September ES: Where You and I Must Go

Can anyone report how Promises work back in London? I am still here, waiting in Captain’s cabin

Uuuuh, can’t wait to start this! By the sounds of it, it’s more than I expected!!! :D :D :D
So, guessing no one found the Easter Egg yet?

The Easter Egg has been found, although not by me. Since it’s a secret, you’ll have to find it yourself. Count to twice the Number and do something very unwise.

So, the secret’s been found. Anyone know where we can ask about it?

You can interact with the crew, fulfilling (or ignoring) your promises for money. Don’t need to do it for every promise though.

If you don’t ask, you’ll save yourself a lot of strife.

Anyone else curious about how they’re going to make the rest of the ships different? A sorrow spider infested ship maybe? Perhaps one that was taken over by guinea pigs?
Edit: ooh, an underwater wreck.
edited by suinicide on 8/25/2016

I am very curious as to how the three wreck-explorations will be differentiated, yeah - but I have high hopes!

If you don’t ask, you’ll save yourself a lot of strife.[/quote]

Secrets? Self inflicted strife? This is a thing which must be found!

If anyone would be willing to PM me vague hints about this it would be appreciated. I don’t want to know the exact what and how, but given that I only get one pass at this I’d like to make sure that I don’t lock myself out of it by going too far.

If you don’t ask, you’ll save yourself a lot of strife.[/quote]

Secrets? Self inflicted strife? This is a thing which must be found!

If anyone would be willing to PM me vague hints about this it would be appreciated. I don’t want to know the exact what and how, but given that I only get one pass at this I’d like to make sure that I don’t lock myself out of it by going too far.[/quote]

If I’m reading the hint a over correctly, you need to gain 14 of the days on the lifeberg or whatever quality. Then…do something bad? It does say you’ve only enough supplies for a fortnight

[color=#ff9900]Please spoiler clues or guesses at clues to this. Lordy.[/color]
edited by Chris Gardiner on 8/25/2016

[color=#ff9900]The next one’s crashed on a… a… a… fire-berg![/color]

Deceptively quick buggers, but good sources of supplies and treasure as long as you throw the throttle into reverse and be ready to jump to full power when they charge.

I was expecting the easter egg to require a certain Knock, given where you visit towards the end. Could someone send me a PM as to what happens in the easter egg?

[quote=An Individual]I’m loving this one so far. I’ve often wished we would see a little more of the zee (outside of Sunless Sea). I’m particularly enjoying delving into a little more detail with these terrible ice bergs. I’m particularly interested that…

…the life bergs seem to be linked in some way to the thief of faces.There’s a line from the survivor about how the lifeberg doesn’t die until you destroy/extract a shard of black glass which sounds like it might have something to do with the thief and Mount Nomad.

It’s entirely possible. One of the results after killing a Lifeberg in Sunless Sea mentions finding a shard of black glass while searching for loot, the shard seemingly being the same material as Mount Nomad. As to whether the Lifebergs were created by Mount Nomad or the Thief, whether Mount Nomad controls them or it’s more like Clay Men, whether this was a planned thing or an accident… we just don’t know.

I enjoyed the second part more than the first, despite the inherent awesomeness of climbing on a Lifeberg. I found my ending fitting as well.

I promised the Severe Bluejacked to bring him Harris in a coffin, and by the False-Saints that’s exactly what I did!

edited by Curious Foreigner on 8/25/2016

[quote=Kade Carrion (an_ocelot)]Damn, I seem to have missed content by…[/quote]Are you referring to entries similar to this?

I got mine from deciphering the Captain’s writings after choosing the way of the zailor. I would assume you can probably decipher them after the funeral as well, but I wouldn’t know for sure.

edited by Stygota on 8/25/2016
edited by Stygota on 8/25/2016

[color=#ff9900]The next one’s crashed on a… a… a… fire-berg![/color][/quote]

No one ever said the ships of hell ran only on slave labour. Introducing another ship, and completely new enemy, the fire-berg. These mountains of fire can see for miles, and hunt down anything that gets too close to the devils secrets. Functioning as both battering ram and communication device, these burning ships are a force to be feared. Find out how you will manage against one in the new totally real exceptional story &quothell or high water.&quot
edited by suinicide on 8/25/2016

If we’re not having public information, then could someone PM me the method of triggering the easter egg? I suspect I’ve guessed it, but I’m concerned that some actions might lock me out of it…

[quote=suinicide]Anyone else curious about how they’re going to make the rest of the ships different? A sorrow spider infested ship maybe? Perhaps one that was taken over by guinea pigs?
Edit: ooh, an underwater wreck.
edited by suinicide on 8/25/2016[/quote]
The final ship seems to be inhabited, and the second might be as well.

Can someone PM me a journal entry of the easter egg?

Calling it an &quoteaster egg&quot and revealing its existence was probably a mistake. It is not, as google has helpfully defined for me, &quotan unexpected or undocumented feature in a piece of computer software or on a DVD, included as a joke or a bonus.&quot It is not something that can be shared in an echo. If you find it, good on you. If not, then that’s fine too. You’ll just be having a different ES experience. Your experience if you don’t find it is in no way lacking, neither is it necessarily enriched if you do.
edited by Barselaar on 8/25/2016