Seasonal Event: All Hallow's Eve (Halloween)

Oh, right on. Yeah, it requires 2. Doesn’t give you anything particularly special or use it up, but it is mildly interesting.
edited by Dolan on 10/15/2013

Played it - it didn’t change my lacre quality. Got a Tale of terror as well as the making waves and nightmares increase.

Hm, well, I used up all my Taste of Lacre at the Sunrise event so I might as well use a bucket to get to 2 Taste of Lacre just to unlock the option.

I can’t see the lacre option either, so I guess it must indeed be dependent on airs. My lacre quality is 7 which I think was the cap?

No, mine is 8 and I saw it. Participated in the Sunrise thing but was just a few seconds (literally) too slow to use it up. grumbles

On one hand, it’s nice to see SMEN advancing. On the other, it makes me wistful at the strong likelihood that I’ll never get there myself; I keep hoping one day St. Cerise’s Candle will be available outside of K&C, the way that St. Arthur’s was eventually available without inviting other players, though I realize it might not be and that’s nothing I can complain about. Just, le sigh.

Could someone please help out the acronym-challenged? Whatever in the deep is SMEN??

Seeking Mr Eaten’s Name :)

Ocelot, I don’t think the SMEN option advances the seeking, it’s just a friendly stab in the eye as a dubious reward for those of us who’ve got that far, so to speak!

Just spend your time gathering searing enigmas and betraying everyone in sight

Anstruther Barron, I am not interested in that kind of roleplaying.

In other news, am I right that we don’t know, yet, what use it might be to have >1 in Putting Pieces together: The Drownies?

[quote=an_ocelot]Anstruther Barron, I am not interested in that kind of roleplaying.

In other news, am I right that we don’t know, yet, what use it might be to have >1 in Putting Pieces together: The Drownies?[/quote]
Bragging rights is the only thing we know, but due to the nature of the quality some options that use it are hidden. It’s definitely possible to reach above 2 now.[li]

Thanks; the accompanying reward is enough reason to continue to chose that branch where available, but I was curious what else might result.

[quote=lady ciel ]
Sounds like there are some interesting things to be had from the Fate locked choice, can anyone give me some idea of how much fate is needed for these. Don’t want to open up the devil story and then find out there is something I would like but not have enough Fate.[/quote]
This is an excellent question, as someone implied that there are other options behind the 2 fate Devil option.

The options behind the 2-fate option don’t have any additional cost. I think you might need to succeed at the watchful challenge to see them though, maybe?

Well, fair warning, but if you use a Second Chance on the 2 Fate option, it takes your fate and you don’t even get the failure result to look at. And you can’t actually try again if you don’t have more fate.

I really wanna do some SCIENCE on losing a stained soul. I may no longer Seek, but I still bear the stains.

edited by MidnightVoyager on 10/15/2013

I’ve read through this thread, but barely understand any of the lingo. I have to ask my question in simple terms: is it safe to activate the “Attracting Attention at Hallowmas” storylet? The text mentions waiting until the 24th, but I don’t understand what it’s referring to. I’ve also noticed the options change depending on Airs.

The options on it will increase your Nightmares and Making Waves. If you have at least 5 Nightmares and Making Waves on the 24th, you’ll receive Hallowmas visitors. You won’t receive any penalties or benefits for raising your Nightmares and Making Waves before then; but high Nightmares can cause you to draw damaging opportunity cards, and Making Waves will halve once a week, so funneling resources into the storylet right now isn’t necessary

I believe it requires a certain level of airs, but I’m not quite sure why it disappears on failure with a second chance, given that I don’t believe airs changes upon such an occasion. It’s possible that it’s a one-time shot, in which case I am highly disappointed. :(

[quote=Dawson][quote=Lady Red]Yep, I failed the fate-locked option too and I don’t see it available for a second try. Does failure lock you out, or is it something else?[/quote]I believe it requires a certain level of airs, but I’m not quite sure why it disappears on failure with a second chance, given that I don’t believe airs changes upon such an occasion. It’s possible that it’s a one-time shot, in which case I am highly disappointed. :([/quote] While I can’t comment on second-chances not showing Failure text (as the second chance worked perfectly normal the first time I failed) I can say with certainty that the storylet is attemptable more than once, as long as you cycle through Airs again to find it.

Drownies! :cool: