Sixth Coil Clues

As a whole new Path, or on a card somewhere? Whether I go spelunking mostly depends on whether I have to spend the full 20+ actions for a run or if I can dip early.

I have no idea, I am only relaying what has been entered in the google doc. I’m still waiting on the Arbor Card, after all…

Edit: It’s on the Poisonous Card.

Edit 2: If I’m reading it right, it requires either the new Fate-path or the Apocrypha path.


Thank you, fond it.

It requires An Hour of Darkness or An Hour of Pale Moonlight. I’m not familiar enough with this mechanic to know exactly which Paths make that happen, but the Fate-locked one does do it.

[edit] Here’s the Echo: what the hell did I just read


And of course the Arbor Lead needs a Quality that requires me to go through a whole Parabolan Campaign. Fine. Be that way.

You’re lucky, I’ve gotta run three. I haven’t done the tutorial yet, and I also need a Parabolan Parable. Plus, I need to pick up some Queenly Attar - all in all, that’s three campaigns and two runs at Arbor.

Between that and running the Stacks enough time to be able to go look for the Apocrypha again, I’ll probably have to drink some coffee.

Then again, how much time do we have left before the end of Estival? I could just rely on natural Actions regen.

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We have hit enough clues folks! Time to unmask this mystery!


Other than lore/story text, is there any benefit to finding more clues at this point when you’ve already hit 21 clues from the tournaments?


There is not. I realised this myself, and have since moved on to the next stage. (If I had managed to get all the clues before these, I probably would have kept at it, but I haven’t yet finished the railway so I’m locked out of quite a few.)

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I got all the clues up til now but I’m in a similar position for this one. Wrong owner of the Dome Of Scales, no parabolan parable, and haven’t even been to Midnight Moon yet. Suspect I don’t have enough time or coffee to get all those done!

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Well, I only wrote that because I did play the storylet and found absolutely b.a. in any of the locations.

I return to London for the second stage of the Parabolan Campaign to increase my chances to draw the Arbor Card. And what do I draw immediately upon returning?

Well, at least I have the incentive to finish this Campaign.

Two of the final set of clues require some progress in the Parabolan war. Which I do not have.

So 5 out of 7 clues it shall be.

By the way, the Arbor card appears very random. There is also that bit regarding navigating to the correct location once you’re in Arbor. Anyways, that is not my problem.

By the way, you can convert 5 Oneiromantic Revelations into a Parabolan Parable, it’s a Glasswork challenge. And you need to be a Parabolan Commander.

You’ll want to save at least one Oneiromantic Revelation for later, though, so upconvert some Almanacs if you don’t already have 6.

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Flipping cards while waiting for the right ones can be frustrating. There’s no sign of the Arbour card thus far, and I’ve only drawn the Estival-related dream card twice in this whole event and don’t have “Recurring Dreams: the Forests of the Night” at the correct level. It’s grinding things in the mirror in the meantime. To everyone waiting for the right cards, hang in there.

Unfortunately only 1 revelation left and not enough almancs to upconvert those, so I think I’m out of luck on the last clues. Not a huge loss but a bit annoying after having gone through King Of Cats for an ealier clue.

Echo for the Waking Court clue unlocked by all four ministers:

And turning it in:

I can’t be arsed to advance further with my Parabola War (balked at the cost of 11 Rookery Passwords long ago and left it at that), nor do I want to pray for the RNG gods to reveal the Arbor card in the deck for me.

So five clues of the last tranche it is for Mr Huffam.

— Makes mental note to further advance Khan’s Heart intrigues and Parabolan Wars, they might be needed again in another event in future. :upside_down_face:

Kicking myself because I got the Arbor card today, but I blew it because I didn’t understand how to get Favour: Her Roseate Splendour first (I always refuse the King’s offer in Parabola so I never got the option to plant a rose garden). I also down-converted my last Parabolan Parable to get resources for the games. Hopefully the scavenger hunt will stay open another day to let me finish a few war carousels to set things right.