s Copper Quarter with Troubled Waters at 7 and the bar three-quarters full. :upside_down_face:

Failed two 67% Dangerous challenges during sailing, those RNG gods certainly love to play with your emotions. :crazy_face:

I am still sitting in Khanate, trying to change my loyalty to ninja-turtles clan.


That was it! Thanks so much.

I don’t see a new heist in the Plan A Heist tab or heists of a particular character. Do you need to do something to unlock it?

I don’t see a new heist in the Plan A Heist tab or heists of a particular character. Do you need to do something to unlock it?

I had already picked a heist to prepare for and had to finish it first before the new one showed up at all. Maybe that’s it for you, too?

Quick question about Khan’s Heart: how far along do you need to progress the intrigues there before the two hints appear? I need to get acquainted with a Precocious Engineer then pledge loyalty to the Tortoise at Khan’s Heart.

My current Strength of my Khaganian Network is 3, soon to be 4.

Because if there are too many actions needed to get there, it might be better to just quit and go back to London to grind Coilheart Renown. I might not have enough time to get these two hints.

You’ll need Network Strength 20 to get the Tortoise clue

Yikes, by that time the Tournaments might be over. Any time limit for turning in the hints?

I have grinded about 53k Coilheart Renown before I sailed to Khan’s Heart.

Also, is the Tomb Colonies still winning?

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… as far as I remember the Engineer appears shortly before that, so 20 as well.

After painstakingly raising my Strength of my Khaganian Network to 4, I think I will head back to London to turn in my second set of four clues and continue with the tournaments, unless there is more grace period to grind at Khan’s Heart I will treat it as though I hadn’t unlocked Khan’s Heart.

Otherwise I can just travel back to continue with raising Strength of my Khaganian Network to 20.

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Have you drunk a flask of Iguana bile? And set up an agent of no consequence? Acquaintance: The Precocious Engineer 4 is required to get one of the clues.

The second requires you to have Pulling Threads (which starts at Khaganian Network 20) and be at one of the stages where your loyalty is to the Tortoise. That takes 2 run-throughs of 100.

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No, I reached Strength of my Khaganian Network to 4, sailed back to London to do what’s left of the Tournament of Sciences, watched its closing ceremony, then started the Tournament of Imagination.

It’s a long grind to SoKN to 20, also I believe there will be another batch of clues released halfway into the second tournament, when I’m done I might sail back to Khan’s Heart.

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Have you drunk a flask of Iguana bile?

I read this in the voice of Jonathan Frakes


Is there any mechanical benefit to finding or turning into Huffam more than the 7 clues that it takes to receive the notice that you have qualified for a prize at the end of the estival?

@vinish No, there’s no benefit other than a vanity quality for turning in more than seven clues.

In other news, seven new clues!

First one;

Third Set, First Clue

Drink with the Keeper of Dyes under The Singing Mandrake storylet in The Singing Mandrake. Free

second clue

Ask for information on tigers and coils in Cats… from Cats and Bats in the Flit. free.

Third set, third clue

Shuttered Palace: An Evening at the Duchess’ Salon. Will cost you a little Connected: Duchess.