Sixth Coil Clues

And here is Huffam’s reaction to turning it in:


Thanks a lot to the two of you!


I knew someone else would get there first :slight_smile:

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The one time i have ever tried to RAISE scandal in this game, and going to chapel, which reliably fucks me over, lowered it four times in a row and then so did a card! Lol

…Fucking A, I got the fighting card but didn’t turn it in first! //goes off muttering like Mr Pages

…Where is the clue? I turned in the other clue, got bounced to the Colonies, and for once i have the Ambition that matches. Do i need to have finished the Ambition to get it?

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Did you do the 6th clue first? Someone mentioned earlier that was required.


Yeah. I got the 6th clue, forgot to turn it in, went to the TC, realized i hadn’t turned it in, went back to do so, went back again to the TC, and still, no sign of the 7th clue. Maybe i glitched something.

Are you sailing to Tanah-Chook or are you going to the Tomb Colonies via Scandal? The clue is with the Disgraced Exile in the Scandal zone.

Like i wrote earlier, i went via scandal to the TC, yes.

You probably need to have been to the place as part of finding out who did the thing that brought you to the neath. As in, be far enough in the ambition.

Yeah, i have Ambition: Nemesis 13 - Travel to the Tomb-Colonies, and i did travel to Venderbight, but i didn’t bring the right supplies and had to go back without being able to finish it. But i did visit Venderbight. Unless it requires To Venderbight Again, but it didn’t sound like that.

Did you have To Venderbight Again, or had you just gone there once? Or not at all before this?

The storylet for the clue mentions having already dealt with the Spider Council and Carrywell . I forgot to check exactly what level of Ambition Nemesis unlocked the clue but my guess is you have to be a bit further along than that resource gate. Maybe even have finished the TC part of the ambition.

Later edit: Ambition Nemesis 17 is mentioned on the wiki as an unlock condition.

All the Huff clue says is “The seventh can be found in a place of significance to the Tomb-Colonists, but only by one with a particular ambition, who has found the sixth clue,” though, not that you have to have visited Venderbight before, let alone finished the Nemesis Ambition TC part.

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Okay. It wasn’t there when i checked, but i just should have waited. Thanks!

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Luckily it’s long before the fabled knife-gate so it might be doable to get from 13 to 17 in a matter of 24-48 hours depending on how many echoes you have on hand to get those supplies. Also note there will be some level 100-ish broad checks on the main stats besides the required resources.

If it is very time-sensitive and expensive i just might not bother. I’m feeling very frustrated and even rather misled right now.

Actually where does it say that? I clicked through pages to find it once but i don’t see it now.

Spoilers ahead for the clue

That shows up once you’re in the Tomb Colonies though? Not before. That’s not on “Report your findings from the Ring of Roses.”