September ES: Where You and I Must Go

Tip to those who want to take Heartless options:

Be very sure of it before you forsake the crew’s promises. I did on my bad-guy alt, and even then the suffering involved made me feel horribly guilty. Rest assured, it really makes you earn those points in Heartless, and the consequences are awful for those you forsake.

Anyone know what happens if you bring the Survivor in the coffin to the father?

As much as I appreciated the opportunity to do the things that happened behind the easter egg and have my character live with that. I really hope this doesn’t become a common thing, it kinda lessens it if there’s unknowable warning signs everywhere.

Does anyone know whether the zailing portion of the ES resets your Fascinating, Dramatic Tension, or Inspired qualities? I have a character with quite a bit built up and would hate to lose them.

It doesn’t seem to, no. I kept mine.

I will second that, even though doing so strays towards the uncouth.

Final thoughts:

Content-wise, I liked that it was Seeking-adjacent for those interested but not planning to go NORTH themselves. And any ending where I ponder the best option for literal hours is a good ending.


[spoiler]As others have said, having to keep gaining the Way onto the lifeberg was not great. I liked being able to choose different options, but I would have preferred setting out all the options at the start, making the Way threshold higher, and letting us decide which of them we were going to use, maybe all or maybe not.

I think this probably disinclined me to go back to the ship just to see if there was anything else, which meant I missed the captain’s writing on his walls. I should note that, because we didn’t immediately get given the option to read the writing, I formed the impression that we couldn’t: you put text in front of me, I read it! It’s automatic when I see it! So I’m a little bummed to have missed that.

I also agree that the hidden branch wasn’t properly an Easter Egg, because I would’ve looked differently for it.[/spoiler]

Here’s where my echoes start.

cough I’d like a PM too, if possible.

I did the thing. I’ll keep it a secret because the game asked me to but I don’t see why it’s a secret. If anyone else is considering doing this my advice is don’t. And I don’t mean &quotdon’t&quot in the fun SMEN kind of way.

Right now I just feel like I traded a more interesting version of the story for a more bland version of the story and locked myself out of learning what was up with one of the mechanics. Maybe later something of interest will happen linked to these events but right now this may end up being the first ES that I ever reset just so I can go through it properly.

So… what happens if you indulge your hunger?

What do you think happens? (Mechanically, nothing particularly interesting.)

Has anyone echoed keeping or breaking the promise to the Cannoneer? I didn’t make enough promises to do so.

[quote=An Individual]I did the thing. I’ll keep it a secret because the game asked me to but I don’t see why it’s a secret. If anyone else is considering doing this my advice is don’t. And I don’t mean &quotdon’t&quot in the fun SMEN kind of way.

Right now I just feel like I traded a more interesting version of the story for a more bland version of the story and locked myself out of learning what was up with one of the mechanics. Maybe later something of interest will happen linked to these events but right now this may end up being the first ES that I ever reset just so I can go through it properly.

I feel the opposite.

I feel like it presented me with an incredible lore mystery that I have no idea how to fully resolve… tying back into a previous Exceptional Story that I never would’ve expected.

Edit: Ugh why are spoiler tags working in the part I quoted, but not for the latter half of my message :(
edited by Televangelist on 8/26/2016

Edit: Ugh why are spoiler tags working in the part I quoted, but not for the latter half of my message :(
edited by Televangelist on 8/26/2016[/quote]

It’s a restriction of the forum software, I’m afraid - only one spoiler per post!

[quote=An Individual]I did the thing. I’ll keep it a secret because the game asked me to but I don’t see why it’s a secret. If anyone else is considering doing this my advice is don’t. And I don’t mean &quotdon’t&quot in the fun SMEN kind of way.

Right now I just feel like I traded a more interesting version of the story for a more bland version of the story and locked myself out of learning what was up with one of the mechanics. Maybe later something of interest will happen linked to these events but right now this may end up being the first ES that I ever reset just so I can go through it properly.

Just a small question: is it well hidden or, if you’re curious enough, you’ll find it?

[quote=Skinnyman][quote=An Individual]I did the thing. I’ll keep it a secret because the game asked me to but I don’t see why it’s a secret. If anyone else is considering doing this my advice is don’t. And I don’t mean &quotdon’t&quot in the fun SMEN kind of way.

Right now I just feel like I traded a more interesting version of the story for a more bland version of the story and locked myself out of learning what was up with one of the mechanics. Maybe later something of interest will happen linked to these events but right now this may end up being the first ES that I ever reset just so I can go through it properly.

Just a small question: is it well hidden or, if you’re curious enough, you’ll find it?[/quote]
Both, I would say.

Night whisper for my choice. Don’t forget that there are a few little rewards scattered amongst the storylets, but overall exceptional stories are generally bad EPA from a end-gamer’s perspective.

Ratskin boots are given from the other choice.

Don’t know if it’s already been mentioned, but to my fellow monster hunters: you will NOT be able to collect a Plated Seal on this particular voyage, like normal. Deliberately raising your Troubles Waters quality will serve only to make your life more difficult and your voyage more expensive.

[quote=Robin Alexander]Ah, thanks guys for letting me know . . .

That’s just bizarre, as both of those have a resale value of 62.50, but a whirring contraption is just 6.00 . . . I’m half-wondering if I’m missing an epilogue card or something, as it seems disproportionately unfair else on those who made the same choice that I did :-S[/quote]

[Comment deleted, because I was wrong. Nothing to see here. Please move along]
edited by RandomWalker on 8/26/2016